Coffee review

What is the basic knowledge of coffee baristas that you must know

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is Coffee (the word comes from a small town in Ethiopia called kaffa, and in Greek Kaweh means strength and enthusiasm. Tea, coffee and cocoa are called the three major drinks in the world. Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae. Coffee for daily consumption is made of coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils.

What is coffee?

"Coffee" (the word comes from a small town in Ethiopia called kaffa, and in Greek "Kaweh" means "strength and passion". Tea, coffee and cocoa are called the three major drinks in the world. Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae. Coffee for daily consumption is made from coffee beans combined with various cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of coffee trees, which are then roasted by appropriate roasting methods. There are other books with this name.


1. English [coffee]

two。 Small evergreen trees or shrubs of tropical and subtropical regions. Leaves long ovate, flowers white, bearing crimson berries. There are small fruit, medium fruit, big fruit coffee and so on. The seed is fried and ground into powder to make a beverage, which has an exciting effect and is native to Ethiopia.

3. Coffee beans [Blue Mountain, Cubita, Mocha, Naga Xuefei. Take the lead]

4. Coffee powder: a powder made from coffee seeds.

5. Coffee drink

6. Coffee biscuits: made from coffee beans ground into powder

7. Coffee cold drink: coffee as the raw material, in the summer, is people's favorite.

Coffee history

There are different legends about the origin of coffee. Among them, the most common and popular story is the Shepherd's Coffee. Legend has it that there was a shepherd who happened to find his sheep jumping and dancing while herding sheep. If you look carefully, it turns out that the sheep ate a kind of red fruit that led to their funny behavior. He tried to pick some of these red fruits to boil, but the room was full of fragrance, and the juice was even more refreshing and refreshing after drinking it. Since then, this fruit has been used as a refreshing drink and has been well received.

In ancient times, Arabs first dried and boiled coffee beans and drank the juice as stomach medicine, thinking it was helpful to digestion. It was later found that coffee had a refreshing effect, and because Islamic rules forbade believers to drink alcohol, coffee was used instead of alcohol as a refreshing drink. After the 15th century, Muslims who made pilgrimages to the holy land of Mecca gradually brought coffee back to their places of residence, making it gradually spread to Egypt, Syria, Iran and Turkey. The entry of coffee into Europe should be attributed to the Ottoman Empire of Turkey at that time. Because the coffee-loving Ottoman army marched westward to Europe and was stationed there for several years, when the army finally withdrew, it left behind a large number of supplies, including coffee beans. People in Vienna and Paris were able to develop European coffee culture with these coffee beans and cooking experience gained from the Turks. The war was originally occupied and destroyed, but it unexpectedly brought about cultural exchange and even integration, which was unexpected by the rulers.

Westerners are familiar with coffee with a history of three hundred years, but in the East, coffee has been widely used as a drink in all walks of life in the East. Coffee appeared earliest and most accurately in the 8th century BC, but as early as Homer's works and in many ancient Arab legends, a magical, dark, bitter, and highly stimulating drink has been recorded. Around the 10th century, Avicenna used coffee as a medicine to treat diseases. There is also a strange story from the 15th century in which it is said that a Yemeni shepherd saw a group of goats picking reddish berries from a bush. Soon the goats became restless and excited. The shepherd reported this to a monk, who cooked some berries. Then extract a bitter, strong drink that can drive away drowsiness and drowsiness.

Although coffee was found in the Middle East, coffee trees first originated in Africa, a region now belonging to Ethiopia, called Kaffa, from which coffee spread to Yemen, Arabian Peninsula and Egypt, where coffee developed rapidly and soon became popular in people's daily lives.

By the 16th century, early merchants had sold coffee in Europe, thus introducing coffee as a new drink into Western customs and life. The vast majority of coffee exported to the European market comes from Alexandria and Smyrna, but with growing demand and high tariffs imposed by import and export ports, as well as increased knowledge of coffee planting, dealers and scientists are experimenting with transplanting coffee to other countries. The Dutch planted coffee trees in their overseas colonies (Batavia and Java), and the French in Martinique (in Latin America) in 1723, and then in the Antilles. Later, the British, Spaniards and Portuguese began to invade the tropical coffee-growing areas of Asia and America. Coffee cultivation began in northern Brazil in 1727, but poor weather conditions gradually shifted the crop to other regions, first in Rio de Janeiro, and finally to Sao Paulo and Minas (circa 1800-1850). Here coffee found its ideal growing environment. Coffee cultivation grew here until it became Brazil's most important source of economy.

It was between 1740 and 1850 that coffee cultivation reached its highest popularity in Central and South America.

Although coffee was born in Africa, cultivation and household consumption were introduced relatively recently. In fact, it was the Europeans who brought coffee back to its homeland and introduced it into their colonies, where it flourished because of favorable land and climatic conditions.

