Coffee review

The wonderful use of Coffee-- Coffee has the strongest ability to remove the smell from the refrigerator.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are special deodorants and deodorants on the market, the effect is good, but the price is also more expensive. In fact, there are a variety of economic and practical tricks in life to deal with the smell of refrigerators. Next, the editor of China Coffee Trading Network will teach you 11 tips to make your refrigerator easily drive away the smell and get rid of the stench emitted by the refrigerator. 1. Raw noodles: a small piece of steamed bread is left when steamed bread

There are special deodorants and deodorants on the market, the effect is good, but the price is also more expensive. In fact, there are a variety of economic and practical tricks in life to deal with the smell of refrigerators. Next, the editor of China Coffee Trading Network will teach you 11 tips to make your refrigerator easily drive away the smell and get rid of the stench emitted by the refrigerator.

1. Raw noodles:

When steaming steamed bread, leave a small piece of raw noodles and put them on top of the freezer, so that there will be no smell in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 months.

2. Tea:

Pack 50 grams of tea with gauze into the refrigerator, take it out and expose it to the sun a month later, then put the gauze into the refrigerator and use it repeatedly, which can also remove the smell from the refrigerator.

3. Orange peel:

Take 500 grams of fresh oranges, after eating oranges, wash and wipe the orange peel dry, disperse into the refrigerator, 3 days later, open the refrigerator, fragrance, no smell.

4. Lemon slices:

Cut the lemon into small pieces, do not cover the cling film, put the lemon on each layer of the refrigerator freezer, its fragrance can remove the strange smell of the refrigerator.

5. Baking soda:

Put 500 grams of baking soda into two empty bottles, and then put the bottles on the upper and lower layers of the refrigerator. After 24 hours, all kinds of odors in the refrigerator can be removed.

6. Sandalwood soap:

Put a bar of sandalwood soap without wrapping paper in the refrigerator to remove the odor. But the cooked food in the refrigerator must be placed in a covered container.

7. Vinegar:

Pour some vinegar into an open glass bottle and put it in the refrigerator. The deodorization effect is very good.

8. Cotton towels:

With a clean cotton towel, folded neatly on the edge of the upper grid of the refrigerator, the tiny holes in the towel can absorb the smell in the refrigerator. Take out the towel after a period of time, wash it with warm water and use it after drying.

9. Coffee grounds:

Coffee residue has the strongest ability to absorb the smell of the refrigerator. Lay the finished coffee residue on a plate and put it into the refrigerator within four days to ensure that there is no smell in the refrigerator.

10. Vacuum cleaners:

If you use a vacuum cleaner at home, take out the food in the refrigerator, then use the suction port of the vacuum cleaner near the box wall, move up and down, left and right, you can quickly absorb the smell from the refrigerator.

11. Rice wine:

Take a bowl of yellow rice wine and put it at the bottom of the refrigerator (to prevent outflow). The smell can be removed in 3 days.