Coffee review

I'll introduce you to sour coffee.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do you feel that although this cup of coffee is sour, it is not unpleasant sour, but interesting, but different from the unbearable sour taste of another cup?

Most people mistakenly think that coffee will be sour if it is not novel, and sour coffee is not good. This is really the smear and misinterpretation of the sky and night! In fact, coffee itself is an acidic drink, whether coffee is sour or not depends on the baking degree of beans. The longer the roasting time is, the higher the caramelization level is, and the more acidic substances are damaged, the less sour the coffee is, the shorter the baking time is, the lower the caramelization level is, and the less acidic substances are damaged. It is easy to make sour coffee, that is to say, the roasting degree is inversely proportional to the sour taste, and the deeper the roasted coffee is, the less sour the coffee is. The more shallowly roasted beans, the more they run. In addition, the temperature of brewing coffee also has an effect. Water with a lower temperature must be easier to make sour coffee than slightly higher water temperature. It is best to drink coffee while it is hot, otherwise the sour taste of coffee will appear with the decrease of temperature.

The happiness and love of coffee roasting in different countries often varies according to region. In principle, the baking degree of Italy is getting deeper and deeper from the north to the south. Milan, to the north of Italy, is roasting deeply, and the coffee is slightly sour, while Rome in the south is heavy-roasted, and the coffee has no sour taste. The roasting of coffee in the United States is becoming more and more shallow from west to east, that is to say, the roasting degree of the West Bank cities such as San Francisco and Seattle is deeper than that of New York or Washington, and the West Coast coffee is darker and more bittersweet than the East Coast. The east coast likes the more active sour taste, which is mostly swollen or lightly roasted. In Taiwan, the baking degree is deeper in the south than in the north. There is no market for sour coffee in southern Taiwan, but there are a few eosinophilic people in northern Taiwan, and shallow roasting is still a small market. Caffeic acid is not a yardstick for judging the quality of quarrels or novelty, it is all about the happiness and love of the Lord of mouth and stomach. If you are afraid of acid, you will choose deep baked beans or Asian beans, and if you are acidophilic, you will drink shallow baked beans or African beans.

The relationship between baking degree and PH value

Although most Chinese people are not used to sour coffee, Western coffee connoisseurs or connoisseurs are only sour. They like light-roasted coffee to be active, magnanimous and cheerful, and have a sense of organization with a changing sense of taste. They disdain to drink deep-roasted coffee which is monotonous and sour. Connoisseurs choose Arabica hard beans more than 5, 000 feet above sea level, roast them in a shallow roast at the mercy of City, and then extract them in a filter kettle for two to three minutes to easily make good sour coffee. In fact, high-quality shallow roasted coffee shows an active sour taste, rather than dead acid all the way to the end. The tip and both sides of the imported tongue are stimulated by unsightly acid, which exudates saliva, but the sour taste wears away in a few seconds, transforming the spicy aroma of green pepper, or lemon, citrus-like fragrance, and finally presents the aftertaste of chocolate sweet fragrance, just like an ever-changing taste journey.

The sour taste of shallow roasted coffee can also be defined by operating technology, that is, the so-called PH value (pH value). The pH value ranges from 0 to 14. The greater the value, the lower the acidity and the stronger the basicity. Pure water is neutral, and the pH value is 7. The PH of lemon juice is sour, the PH of tomato is 4, and the acidity of fresh milk is 6. More than 5. What is the PH value of coffee drinks? It depends on the degree of baking.

Shallow roasting and deep roasting are good at winning the game.

There is no denying the fact that there are far more consumers who prefer deep-roasted coffee than light-roasted coffee. The boutique coffee in the United States in the past 20 years has also taken swollen coffee as the mainstream, and extremely hard beans above 4,000 feet above sea level have been selected as the primary recipe. The unique strong fragrance and sweetness of deep-roasted beans are demonstrated by the example of re-roasting. If you interfere with milk seasoning again, it will more easily lead to chocolate. Shallow roasted coffee is a little aggrieved in the torrent of deep baked beans, but its unique active, magnanimous and hearty flavor can not be replaced by deep baked beans. In addition, the consumption rate and fuel cost of shallow baked beans are lower than those of baked beans, which is one of the magic weapons for baking plants to survive the recession. If you like sour coffee with rich taste change, you might as well buy light-roasted African beans and Central American beans, such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen mocha, Guatemala, Costa Rica, etc., which are good sour beans. Consumers who prefer fragrant, sweet coffee can choose Asian deep-baked beans or aged beans, such as Mantenin in Indonesia, Java, Indian beans and Brazil in Naaman. It should be emphasized here that although Asian beans have a low sour taste, they will still taste sour if they are roasted shallowly, but they are not as sour as African or Central American shallow baked beans. Coffee fans had better enjoy the quick chest and touch the coffee with different roasting degree and origin, so that they can enjoy the fun of playing coffee.

If you often drink black coffee

But everyone's happiness is different, some people like to play with the acid, some people hate to drink the sour taste, and most people don't like to drink the sour taste, so the general coffee shop will show a weaker sour coffee.

Lightly roasted breakfast coffee, acidity and alkalinity. Five to four. Between 7 and 7, the acid-base substance of Full City with swelling was 5-5. 5 around, deep baking (Dark Roast) PH at 5. More than 5. As far as the taste buds of ordinary people are concerned, the pH value of the drink exceeds 5. When it is more than 5, it is difficult to detect its sour taste, and the pH value of heavy deep-baked beans often exceeds 5. 5, so it is not easy to drink sour taste. Human taste buds can easily drink sour beverages with acidity and alkalinity below 5%, so shallow baked beans will be sour. Whew? Tao.

In order to weaken the sour coffee beans will roast deeper, it is really a pity to erase the beautiful flavor of the coffee in this way, and it is not very good for people who really want to taste the coffee to make it impossible for people who really want to taste the coffee in order to take care of the public taste.

So a good coffee shop has the ability to provide customers with the taste they want, so good customers should express the taste they like. Only those who make coffee can express their research and enthusiasm for coffee to you.