Main components


It has a particularly strong bitter taste and stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system. Appropriate amount of caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote digestive juice secretion. Because it promotes kidney function, it is diuretic and helps the body to expel excess sodium ions from the body. But eating too much can lead to caffeine poisoning.

Tannic acid

Boiled tannic acid will decompose into pyrouric acid, so coffee that has been brewed for too long will taste worse.


The most important of these are acidic fat and volatile fat.

Acid fat

That is, fat contains acid, its strength will vary according to the type of coffee.

Volatile fat

Is the main source of coffee aroma, it is a kind of aroma will emit about 40 kinds of aromatic substances.


The main source of calories, the proportion is not high. Most of the protein in coffee powder will not dissolve out when brewing coffee, so the intake is limited.


Raw coffee beans contain about 8% sugar. After roasting, most of the sugars are converted to caramel, which browns the coffee and combines with tannins to produce sweetness.


The fiber of raw beans will be carbonized after baking and combine with caramel to form the hue of coffee.

Mineral substance

Contains a small amount of lime, iron, phosphorus, sodium carbonate and so on.

Table of nutritional components of coffee

Every 100 grams of coffee beans contain 2.2 grams of water, 12.6 grams of protein, 16 grams of fat, 46.7 grams of sugar, 9 grams of cellulose, 4.2 grams of ash, 120 milligrams of calcium, 170 milligrams of phosphorus, 42 milligrams of iron, 3 milligrams of sodium, 0.12 grams of vitamin B2, 3.5 milligrams of nicotinic acid, 1.3 grams of caffeine and 8 grams of tannins. Every 100 grams of coffee extract contains 99.5 grams of water, 0.2 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 0.1 grams of ash, trace sugars, 3 mg of calcium, 4 mg of phosphorus, 2 mg of sodium, 0.01 mg of vitamin B2 and 0.3 mg of nicotinic acid. Dissolve 10 grams of coffee in hot water with 0.04 grams of caffeine and 0.06 grams of tannins.

Well-known variety

Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak)

Is a recently invented coffee, produced in Indonesia, coffee beans are one of the civets' food range, but the coffee beans cannot be completely digested by the digestive system. The coffee beans are fermented in the civets' intestines and stomach and excreted by feces. The local people take out the coffee beans from the civet feces and then do the processing, that is, the so-called "cat shit" coffee, this coffee has a unique taste and different taste. However, people who are used to this taste will never forget it for a lifetime. Due to the gradual deterioration of the wild environment, the number of civets is also slowly decreasing, resulting in a very limited output of this kind of coffee. People who can taste this coffee are very lucky.

JABLUM Manor Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain (Blue Mountain Coffee)

It is a well-known coffee produced only in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica in Central America, and only coffee grown in the Blue Mountain area above 1800 meters can be authorized to use the logo "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee)," accounting for 15% of Jamaica's total Blue Mountain Coffee production. The coffee grown between 457m and 1524 m is called alpine coffee (Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans), and the coffee grown between 274m and 457m is called Jamaican coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Blue Mountain Coffee has mellow, bitter slightly sweet, soft and smooth characteristics, and slightly sour taste, can make the taste more sensitive, taste its unique taste, is the best of coffee.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee produces only 40,000 bags a year, and because Japan has always invested in the Jamaican coffee industry, most of the Blue Mountain Coffee is now owned by the Japanese, and they have also won the right to buy Blue Mountain Coffee. 90% of the Blue Mountain coffee is bought by the Japanese every year. Now, because the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain, regardless of the price, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply. Cafes and hotels in China sell the so-called "Blue Mountain Coffee" for tens of yuan per cup. More than 99% of the coffee is not the real Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, but the Blue Mountain flavor coffee blended with beans from other places. The world-famous Jamaica Coffee Bureau (CIB) only gives four legal coffee farms, wallenford, jablum, Silver Hill and Moy Hall, to concentrate on the processing of blue mountain coffee beans, and all Jamaican blue mountain coffee is marked with the name of its processed farm on its outer packaging.

Moka (Mokha)

Some people say: in coffee, Blue Mountain can be king and mocha can be called queen. Mocha coffee has the most unique, richest and most fascinating complex flavors in the world: red wine, wild game, dried fruit, blueberries, grapes, cinnamon, tobacco, sweet spices, log and even chocolate. Mocha coffee has a special taste and varied levels, like a woman's mood. When you taste it slowly, the feelings you can experience will not be repeated and change constantly. The more you taste, the more you drink a glass of red wine. Someone once described it this way: if Mexican coffee can be compared to dry white wine, then Yemeni mocha is Bordeaux wine.

