Coffee review

Coffee washing process

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After the harvest of coffee beans must immediately enter the treatment system, otherwise it will begin to ferment, so that coffee beans have a bad smell.

There are two ways to deal with them: "solarization" and "washing", which will cause different flavors. Sun-dried beans have a complete natural mellow flavor, gentle fragrance and more gum; washing laws have a good mellow taste, a high degree of fragrance and active sour taste.

The dried beans can be stored in the warehouse or handed over to the workshop for shelling to remove the inner skin and silver film.

Mellow taste is the main premise of espresso, there will be a strong aroma and smooth feeling, the happy lover of espresso can increase the weight of sun-dried beans; water-washed beans are as clean as clear wind chimes because of less miscellaneous smell. In addition, washed beans have a good sour taste, which is the primary source of sweetness in espresso.

Washing method:

1. Select beans:

Put the harvest in the water tank and soak for about 24 hours. At this time, mature beauty will actually sink, while immature and overripe ones will surface and can be eliminated.

Farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce a source of running water. Handling, is to complete the mellow beans into the pool, back and forth, the operation of the beans friction and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans to greasy clean.

2. Get rid of unattractive meat:

Use machinery to remove the skin and meat, leaving only the coffee beans wrapped in the skin. At this time, there is a layer of mucous membrane on the outside of the beans, and the process of washing is to wash this layer of mucous membrane.

3. Fermentation:

Mucous membrane attachment is very strong, and not easy to remove, must be placed in the slot for about 18-36 hours, so that its hair alcohol, and differentiation of mucous membrane. There are two ways of fermentation, namely wet hair alcohol and dry hair alcohol, as the name implies, the former adds water, the latter does not add water. In the process of getting mellow, the seeds and the unattractive meat inside will undergo an extraordinary change, which is one of the rules that most affect the flavor of coffee. Some farms add hot water or alkanolins to speed up the production of alcohol, which has a negative impact on quality and is not welcomed by happy lovers of selected coffee.

4. Washing:

5. Drying:

After washing, at this time, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the skin, with a moisture content of 50%, which must be dried so that the moisture content is reduced to 12%, otherwise they will continue to become alcoholic and mildew. The better way to deal with it is to uncover it. Light drying, although it takes 1-3 weeks, but the flavor is very good, quite popular. In addition, some places use mechanical drying, a large amount of shortening the processing time, so that the flavor is not as good as sun-dried coffee.

6. Shelling:

7. Selection and grading:

Like tanning hair, washed coffee has a process of picking and grading, which is used to remove defective beans and ensure better quality, which is then handed over to exporters to sell around the world.