Coffee review

Coffee common sense: why can't you sleep when you drink coffee?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Why can't you sleep easily when you drink a coffee bar? Many people have the experience that after drinking coffee, they can't sleep because of mental hyperactivity. This is because there is a substance called adenosine in the human system, which can effectively control the activity of the mind, produce dyspnea, dyspnea, reduce gastric acid secretion and diuretic effect. On the other hand, caffeine will fake adenosine, so that the effect of adenosine in the system has already taken place.

Why can't you sleep easily when you drink a coffee bar?

Many people have the experience that after drinking coffee, they can't sleep because of mental hyperactivity. This is because there is a substance called adenosine in the human system, which can effectively control the activity of the mind, produce dyspnea, dyspnea, reduce gastric acid secretion and diuretic effect. On the other hand, caffeine will fake adenosine, so that the effect of adenosine in the system has already taken place, making you feel energetic, increased stomach acid, diuresis, and naturally not allowed to fall asleep. It is worth noting that the short wakefulness caused by this caffeine does not mean that the physical strength is really healthy. In addition, everyone has different sensitivities to caffeine, so some people don't feel affected by sleep after drinking coffee.

Will coffee cause the loss of coffee?

In recent years, as people in the country have paid more and more attention to the problems of loss of coffee and bone thinning, they have also given rise to corresponding doubts about coffee. As for the relationship between caffeine intake and osteoporosis, there is no direct evidence that caffeine leads to osteoporosis, but some studies have shown that caffeine increases the excretion of osteoporosis. Therefore, it is suggested that coffee lovers should eat more high-end food to fill the coffee, such as preparing cheese slices or cheesecake with coffee, which can not only make the coffee more delicious, but also make the coffee more delicious.

Do you want to drink the coffee while you are busy?

The best consumption of coffee is 85-88 degrees Celsius. The taste of a good cup of coffee should be consistent when it is high or low, which is why the test of coffee will list the whole process of coffee from cold to cold as a guide. The taste of a good cup of coffee will be even better after cold weather, except for less aroma. However, because of the uncertainty of the nature of coffee, most people are encouraged to use it when it is ready. On the other hand, when a cup of coffee is in front of you, it is the cup of coffee in front of you.

Is coffee a beauty salon?

So far, none of the studies have shown that caffeine and melanin in coffee are associated with increased skin melanin or skin aging. On the contrary, high amounts of caffeine can speed up new generations, promote digestion, improve constipation, and improve the rough appearance of the skin. With regard to the fact that caffeine can speed up new generations, there is a saying that coffee will speed up the burning of calories and achieve the effect of fat, which is basically correct, but this kind of calorie burning is not so heavy as to put much weight on it. If sugar and cream are added to the coffee bar, the consumption calculation is even more inconsistent with the principle of fat consumption.

Who doesn't share coffee?

Patients with hemangioma do not drink coffee. Patients with heart disease should drink coffee without or without caffeine because caffeine increases the heart rate and causes hypoxia in the heart. In addition, patients with dermatosis and those with stomach problems should drink less coffee so as not to deteriorate due to excessive amounts. People with diabetes should also avoid drinking coffee with too much sugar so as not to aggravate the condition. The US Food and goods Administration (FDA) has issued a statement recommending that women who are pregnant or may be pregnant should avoid caffeine intake. Because caffeine is substituted during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the rate of caffeine substitution is much faster than that of non-pregnant women. Moreover, caffeine enters the fetus through the womb and into the body through breast-feeding. In addition, many studies have failed to show that large amounts of caffeine can have an adverse effect on fetuses, and there are no medical reports banning coffee drinking during pregnancy. It is still recommended that pregnant and breast-feeding women should be cautious about the consumption of caffeine. All in all, if you find yourself feeling tired after drinking coffee, you should not drink coffee at any time, and then start with a small amount, changing your drinking method, etc.

The best way to taste coffee is to drink "black coffee"?