The real mocha coffee is produced in the Republic of Yemen in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. it grows on a steep hillside with an elevation of 900 to 2400 meters above sea level. it is also the oldest coffee in the world. This variety of beans is small and rich in aroma, with a unique sour and citrus aroma, more charming aroma, and mellow with intoxicating rich aftertaste, unique aroma and soft sour, sweet taste.

Cuban Crystal Mountain Coffee (Cubita)

Cubita Coffee

In Cuba, the cultivation of coffee is regulated by the state. The best coffee growing area in Cuba is located in the Central Mountains. Because this area not only grows coffee, but also produces quartz, crystal and other precious minerals, it is also known as Crystal Mountain. At present, Crystal Mountain Coffee is synonymous with top Cuban coffee. Crystal Mountain is adjacent to the Blue Mountain Mountains of Jamaica, with similar climatic conditions, comparable to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Crystal Mountain is also known as "the Blue Mountain of Cuba". Similarly, the annual output of imported coffee from Crystal Mountain in Cuba is not high, so most of the time there is no market.

The most representative is "Cubita Coffee" abbreviated as "Cubita". The Chinese trademark "Amber Coffee" adheres to the principle of perfect coffee, only making individual coffee, picking coffee beans by hand, plus washing coffee beans to ensure the quality of coffee. Cubita is like an elegant princess, with the characteristics of nobility, tenderness and grace. The balance is excellent, the bitter taste and the sour taste are well matched, and there will be a delicate, smooth, fresh and elegant feeling in the taste. Known as a unique Caribbean flavor coffee, the Cuban embassy designated coffee.

Sumatra Mantenin (Sumatran Mandheling)

Rich in Sumatra, Indonesia, the local special geology and climate cultivate unique characteristics, with a very rich and mellow flavor, and with a more obvious bitter taste and carbon burning taste, bitter, sweet taste is especially good, unique charm. Indonesia is a big coffee producer. Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with Robusta beans accounting for 90% of the total production. Sumatra manning is a rare species of Arabica beans. Planted on a hillside between 750 and 1500 meters, the mysterious and unique Sumatra gives Mantenin coffee a rich aroma, rich taste, strong flavor, slightly chocolate and syrup flavor.

Kona, Hawaii (Hawaii Kona)

The Kona coffee beans produced in Hawaii are the most beautiful coffee beans in the world. they are extremely full and shiny, with an average neat shape, strong sour and sweet taste, and a moist and smooth taste. Growing on volcanoes, Hawaii's unique volcanic climate makes Kona coffee unique aroma and high-density artificial farming, so each bean can be said to be a spoiled "lady". Logo, plump and baby-like skin. Kona Coffee is fresh, crisp, medium-bodied, slightly sour and full-bodied, with a long finish. Most rarely, Kona Coffee has a blend of wine, fruit and spice, as fascinating as the colorful colors of this volcanic archipelago.

Brazilian Coffee (Brazilian Coffee)

Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee, accounting for nearly 30% of the world's total production. The taste of Brazilian coffee has a low sour taste, with the sweet and bitter taste of coffee, the entrance is very smooth, but also with a hint of grass aroma, slightly bitter in the fragrance, smooth and smooth, with a pleasant aftertaste. There are no particular advantages for Brazilian coffee, but there are no obvious drawbacks. The taste is mild and smooth, low acidity, moderate mellow, and a hint of sweetness. All these soft flavors are mixed together. To distinguish them one by one is the best test for taste buds.

Colombian coffee beans

Columbia Super Class

Colombian coffee is one of the few individual coffees sold in the world under the name of its own country. In terms of quality, no other coffee has been so highly rated by coffee drinkers. It also has a very beautiful name, called "Emerald Coffee".

Colombia, located in the northwest of South America, is now the second largest coffee producer in the world. Columbia Superior is a representative and excellent variety of Arabica coffee. It is a traditional deep-roasted coffee with a strong and memorable flavor.

Kenya AA

The sensation of the Hollywood movie "out of Africa" has made Kenyan coffee famous in the world. Kenyan coffee is generally grown at an area of 1500 to 2100 meters and is harvested twice a year. Kenyan coffee buyers are world-class high-quality coffee buyers, and no other country can grow, produce and sell coffee on a continuous basis like Kenya. All coffee beans are first purchased by the Kenya Coffee Commission, where they are identified, rated, and then sold at weekly auctions. The best coffee grade is bean berry coffee (PB), followed by AA++, AA+, AA, AB and so on. Kenya AA coffee has a wonderful and strong flavor, take a sip, feel that it hits your whole tongue at the same time, the flavor is both fresh and not domineering, it is definitely a complete but not heavy taste experience.

