Coffee review

What you should know about coffee. Health knowledge that you must know to drink coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinking the right amount of freshly ground coffee every day is good for physical and mental health, and the antioxidants in coffee can also protect your body from many diseases. As for whether you can drink coffee at night, in fact, Arabica coffee has a low caffeine content and will not affect sleep; some Italian coffee contains Robbata beans, so the caffeine content is higher, but does it affect sleep?

Drinking the right amount of freshly ground coffee every day is good for physical and mental health, and the antioxidants in coffee can also protect your body from many diseases.

As for whether you can drink coffee at night, in fact, Arabica coffee has a low caffeine content and does not affect sleep; some Italian coffee contains Robbosa beans, so the caffeine content is higher, but whether it affects sleep has more to do with mood. Some people get sleepy after drinking coffee. How about you?

(source: network)