Coffee review

Take medicine can't drink coffee drink traditional Chinese medicine can you drink coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drawing Wu Sibei as the saying goes: three nine make up a winter, there will be no illness in the coming year. For a long time, the folk has spread the habit of taking plaster prescriptions in winter. Winter is a good time to replenish and collect the essence of nutrients and restore health. In winter, it can refresh and energize the kidneys, and the physique can be strengthened the next year. Many people feel refreshed, energetic, have a strong appetite and sleep when they take it in winter.


Drawing Wu Sibei

As the saying goes, "if you make up for a winter, there will be no illness in the coming year." For a long time, the folk has spread the habit of taking plaster prescriptions in winter. Winter is a good time to replenish and collect the essence of nutrients and restore health. In winter, it can refresh and energize the kidneys, and the physique can be strengthened the next year. Many people take it down in winter, will feel refreshed, energetic, strong appetite, good sleep, the next year rarely catch a cold, even if the cold is also very mild. However, Chinese medicine experts remind that there is a lot of attention to taking ointment, such as taboo irritant allergic food and alcohol and tobacco, not with coffee and other things.

The plaster prescription is a "medicine" that is not suitable for everyone.

Although the plaster prescription has the effect of improving immunity, it is not suitable for everyone. In the folk, even in some clinicians, there are some biases in the rational use of the plaster prescription, which brings a lot of health worries to the people who take it. The people who are suitable for the plaster prescription mainly include those who are in a state of sub-health for a long time, relatively stable stage of chronic diseases, postpartum, and those who are recovering from serious diseases. Growing children, unless the body particularly has signs of deficiency, otherwise it is not appropriate to take ointment, so as not to cause hormone imbalance, or even precocious puberty.

According to a global survey conducted by the World Health Organization, only 5% of the people in the world are really healthy, about 20% of people suffer from diseases, and about 75% of the people are in sub-health. Generally speaking, there are more people in sub-health around the age of 40. With the acceleration of the pace of modern society and the increase of work pressure, many young people between the ages of 20 and 30 will more or less appear some mild symptoms, or no potential diseases and symptoms without positive indicators because of energy overdraw. for example: neck and back pain, waist and knee soreness, insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, irritability, fatigue, vertigo, dry skin and other sub-health phenomena. When these symptoms appear, from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it is mainly related to the weakness of the heart, spleen and kidney.

Recently, there are many people who blindly ask for nourishment in winter, making up for minor ailments and even taking "plaster prescriptions" as a fashion, and many people abuse ginseng, maple dou, and Cordyceps sinensis, only asking for high prices, regardless of the individual's balance of qi and blood, which is not only a waste of medicinal materials, but also affects health. Ji Qing, chief physician of the Municipal Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, said that as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, "plaster prescription" is "medicine" first, and then it can be talked about as "tonic" and definitely not "food". Therefore, we should pay attention to syndrome differentiation "supplement", because of people and governance, with the overall balance, harmony is the most precious. Plaster prescription should be taken in accordance with the doctor's advice, do not follow others blindly into tonic, so as not to backfire, or aggravate the disease.

Do not serve with coffee, strong tea or milk

Before taking the ointment prescription, it is often said to take "road-opening medicine", which is mainly for patients with obvious gastrointestinal diseases. When prescribing a prescription, the doctor must first observe the thick and greasy tongue coating of the patient, the deficiency and excess of the pulse, and judge whether it is suitable to take the ointment prescription or the road prescription to adjust the gastrointestinal function.

Shi Kehua, chief physician of the Respiratory Department of the Municipal traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, reminded that during the period of taking the plaster prescription, you should generally avoid foods that are not easy to digest, such as cold, greasy, spicy, seafood, etc., and avoid tobacco and alcohol. Do not take it with coffee, cola, strong tea and milk, so as not to affect the digestive function of the spleen and stomach and hinder the absorption of the paste. The cream prescription can not be taken with milk. Milk is easy to react with organic substances in nourishing traditional Chinese medicine, resulting in insoluble and stable compounds, resulting in the destruction of milk and drug active components, and even irritation or allergic reactions. And drinking strong tea will also weaken the effect of tonic ointment. There are also some plaster prescriptions that need to avoid certain foods, such as: when eating ointment containing ginseng, astragalus, etc., avoid eating raw radish, because it will weaken the effect of tonifying ointment, so as to avoid breaking qi and eliminating channels, affecting the efficacy of medicine.

If you have symptoms such as cold and fever, cough and sputum, abdominal pain and diarrhea, you should stop taking it immediately, otherwise it will make it difficult to cure diseases such as cold and fever, acute diarrhea, acute abdomen, etc., and then decide whether to resume taking it after the symptoms have improved. Xu Ying, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Municipal Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that when digestive function is poor, abdominal distension, tongue coating is thick and greasy, it is not suitable to supplement, otherwise, loss of appetite and affect the absorption of paste prescription. The disease is active and changing, so it should not be replenished, otherwise it will aggravate the disease. Asthma attack period, phlegm, should not be replenished.

In addition, the plaster prescription itself is a kind of regulating and tonifying method of thin water and long flow. although it contains a lot of medicine taste, the average amount of medicine every day is small, and the effect of the paste is relatively slow, and the conditioning time is also relatively long, eating and stopping will reduce the curative effect, sometimes eat hard, sometimes do not eat, it is even more unscientific.

There is a great deal of attention to the method of taking and storing ointment prescription.

The ointment prescription is usually taken from the Winter Solstice to the Beginning of Spring a week before. When taking it, use a small amount of boiled water and take it on an empty stomach in the morning. Take it twice a day after a week and take it on an empty stomach in the morning and an hour before going to bed at night. If you don't feel comfortable taking it on an empty stomach, you can take the medicine about an hour after a meal. According to the needs of the disease, it can also be taken with warm yellow rice wine. Adults take one tablespoon at a time, about 30 grams; teenagers are halved; children and babies are taken with caution.

The paste should be stored in a porcelain jar or in an enamel cooker, not in an aluminum pot. Should be stored in a cool place or in the refrigerator, avoid near the kitchen fire, to prevent mildew. When taking the plaster prescription every day, do not change a spoon every time, so as not to bring water into the jar and make it mildew and deteriorate. You should put a fixed spoon in the jar. Store the refrigerator in time after opening. If mildew is found, it should not be taken again.

In taking taboos and matters needing attention, Gong Xuezhong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Nephrology of the Municipal Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis; patients with chronic renal insufficiency and uremia with obvious gastrointestinal symptoms; various stages of kidney deficiency or kidney deficiency; patients with spleen and stomach dysfunction such as thick and greasy tongue coating, abdominal distension and loose stool are used with caution. For patients with deficiency of spleen and stomach, those with epigastric distension, stupefied fatigue, loose stool and greasy stool can drink tea such as tangerine peel, bergamot tablets and Amomum villosum when taking plaster nourishing medicine. when necessary, you can choose Shenling Baizhu Powder, Xiangsha Yangwei pills and other spleen appetizers, regulating qi and distension of proprietary Chinese medicine for symptomatic treatment; pregnancy taboos; colds should be suspended and continue to take after the cold is cured.