One way is to know how to drink "black coffee" without cream and sugar, which is the expert in tasting coffee. As a matter of fact, there is no fixed and correct way to drink coffee, such as coffee from Chinese or African countries, and it also features the addition of cinnamon, cassia and other spices. In the case of a good cup of coffee, the taste of black coffee can enjoy its original balanced and melancholy taste, while cream can remove some of the taste, and sugar can turn the bitter taste into sweet taste. All in all, it's up to everyone to decide whether to add milk or sugar. Choose your favorite coffee and you can enjoy it.

Why can you feel a little sweetness when tasting black coffee?

Most people only have bitter, sour and sweet tastes for coffee. In fact, raw coffee beans contain about 50.8% sugar. After high roasting, most of the sugar will be converted into caramel, which acts as a source of aroma and bitterness, while the remaining sugar leaves some sweetness. In addition, the tannic acid released when roasting coffee beans, combined with the formation of brown caramel, will also produce a slightly bitter sweetness.

Would you like sugar and milk for your coffee?

I have seen the following description of mellow coffee: people who have drunk coffee know that coffee is bitter, and many people think it is not good. So they added some sugar to the coffee. Because the sweetened coffee is sweet, it is easier to taste and tastes sweeter. But coffee without sugar is mellow. The entrance may be bitter, but after aftertaste, unsweetened coffee is like an unretouched diamond. Naturally, there is a dazzling light, in which you will understand that the true bitterness will come, and you will appreciate the combination of life and nature. Too much coffee without sugar is like human life, after bitterness is mellow and tranquil sweetness, restlessness is calm enjoyment, patience is the vast sky. So, don't add sugar to coffee, don't let yourself indulge in sweetness, don't give yourself a chance to bow to suffering, don't let yourself bow to difficulties.

Life has endless ups and downs, bitterness, and it is also an experience. If you can endure the bitterness of coffee, it will naturally give you a wonderful enjoyment. If you really can't adapt, you don't have to force yourself. However, the first taste of tobacco and alcohol, do not say that alcohol and tobacco choking, but addicted, let them leave them, is tantamount to killing them.

Water for coffee

Coffee is the essence extracted from the meeting of coffee powder and water. Therefore, in addition to good coffee beans, water quality and water temperature are of course the key role in releasing the aroma of coffee. It is recommended that you install a filter containing activated carbon under the faucet so that you can have good water suitable for brewing coffee. -the water of the new town. 98% of the coffee is water, and only with good water can the original aroma and richness of the coffee be brewed. It is best to use overcooked water to brew coffee. Boiling will make the coffee bitter, so do not boil the coffee, the temperature should be slightly lower than 96 degrees Celsius.

The knack of distinguishing the freshness of coffee beans

Nose smell: fresh coffee beans smell strong fragrance, otherwise tasteless or bad smell.

Look at it: good coffee beans are complete in shape and full in size. On the contrary, the shape is incomplete.

Hand pressure: fresh coffee beans are fresh and crisp, and the fragrance comes out when they crack.

Color: dark black coffee beans, brewed coffee with a bitter taste; coffee with a yellow color

Brown beans, brewed coffee has a sour taste.

Tell whether coffee beans are good or bad

Good coffee beans: neat shape, bright color, roasted by single stir-fry. After brewing and cooking, it is mellow and full of stamina.

Bad coffee beans: different shapes and incomplete individuals. After cooking, it is light and fragrant, not sweet enough.

How to make your own coffee?

If you want to make your own cup of coffee, you first need to buy the right brewing utensils, and use a filter coffee maker or funnel, steam straw coffee maker or squeeze coffee maker, or even the so-called traditional dripping method of large stalls, it can be up to your personal preferences. The best way for coffee powder is to grind the right amount of coffee beans into powder before drinking, which may feel troublesome, but if you get used to it, the feeling of trouble will disappear; instead, you can enjoy a cup of delicious and fragrant freshly ground coffee.

