Coffee review

Gold Cup Golden Coffee Theory and practical Edition Coffee gouache Golden Section ratio

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, To drink 300ml coffee, how many grams of coffee beans should be used? gold cup gold coffee theory easy to remember practical version! Simple version (coffee cup capacity * 1.2%) / 20% = required coffee beans very simple version coffee cup capacity * 0.06 = need to put coffee beans beautiful version coffee cup capacity * 6.18% = need to put coffee beans to drink 300ml coffee, how many grams of coffee beans should be used? 300 "0.0618" 18.54

To drink 300ml coffee, how many grams of coffee beans should be used? gold cup gold coffee theory easy to remember practical version!

Simple version (coffee cup capacity * 1.2%) / 20% = required coffee beans

Very simple version of coffee cup capacity * 0.06 = need coffee beans

Beautiful version of coffee cup capacity * 6.18% = need coffee beans

How many grams of coffee should you use to drink 300ml coffee? 300g 0.0618g 18.54g simply count 300g 0.6g 18g

The following is the explanation, read it if you want, or skip it if you don't want to see it!

Gold cup Golden Coffee Theory is very useful, and the guidance of scientific data is very useful most of the time; only by reducing the variables between each cup of coffee can we master the skill of making a good cup of coffee more quickly.

Gold cup Golden Coffee theory is good, but some coffee students will find it difficult to understand, so let's have a simple one.


The main point of the simplified gold cup gold coffee theory is that the coffee extraction rate is 20%, that is, the weight of the coffee powder is reduced to 80%, and 20% of the total coffee oil is extracted; the appropriate coffee concentration is 1.2%, that is, 1.2% of the coffee oil extract in 100ml coffee. For ease of memory, 10% of the 20% and 1.2% of the data fluctuates as a normal error.

So there is a simple formula: coffee capacity * 0.06 = need to put coffee beans, add the coffee residue in the coffee grounds after extraction, beautify the data to 0.0618! What is this, the golden section!


In fact, there is also a golden section point, according to gold cup Golden Coffee Theory, generally roasted coffee beans contain a little more than 6% extractable matter, but the extraction degree to 70 or 70 is appropriate, and the extraction rate of simplified coffee powder is about 20%.

How many grams of coffee beans should be used to drink 300ml coffee?

300g 0.0618g 18.54g

Simply count 300 "0.6" 18g

Of course, the practical version of gold cup Golden Coffee Theory does not take into account many possible errors. Generally speaking, we should be scientific, but we should not be too scientific, and we can never be completely scientific and accurate.