Harald, Ethiopia (Ethiopia Harar)

Ethiopian coffee is mostly produced in the plateau above 2000 meters above sea level, with large producing areas such as Djimma, Gambi, Yirgachefe, Sidamo and Harald (Harar). Among them, Montenegro in Harald is the only place in the world with wild coffee, which is auctioned in London every year.

Harald coffee grows in areas ranging from 900m above sea level in the Darolebu plain to 2700 m in the highland mountain range of Chercher in eastern Ethiopia. These mountains provide unique characteristics for these perennial coffee beans: the fruit is full and long, moderately acidic, slightly sour in dry aroma (unbrewed coffee), mellow, with a strong pure texture, and with a wonderful dark chocolate finish, typical mocha refreshing flavor, full-bodied Arabian flavor.

Guatemalan Coffee Manor at the foot of the Volcano

Antigua, Guatemala (Guatemalan Antigua)

Produced in the South American country of Guatemala, this bean belongs to bourbon coffee beans, is one of the more sour varieties, taste mellow and slightly wild, the most suitable for blending coffee. Antigua is the oldest and most beautiful city in America. As early as 1543, Antigua was the capital of all colonial times in Central America. After the earthquake of 1773, Antigua was completely destroyed, so the capital was moved to Guatemala City. Now Antigua (Antigua) is a famous producer of coffee, rich volcanic soil, low humidity, strong sunlight and cool night breeze are the characteristics of Antigua. Every 30 years or so, the area near Antigua is hit by a volcanic eruption, which provides more nitrogen to the already fertile land, and plenty of rainfall and sunlight make the place more suitable for growing coffee.

At present, some of the best quality coffee from Guatemala is exported to Japan, where each cup of coffee sells for $3 to $4.

Selected by Yocott, Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Yauco Selecto)

Yokote, Puerto Rico is a fascinating coffee with a full flavor, no bitterness, rich nutrition and fruity flavor. As early as the 1860s, the coffee produced in the Yaoke area of Puerto Rico won the reputation of high-end coffee and spread all over Europe. At that time, emperors and queens of various countries regarded it as the best coffee, and it was also widely drunk in the upper class of Europe. Yaoke selected coffee is grown on three farms in the southwest of the island. The soil is high-quality clay and uses ancient coffee trees. Although the yield is lower than other varieties, it is generally of high quality, with a strong flavor and a long aftertaste. This coffee is very expensive and has a flavor comparable to that of any other coffee in the world. It is recognized by international coffee appraisers as the third largest coffee in the world.

Ecuador Galapagos (Ecuador Galapagos)

Ecuador is the highest Arabian coffee plantation in the world. Since the coffee tree was first introduced into Ecuador in 1875, the quality of its coffee has remained unchanged for 100 years, especially the coffee harvested in early June every year, which is called "the best coffee in the world". Ecuadorian coffee beans are divided into Galapagos and Segante, both of which have large particles and heavy weight. In particular, the unique geographical conditions of the Galapagos Islands give coffee beans excellent genes that are superior to those of other producing areas, and its high quality comes from the absence of any chemical agents when growing. As Ecuador's land suitable for coffee trees is gradually decreasing, Galapagos coffee is even more precious.

Fancy Coffee

Italian espresso (Espresso)


It usually takes 7 grams of coffee powder to make a cup. After 9 atmospheric pressure and 90 degrees Celsius, the strong coffee from 28ml to 30ml is extracted rapidly in a short time of 20 seconds. The most important thing about a successful Espresso is to see whether there is a thick brown-red oil foam "Cream" floating on the surface.

The most important feature of Espresso is the cohesion of fragrance and taste. The general orthodox way of drinking is to add sugar, stir slightly, and drink it immediately. While enjoying the fragrant taste, caffeine intake is greatly reduced.

Latte (Latte)

The proportion of an authentic Italian latte is 70% milk, 20% milk and 10% coffee. Lattes have more milk and less coffee, which is very different from Cappuccino. The latte is extremely simple: pour nearly boiling milk into the freshly made espresso. In fact, there is no fixed rule on how much milk is added, and it can be freely mixed according to individual taste.

If you add some frothy cold milk to the hot milk, it becomes an American latte. Starbucks American lattes are made in this way, with milk heated to 65 ℃ at the bottom, espresso in the middle, and a layer of cold milk foam no more than half a centimeter.

Iced latte (iced latte)

This is a coffee that uses the principle of specific gravity to create a hierarchical change to increase the visual effect. Using this principle, coffee can make unlimited changes, depending on individual creativity, preferences, mood to any combination of changes.

Steps for brewing iced lattes:

Step 1: fill the glass with five-minute ice cubes and pour in the syrup.

Step 2: pour the fresh milk into the cup until it is seven minutes full, then stir evenly to melt the syrup into the fresh milk to increase the proportion of fresh milk.