Because if you buy ground coffee powder in a store, I'm afraid the coffee will deteriorate if you buy too much. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee beans. The method of grinding coffee beans will choose different grinding methods depending on the different coffee utensils used, usually medium to very fine grinding is more suitable.

The amount of coffee powder varies according to your personal preference, usually about 8 to 10 grams, and 15 grams if you want a stronger coffee flavor. If you want to enjoy a good cup of coffee, remember not to begrudge the coffee powder. The temperature of the water is very important to make a delicious cup of coffee. The ideal water temperature is 86 ℃. In this way, you can make a cup of delicious coffee.

The amount of coffee tasted

How much coffee should I drink? There is a view that, in addition to tasting delicious coffee, we should not only pay attention to the appropriate temperature, but also have appropriate portions. Drinking coffee is not like drinking or juice, a full cup of coffee, watching it will lose interest in drinking. Generally speaking, they are only in the right amount when they are full of seven or eight minutes. Moderate amounts of coffee will not only stimulate the taste, but will not feel "greasy" after drinking it. On the contrary, it will have an endless aftertaste. At the same time, the right amount of coffee can moderately promote the body to recover from fatigue and refresh the mind. There are different flavors of coffee, so you can't drink three or four cups in a row like tea or cola, but the formal coffee cup is the best. Ordinary coffee to 80-100cc for the right amount, sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, then it is necessary to dilute the concentration of coffee, or add a lot of milk, but still take into account the degree of physical needs, to add or reduce the concentration of coffee, that is, do not cause greasy or nauseous feeling, and in the mix of sugar might as well be more changes to make the coffee more delicious. In terms of a day, three cups should be the best choice for coffee drinkers.

The temperature of tasting coffee

Should you drink coffee while it is hot or cold? There are different opinions, everyone has their own views, the key is to look at their own feelings.

Some people think that tasting coffee should not only be felt with the taste of the tongue, but also enjoy the aromatic alcohol in the mouth, in addition, it depends on the condition of the body and the surrounding atmosphere when drinking coffee. In a word, tasting coffee is a very delicate thing. When you drink coffee in a coffee shop, you sometimes get almost half-cold coffee. No matter how good the coffee beans are and how good the brewing skills are, you will lose your appetite for coffee. "drinking while it's hot" is a necessary condition for tasting delicious coffee, even on a hot summer day. When the coffee is cold, the flavor will decrease, so when brewing the coffee, in order not to reduce the taste of the coffee, soak the coffee cup in boiling water in advance. The appropriate temperature for coffee is 83 degrees Celsius at the moment of brewing, 80 degrees Celsius when pouring into the cup, and 61-62 degrees into the mouth, which is the most ideal.

Some people think that tasting hot coffee is the worst way to taste it. The latent characteristics and delicacy of coffee can be realized only when it is cooled, but coffee will lose its mellow and rich flavor with the passage of time, so it is best to drink it within 10 minutes after brewing. Coffee should not be kept warm on the coffee machine for more than 20 minutes. It will lose its flavor if left for too long. It is recommended to use an incubator or vacuum to keep the coffee warm and fragrant for a long time.

A hot coffee by Hong Kong star Sister Wang has won the hearts of many viewers, but whether it is hot or cold should be allowed to reserve opinions. Radishes and vegetables have their own preferences. However, one thing we must admit is that it is much more difficult to make a good cup of frozen coffee than hot coffee, and only part of the bar can master the skills of a high-end coffee shop like Shangdao Coffee.

The grinding of coffee

The degree of grinding. To do the right grinding according to the coffee machine used, excessive grinding will make the coffee bitter and at the same time it is easy to block the coffee machine; if the grinding is too rough, the coffee will be tasteless. Grinding can be divided into three stages: rough grinding (Percolator), medium grinding (Drip Coffee), and grinding (Espresso Machine).

The storage of coffee

After opening, put it in a sealed jar, and it is best to put it in a place with low temperature and low humidity, such as refrigerator. Drink it as soon as possible to maintain the best quality of coffee.