Coffee review

Dedicated to all baristas Shanghai baristas income report

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Baristas, a resounding and enviable profession, especially the popularity of Coffee Prince one, have made baristas become the vision of many people. What is the current situation of baristas? Since the author lives in Shanghai, I can only analyze the income and prospects of baristas in Shanghai, hoping to describe the general career journey of baristas. Enter the coffee industry

Baristas, a resounding and enviable profession, especially the popularity of Coffee Prince one, have made baristas become the vision of many people. What is the current situation of baristas? Since the author lives in Shanghai, I can only analyze the income and prospects of baristas in Shanghai, hoping to describe the general career journey of baristas.

Enter the industry

The ways for baristas to enter the profession:

1. Inexplicably became a bar boy, washed cups and cut fruit, and was slowly trained to become a barista. This kind of people are the backbone of baristas at present, and many masters of baristas have emerged in the middle, but it is difficult to produce coffee masters.

2. Because of a special opportunity to fall in love with coffee and cafes, crazy love coffee, and then learn coffee, find a coffee shop to work as a barista. This kind of people are always fond of distinctive small shops and fancy things such as pulling flowers, but because they are a monk halfway through the road, the probability of being a mouthful is very high, but with the growth of work experience, their skills will mature very quickly. I just can't really stick to it.

3. I have a little money to set up a coffee shop by myself. I haven't had any dream of getting rich. I just want to have my own space, so I have to make coffee for myself. Among these baristas, there is a small chance that there will be coffee masters or even coffee masters.

4. At first, I just ran the business to sell coffee beans and coffee machines, but later, in order to train and fool customers, I had to learn coffee, and then found that cheating was so simple that I became a barista.

5. Barista? I don't understand. I just make coffee every day.

The income of baristas

At present, the minimum basic wage in Shanghai is 1120 yuan, while the starting salary for bartenders in some chain stores in Shanghai is 1500 yuan. This is the current situation of baristas, the predecessor of baristas, struggling on the minimum wage line.

When you have some experience and become a pseudo-barista, your starting salary becomes 1800-2500 before tax. The difference lies in whether you are a beautiful and handsome guy, whether you speak English or not. Whether you do not have a Shanghai hukou is actually very difficult to find a job as a barista in Shanghai. Social security is too high and pre-tax salary is too low.

When you become a real barista, the kind of person who can take charge of the bar and manage the bar, you will become a high-tech group among grass-roots baristas, with a monthly salary of up to 2500 yuan before tax and a maximum of about 5000 yuan before tax. if the commission is more and the business is good, then it will be a little more.

The legendary barista, the barista with a monthly salary of more than 8000 yuan only appears in the legend. I write here just to satisfy the vanity of some people. High-paid baristas are not lacking, but there will be no more than the Chinese Sturgeon.

The second part will introduce the prospects, etc., this article may be inappropriate, just for those who want to enter the industry to provide some reference.

Did you get a chill when you looked at the income? It is true that in Shanghai, the per capita income of white-collar workers is more than 5000 yuan, and the starting salary for the front desk of many top 500 enterprises is 5000 yuan, but even experienced baristas can hardly get this salary. The coffee industry is indeed a less affluent industry. So where is the way out for baristas? "


1. Take a look at the annual barista contest. Don't miss the rare coffee talent exchange conference. This is an excellent opportunity to jump from coffee shop to coffee company and from one fire pit to another. Through such competitions, many baristas have gorgeously transformed from a barista into a technologically savvy salesperson, thus embarking on the road to a well-off society, with a monthly salary soaring from 2500 yuan to 3500 yuan. A few who are very talented in deceiving can get a lot of sales commission.

2, professional shop planning this is an excellent employment choice, by opening a shop for the boss, there are not only wages, but also kickbacks, as long as the project caught is big enough, more than 10000 of the monthly income is within reach. Of course, there are also those who seriously plan to open a shop for the boss, with a proportion of almost fifty to five waves.

3. The R & D and training of chain stores can be said to be one of the best ways for baristas. They can not only secure their income, but also have good career prospects. The most important thing is that their abilities can also be exercised. If the platform is good, they can also get in touch with many material suppliers, thus forming a virtuous circle. The income is generally about 4000 to 6000, and there are tens of thousands of opportunities to be at the top.

4. International Brand Greater China Brand Manager many international material brands will look for a local brand manager to promote their brands and maintain and develop key customer markets for them. Baristas who can get to this point are not only technical problems, but also need to have a good image, fluent spoken English and good communication skills, so this is undoubtedly a career at the pinnacle of baristas.

5. Being a coffee shop owner is definitely the dream of many baristas, but more often they wake up to find that it is a nightmare. There is a strange circle in the coffee industry, and few people in the industry have succeeded in opening a shop. In summary, it is: professionalism kills people.

6. Stay behind and continue to make a bar to salute the real barista.

7. To become a coffee culture person who sends articles and teaches students as I do, gets a good name or notoriety, and ends up penniless. From fenqing to Wenqing, from barista to coffee teacher, the difference in one word will actually make your career much more meaningful. I hope more people will participate in the promotion of real coffee. All in all, to be a truly sustainable barista, you must have talent, culture, faith, and the most important quality is to endure loneliness.