Step 3: let the coffee slowly pour into the cup along the back of the spoon. The speed of pouring in must not be too fast, so as not to destroy the sense of hierarchy.

Step 4: add another three tablespoons of milk foam to form an iced latte with three levels.

Cappuccino (Cappuccino)

Unlike a latte, there is more cappuccino coffee and less milk. On the basis of Italian espresso, add a thick layer of foaming milk to become a cappuccino. The traditional cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 foamed milk. Some cinnamon or chocolate powder can be added to the foam to prolong the foam stay.

Irish coffee

Irish coffee is a kind of coffee that looks like both wine and coffee. the raw material is Irish Whiskey plus coffee beans, special coffee cup, special cooking method, serious and persistent, ancient and simple. The Irish coffee cup is a kind of heat-resistant cup which is convenient for baking cups. The method of baking cup can remove alcohol from spirits, so that the aroma of wine and coffee can be more directly reconciled.

If you are not strong enough, a cup of Irish coffee is enough for you; even if you drink well, a cup of Irish coffee can make you feel high, because everyone is drunk before you get drunk.

Maggiadoto (Macchiato)

In Italian espresso, do not add whipped cream or milk, just add two tablespoons of soft milk foam to the coffee, so it is a cup of macchiato. Maggie must drink it in one mouthful before she can taste it.


It's an Italian Viennese coffee. Whipped cream can be mixed in coffee or served as a snack for guests to eat and drink at the same time. Later, after brewing coffee under pressure, it was renamed "stirred cream with espresso". In the United States, stirred cream is sometimes not served, but floated on top of coffee. Herbalife is currently on sale in the hot Espresso, plus a ball of ice cream, between ice and hot, bitter, sweet, taste the general amazing feeling.

Vienna Coffee (Viennese)

"Viennese" is the most famous coffee in Austria. It was invented by a coachman named Ein Schuberner. Perhaps for this reason, today, people occasionally call Viennese coffee a "one-headed carriage". Fascinate people all over the world with the sweet flavor of whipped cream and chocolate. Snow-white fresh cream, sprinkled with colorful rice, the appearance is very beautiful; through the sweet chocolate syrup, cold cream sipping hot hot coffee, is a unique flavor!

This Viennese coffee has a unique way of drinking. Without stirring, it starts with cold cream, feels very comfortable, then drinks hot coffee, and finally feels the sweetness of granulated sugar, with three different tastes.

Viennese coffee is made a bit like American mocha coffee. First sprinkle a thin layer of sugar or fine rock sugar on the bottom of the hot and humid coffee cup, then pour hot and thick black coffee into the cup, and finally decorate the coffee surface with two tablespoons of cold fresh cream. A cup of classic Viennese coffee is ready.

Mixed coffee

Mix the same amount of coffee with milk to make Viennese-style milk coffee.

Preparation method: first add a little deep-fried coffee to the cup, pour the same amount of milk into the milk pan, boil over low heat, add cream before foaming, do not wait for the foam to disappear and pour into the coffee.

Neapolitan coffee

Naples-flavored coffee is a very bitter and hot morning coffee. Young people in the United States prefer to call it dawn coffee.

Preparation method: pour deep-fried coffee into the handle cup, then put a piece of lemon on the surface and drink it in the dark.

Hot mochaba coffee

Russian coffee, also known as hot Mojaba, has a strong coffee flavor.

Preparation method: heat the deep-fried coffee, melted chocolate, cola, egg yolk and a small amount of milk over the fire, stir fully, add 1 tablespoon sugar, stir well, pour into the cup, add 1 tablespoon cream to float on top, and garnish with some chocolate powder.

Indian coffee

Buy Indian coffee cups in pairs, or buy them one by one according to your favorite brand. When collecting individually, you should first determine the theme, and then buy it according to the color pattern, which can also be used as a collection exhibit. Adding a little salt will bring up the pure sweetness of the milk. Pick up a coffee cup and drink this kind of coffee coffee, the whole body will warm up. Preparation method: heat the milk in a pot, pour in 10 grams of deep-fried coffee and brown sugar before the milk boils, add a little salt and stir well.

Turkish coffee

After drinking coffee, Turks always look at the traces of coffee powder left at the bottom of the coffee cup to understand the luck of the day from its appearance.

Turkish coffee is neither distilled nor brewed, but uses very fine Turkish coffee powder, with cold water, and boils slowly over low heat in a small ladle pot to produce cups of bitter and strong foamed coffee. Smart Turks know that such strong coffee is harmful to health, so the porcelain coffee cups and plates used are very small, about half the capacity of ordinary coffee cups.

