Coffee review

20 tricks of coffee in daily use

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Remove Kill fridge odor from the refrigerator leftovers, almost rotten food, and spoiled milk, all of which smell bad. If your refrigerator smells bad, you can keep a bowl of fresh, unused coffee powder in the fridge for 1 to 2 days. Coffee powder will absorb those bad smells, and you want to make a cup of coffee when you open the refrigerator door.

Kill fridge odor

Two weeks of leftovers, almost rotten food, and spoiled milk all smell bad. If your refrigerator smells bad, you can keep a bowl of fresh, unused ground coffee in the fridge for 1 to 2 days. Coffee powder absorbs the bad smells, and you feel the urge to make a cup of coffee when you open the refrigerator door. This method can basically remove all kinds of odors, wrap the smelly things in sealed plastic bags, and then put a can of coffee powder next to it, and the bad smell will be gone.


Reduce cellulite

Expensive creams almost always contain one main ingredient: caffeine, because it speeds up fat metabolism and reduces subcutaneous fat formation. You can make your own cream at home: mix coffee grounds with coconut oil, massage in hand circles for a few minutes on your skin and rinse off.

Erase smells on your hands

Garlic, salmon, cilantro--these foods taste good when cooked, but they don't leave a pleasant smell on your hands, which can last for hours. You can rub your hands with a small amount of coffee grounds and rinse them with warm water.

Make rich compost

Many gardeners add coffee grounds to fertilizer for a reason. Coffee grounds contain large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper, which also release nitrogen into the soil during degradation. Because coffee grounds are acidic, they are beneficial to some soils. If you need a lot of compost, go to your local coffee shop or cafe and ask for coffee grounds for free.

Get Shiny Hair

Who doesn't want healthy, shiny hair? Protecting your hair with coffee is an easy way to make your hair shine. Brew a pot of strong coffee, cool it and rub it on clean, dry hair. Allow at least 20 minutes before washing. Once a week for a few weeks works best.

Natural dye

The natural pigments in coffee make a great natural dye for fabrics, paper, Easter eggs--even your hair. Dip a brush into the strong brew, then brush paper and let it dry naturally, or soak cloth or textiles in hot coffee. Although it doesn't color quickly and may contaminate other things, it's best to dye things that don't need to be washed often or at all. As mentioned earlier, coffee can also be used to add shine to your hair, which can give your hair a beautiful shine for a while.

Reduce fireplace mess

The most annoying thing about cleaning the fireplace is that there is a lot of dust and smoke. Before cleaning the fireplace, allow the embers to cool and sprinkle wet coffee grounds over the ashes. After 15 minutes, sweep all the ashes into the trash. Because coffee grounds are attached to the ash, the dust does not fly around.

Pin cushion filler

Used dried coffee grounds make a very good home needlepad filler. Wrap them in a small piece of cloth, tie them with a rubber band, and place them in an egg cup or other small container. Coffee grounds keep the needles from rusting.

Exfoliate skin

Coffee reduces fat formation and thus smoothes and tightens the skin. The texture of coffee grounds removes dead skin. You can make your own "skin cream" with a spoonful of coffee grounds and half a spoonful of olive oil, or you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil.

Repel ants

Sprinkle dried, used coffee grounds into ant infested areas of your home or yard and the ants will leave. If termite numbers are high, pour a large pot of brewed coffee over the nest.

Fertilize plants

Plants that like acid soil grow better if coffee grounds are sprinkled on their roots. Azaleas, blueberries are such plants, coffee nutrition, they will grow very well. You can also dilute the rest of the coffee in the pot and pour it over potted plants (but make sure there is no cream or sugar in the coffee!)

Keep cats out of your garden

Your little garden has fresh herbs, delicious fruit and fresh vegetables, but cats are within a 5-mile radius and can be destructive and can ruin your garden. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the ground in the same way as above, and the cat will avoid it.

Scrub all kinds of surfaces

Coffee grounds are mostly very fine particles and have weak acidity, which can be used to make surface cleaning agents for many objects, such as counters, dish racks, refrigerators, etc. Use alone or with a little dish detergent.

Auto air freshener

If you accidentally spill coffee grounds on the floor, don't sweep them away and throw them in the trash. You can use them as an all-natural air freshener. Make an environmentally friendly air freshener out of an old pair of stockings and string. See the instructions on Instructables for details.

Grow mushrooms

Boiled coffee grounds can be used as a carrier for growing various mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms. You can buy the tools you need to grow mushrooms from a company called Return to Roots, including coffee grounds, mushroom medium and small spray pots. This kit will allow you to grow 1.5 pounds of oyster mushrooms in 10 days.

Repel fleas

After bathing your pet, grooming your pet with boiled, wet coffee grounds is safer than using unsafe, potentially toxic chemical delouses. Even if there are no fleas, you can give pets that have just been bathed.

Things smell good because they run around the house.

Pretty vase fillers

Deteriorated or soiled coffee beans can also play a role in beautification. Use it as a vase filler, or put it in a barrel or jar full of pencils and pens. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also smell good for a long time.

Start vermicomposting

The red soft worms in the worm's garbage degradation system love coffee, but it's not clear why. To get worms to eat waste (though the disgusting stuff does work), add coffee grounds to the pit.

Secret recipe ingredient

Add a little coffee to curry, ice cream, and chocolate cake, and it can be your secret weapon. Add a little bit to marinate the steak, not only to make it more tender, but also to give it a hint of smoke.

Touch up furniture scratches

Add a little hot water to instant coffee to make it paste, wipe it on the scratches of solid wood furniture, and the scratches will disappear. This can be done several times until the scratch is almost the same color as the furniture.