Coffee review

20 magic ways to use coffee dregs, little tricks in coffee life

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you are a coffee drinker, if you make coffee every day, do not directly pour out the coffee grounds after brewing coffee, because such easy-to-use coffee grounds can absorb formaldehyde, cook and grow flowers, and you will regret it after you pour it out! Tip: some uses require dried coffee grounds. If you are in a hurry, you can dry them in a microwave oven or oven.

If you are a coffee drinker, if you make coffee every day, do not directly pour out the coffee grounds after brewing coffee, because such easy-to-use coffee grounds can absorb formaldehyde, cook and grow flowers, and you will regret it after you pour it out!

Tip: some uses require dried coffee grounds, which can be dried in a microwave oven or oven if you are in a hurry, while others need to be fermented for better results.

[plant fertilizer spray]

Mix half a cup of coffee grounds with warm water, put them in a spray can and spray them directly on the plants every day.

[change the color of hydrangea]

The color of hydrangea will change according to the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil and water it. This will make the soil pH acidic, and the hydrangea will change from pink to blue. (there is a kind of hydrangea at home. Try Europe).

[keep cats away from your territory]

Cats are anti meals of coffee grounds. If your neighbor's cats always come to dig up the plants in your garden, sprinkling coffee grounds with orange peels around the garden can solve the problem smoothly (provided you have a garden, and don't rule out the "▽" that weird cats are obsessed with or orange peels).

[bathe Wang Xing people and drive out fleas]

Add a spoonful of coffee grounds to your dog's shower gel, rub it on the skin along the hair, and then rinse it off to make your dog "flea-free and more hairy".

[dye the cloth naturally]

The step is simple, hot water + coffee grounds, then throw in the white cloth and boil it into a light brown cloth, and the color looks very natural.

[washing dishes]

Coffee is weakly acidic in nature and can be used as a substitute for dishcloth or wire balls. You can easily get rid of the greasy stains with a rag and a few spoonfuls of coffee grounds.

[air freshener]

Coffee grounds can eliminate peculiar smell, collect the coffee grounds left by filtration, and put them in refrigerator, shoe cabinet, toilet, kitchen and other necessary places, which can not only eliminate the smell but also distribute the aroma of coffee.

[scratch marks on repairing furniture]

Dark wooden furniture can use coffee grounds to remove scratches. (of course, scratches that are too big won't work.)

[making old furniture]

The wood can also be naturally worn out with coffee grounds.

[natural enemy of smelly feet]

Put coffee grounds in smelly shoes can deodorize, remember not to throw coffee grounds directly in the shoes, or put them in gauze.

[coffee dregs remove odor]

Rinse with hot water on your hands to remove the smell of garlic, seafood and barbecue. I do not know if you have noticed, coffee grounds can actually absorb a variety of odors, such as home decoration with formaldehyde flavor, but also can collect coffee grounds to absorb odors, the effect is excellent! Five-star recommendation


For cooking, use leftover coffee or fresh coffee grounds instead of used coffee grounds. Pickling steak with coffee as tender meat agent can make a good taste. You can also add fresh coffee grounds to ice cream and chocolate cake to make it more delicious. (of course, the right amount of Euro.)

[making handmade coffee candles / handmade soap]

Those with good hands-on ability can give it a try. Coffee grounds are a good material. You know, coffee grounds are a good way to get rid of odors.


You can brighten your hair and remove oil, mix coffee grounds and moisturizer, and use it as a moisturizer, or once a week, make a pot of coffee, apply it to washed and blow-dried hair, rinse after 20 minutes, and stick to it for a long time. Washing your hair with coffee is good for dark brown hair, and it can also make your hair darker and more glossy and energetic.

[make a mask]

Use coffee grounds as a mask, mix coffee grounds and egg whites with 1 cup, massage and rinse with warm water to tighten the skin and shrink pores.


Do you build it? Now it is popular to use the painting form of coffee and tea. Coffee is often brewed and can be painted on the card as paint.

[replace the fresh breath of chewing gum]

Still using mint gum to clear your mouth?

If you have good teeth, chew a roasted coffee bean before you go out. You don't need gum at all.

[peeling / exfoliating]

After the skin is cleaned, rub it on the skin with olive oil mixed with some coffee grounds. The exfoliating effect is particularly good. Then wash off the coffee grounds and apply a little lotion. Dead skin can also be removed (dry skin, thin stratum corneum is not recommended)

[remove the dark circles under the eyes (those who stay up late must try)]

Applying coffee grounds directly to the fundus of your eyes can make you more awake and energetic.

[lose weight]

Add 1 spoonful of coconut oil / olive oil to 4 cup coffee grounds in order to draw a circle and apply it to the area where you want to lose weight. The legs can be washed with plastic wrap after a few minutes, twice a week. This also requires insisting on the effect.