Preparation method: pour the deep-fried coffee and cinnamon and other spices into the milk basin, stir well, then pour into the pan, add some water to boil 3 times, and remove from the fire. After the powder settles, pour the clear liquid into the cup, then slowly add orange juice and honey to serve.

Frozen cream cubes coffee

Frozen cream coffee, without ice, but chilled. Here is an introduction to the American drinking method of making coffee with ice.

Preparation method: add the ice cubes made from coffee to the glass, pour in the boiled milk with sugar, and slowly pour the frozen coffee from the top, then the milk and coffee are divided into two layers. Put the milk foam on the top and sprinkle some cinnamon powder to decorate.

Russian coffee

Russian coffee, also known as hot Mojaba, has a strong coffee flavor.

Preparation method: heat the deep-fried coffee, melted chocolate, cola, egg yolk and a small amount of milk over the fire, stir fully, add 1 tablespoon sugar, stir well, pour into the cup, add 1 tablespoon cream to float on top, and garnish with some chocolate powder.

Taboos on drinking coffee

1. Remember that coffee should not be served with tea. Tannic acid in tea and caffeine reduces iron absorption by 75%. It is appropriate to use warm boiled water to deliver the service.

two。 The tannic acid in tea and coffee reduces calcium absorption. Therefore, it is best to choose between two meals for tea and coffee.

3. Caffeinated drinks and foods can cause nausea, vomiting, headache and rapid heartbeat after being consumed by pregnant women. Caffeine also enters the fetus through the placenta, affecting fetal development.

4. Many doctors believe that pregnant women drink 1 to 2 cups of coffee, tea or carbonated drinks a day (6 to 8 ounces each), which will not affect the fetus. But as a precaution, pregnant women had better forbid it. Caffeine can lead to an increase in the abortion rate, so you should drink non-caffeinated drinks

5. People who want to lose weight should not drink too much coffee. The common coffee companion contains more milk, sugar and fat. Coffee itself may stimulate gastric juice secretion and enhance food digestion and absorption, which not only can not lose weight, but also make people fat.

6. Coffee is not suitable for children. Caffeine can excite the central nervous system of children, interfere with their memory and cause ADHD.

7. Strong tea, coffee and carbonated drinks are also risk factors for digestive tract ulcer.

8. Confusing caffeine in times of stress helps to improve alertness, agility, memory and concentration. But drinking more coffee than you are used to will produce the same dose of stimulants that you are used to, which can cause nervousness. For people who tend to have anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

9. Aggravate high blood pressure caffeine is often combined with other simple painkillers because of its analgesic effect, but if you take it in large quantities for a long time, if you already have high blood pressure, using a lot of caffeine will only make your situation worse. Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect, so people at risk of high blood pressure should especially avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during stressful times at work. Some people who have a perennial habit of drinking coffee think they are immune to the effects of caffeine, but this is not the case. A study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

10. Induced osteoporosis caffeine itself has a good diuretic effect. If you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, it is easy to cause bone loss, which will adversely affect the preservation of bone mass. For women, it may increase the threat of osteoporosis. But the premise is that people who don't get enough calcium in normal food, or people who don't move very often, plus women after menopause, calcium loss caused by lack of estrogen, coupled with a large amount of caffeine, may pose a threat to bones. If you can enjoy it in a reasonable amount, you can still stop eating for fear of choking.

Coffee and Life

Coffee fashion

Coffee, can accompany yourself to spend a lot of cozy time.

After getting up in the morning, I have a drink to wake my head up, and I have a light gulp at work during the day. I have more time to drink a cup of coffee, eat a few cakes and chat with friends in my spare time. Coffee enriches our lives and shortens the distance between you and me. After a good meal, it is a kind of happiness to make a cup of coffee, read a newspaper, or share a warm, comfortable and fun coffee time with lovers, friends and family.

Traditional coffee pays attention to the type and blending method of coffee, but now in this era of speed and efficiency, people have created many new flavors and new ways of drinking. For example, Maxwell Coffee has created coffee milk tea, chocolate coffee, milk special coffee, vanilla coffee. Waiting for a new taste. In this "instant" era, coffee brings us not only a fragrant taste, we want, is a feeling, we will be crazy immersed in that feeling. Maybe it's just an inconspicuous door face on the corner, maybe its coffee is not so good, but we are infatuated with the air, light, sound, lost track of time, immersed there in a group of people like ourselves, maybe continue to be alone, but everyone knows it. Men, women, cheerful, melancholy, a group of people, sitting alone, smoking, drinking espresso, or not drinking coffee at all. We find each other by feeling, by staring at the corner or coffee cup, even if you look out of the window, you may not be looking at anything. I look at you, and I know that, unlike you and everyone else, realists come to the cafe, but they don't belong here, let alone sit until closing time and put their chairs on the table. The cafe had nothing to do with the word "now", so all the whimsical people found it.

Coffee mood

Do you want a cup of coffee when you are in a good mood or when you are in a bad mood? Everyone's answer is different, but because coffee is a drink when you are in a good mood, you can taste the delicious coffee only when you want to see the blue sky and bask in the gentle sun. When you are in a bad mood, you should go to the bar for a drink. Lazy jazz, gripping opera, romantic French chanting or soft piano playing in the cafe are the most common music you will hear. Of course, it has something to do with the taste of the cafe owner. You can chat with close friends or bosom friends to discuss the topics they are interested in. With the deepening of time, you will find that your mood is gradually calm, and even some moved, all the reasons are very simple: casual. Have a cup of coffee when you feel in a good mood today, and you will find the best side of coffee.

The benefits of drinking coffee

1. Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on.

two。 Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, and has a great effect on constipation. Taking a bath with coffee powder is a kind of thermotherapy, which has the effect of losing weight.

3. Coffee can relieve fatigue. In order to eliminate fatigue, we must supplement nutrition, rest and sleep, and promote metabolic functions, and coffee has these functions.

4. Three cups of coffee a day can prevent gallstones. For caffeinated coffee, it stimulates gallbladder contraction and reduces cholesterol, which is prone to gallstones. The latest Harvard University researchers found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less than 40% likely to get gallstones.

5. Drinking coffee regularly can prevent radiation damage. Radiation damage, especially the radiation of electrical appliances, has become a prominent pollution at present. Indian Barba atomic researchers have come to this conclusion in mouse experiments and say it can be applied to humans.

6. The health care and medical function of coffee. Coffee has the functions of anti-oxidation and heart protection, strengthening muscles and bones, benefiting waist and knees, appetizer, eliminating fat and accumulation, promoting orifice and dehumidification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving wind and relieving spasm and so on.

7. The influence of coffee on mood. Experiments show that the average person absorbs 300 milligrams of caffeine (about 3 cups of brewed coffee) a day, which has a good effect on a person's alertness and mood.

Excessive drinking

In the case of long-term intake, large doses of caffeine is a drug that can cause "caffeine poisoning". Caffeine poisoning includes addiction and a range of physical and psychological side effects, such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremors, muscle convulsions (hyperreflexia), insomnia and palpitations (most people take caffeine because of its irritating effects. Many students take caffeine pills when preparing for exams and those on night shifts. Under the strict definition of addiction, only a gradual increase in dosage is addictive, and caffeine dependence is more appropriate, but under a widely accepted definition, all chronic behaviors that are difficult to get rid of are called addictions. so it can also be described as caffeine addiction.) In addition, because caffeine can increase stomach acid, sustained high doses can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, because both normal coffee and decaffeinated coffee stimulate the gastric mucosa and increase gastric acid secretion, caffeine may not be the only ingredient in coffee.

Four caffeine-induced disorders verified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth Edition) include caffeine overexcitement, caffeine anxiety, caffeine sleep disorders and other caffeine-related disorders.

The rules of drinking coffee

1. How to get a coffee cup?

The coffee you drink after a meal is usually served in a pocket cup. The ear of this kind of cup is so small that you can't get your fingers out. But even if you use a larger cup, don't put your finger through the ear and carry the cup. The correct way to hold a coffee cup is to hold the handle of the cup by your thumb and forefinger and then pick up the cup.

two。 How to add sugar to the coffee?

When adding sugar to the coffee, the sugar can be scooped with a coffee spoon and added directly to the cup, or you can first use a sugar clip to clip the cube sugar on the near side of the coffee plate, and then use the coffee spoon to add the cube sugar to the cup. If you put the cube sugar directly into the cup with a sugar clip or hand, it may sometimes spill the coffee and stain the clothes or tablecloth.

3. How to use a coffee spoon?

The coffee spoon is specially used to stir the coffee and should be taken out when drinking the coffee. Do not use a coffee spoon to drink coffee spoonful by spoon, and do not use a coffee spoon to mash the cube sugar in the cup.

4. What if the coffee is too hot?

Freshly brewed coffee is so hot that you can gently stir it in the cup with a coffee spoon to cool it, or wait for it to cool naturally before drinking it. It is very impolite to try to cool the coffee with your mouth.

5. The use of cups and saucers?

The cups and saucers for coffee are specially made. They should be placed on the front or right side of the drinker, and the cup ear should point to the right. When drinking coffee, you can hold the cup ear of the coffee in your right hand and hold the coffee plate gently in your left hand, slowly moving to your mouth and sipping. It is not advisable to hold the cup and swallow, nor should you bow your head to the coffee cup. Don't make a noise when drinking coffee. When adding coffee, do not pick up the coffee cup from the coffee plate.

6. Drink coffee and snack

Sometimes you can have some snacks when drinking coffee, but don't alternate between eating and drinking coffee cups in one hand and snacks in the other. You should put down the snack when you drink coffee and the coffee cup when you eat it.

7. How to taste coffee

There are different flavors of coffee, so you can't drink three or four cups in a row like tea or cola, but the formal coffee cup is the best. Ordinary coffee to 80-100cc for the right amount, sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, then it is necessary to dilute the concentration of coffee, or add a lot of milk, but still take into account the degree of physical needs, to add or reduce the concentration of coffee, that is, do not cause greasy or nauseous feeling, and in the allocation of sugar might as well be more changes to make the coffee more delicious. Drinking hot coffee is a necessary condition for tasting delicious coffee, even on a hot summer day.

8. While drinking coffee

1. Take a sip of cold water first to clean your mouth.

two。 Please drink coffee while it is hot, because the tannins in the coffee can easily change during cooling, making the taste sour and affecting the flavor of the coffee.

3. After a sip of "black coffee", every cup of coffee you drink takes five years to blossom and bear fruit, and it goes through complicated procedures such as harvesting, roasting and so on, coupled with the careful preparation of coffee brewers. Therefore, first drink a mouthful of "black coffee" without sugar and cream while it is hot, and feel the flavor of the coffee before applying fat powder. Then add the right amount of sugar, take another sip, and finally add cream. Don't forget to have a sip of plain coffee first.

4. Before you officially start drinking coffee, take a sip of ice water, which can help the coffee taste emerge brightly and prepare every taste bud on your tongue to taste the coffee.

5. Drink the right amount, coffee contains caffeine, so drink the right amount!

Enjoy a good cup of coffee according to the above process, you can not only experience the different levels of coffee taste, but also help to improve the ability to appreciate coffee.

Never drink coffee on an empty stomach

Doctors remind members of the public not to drink coffee on an empty stomach, because coffee will stimulate gastric acid secretion, especially people with gastric ulcers should be more cautious. Coffee as a drink, drinking, according to individual circumstances, enough, generally speaking in nutrition or emphasis on a balanced diet and less use of spicy stimulating food.

In addition, it is worth noting that people with high blood pressure should avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during periods of stress at work. Because caffeine in coffee can lead to a rise in blood pressure, coupled with emotional tension, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect.

1. It is best not to drink on an empty stomach and properly eat some bread to match. Two to three cups of coffee a day is the most appropriate amount, which can stabilize the nervous mood at work.

two。 When drinking coffee, you should drink some boiled water, hot or cold. First, it can remove bad breath in order to better taste; second, because coffee is beneficial to urine function, drinking more white water can increase urination and protect kidney function, and you don't have to worry about getting angry when drinking coffee.

According to reports, studies have shown that blood pressure can rise for as long as 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

Coffee (scientific name: Coffea arabica), also known as coffee tree, Arabica coffee, etc., is the national flower of Yemen. Before the 6th century AD, Yemen was called Arabian, so the coffee trees shipped from them to other places were also called Arabian coffee trees. The name coffee comes from the Arabic word "Qahwah", which means plant drink. Later, coffee spread all over the world and was named after its place of origin, "Kaffa". It was not officially named "coffee" until the 18th century.

It is an evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae in plant taxonomy. Lateral branches extend horizontally, opposite, occasionally whorled with three branches; simple leaves opposite, flowers are 2-10 clustered in leaf axils, the fruit is drupe oval, the first fruit is dark green, yellowish red or purplish red when ripe, the fruit of coffee is formed by exocarp, pulp, endocarp, silver peel, and the seeds (coffee beans) wrapped in the innermost layers mentioned above, the seeds are located in the central part of the fruit, and the parts outside the seeds are of little use.

The world's first coffee tree was found in the Horn of Africa. Coffee cultivation began in the 15th century. For hundreds of years, Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula is the only coffee producer in the world, and the market demand for coffee is very strong. In the Yemeni port of Moka, when coffee is shipped out, it often needs to be protected by heavy troops. At the same time, Yemen has also taken various measures to prevent coffee saplings from being taken out of the country. Despite many restrictions, Muslim pilgrims on the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca secretly brought coffee saplings back to their hometown, so coffee soon took root in India. At that time, in Venice, Italy, countless merchant ships traded perfumes, tea and textiles with Arab merchants. In this way, coffee spread to a wide area of Europe through Venice. Many European businessmen have become accustomed to drinking coffee. Later, small vendors peddling coffee appeared on the streets of many European cities, and coffee gained rapid popularity in Europe. In the 17th century, the Dutch introduced coffee to their colony of Indonesia. At the same time, the French began to grow coffee in Africa. Today, coffee has become the second largest trading product on the earth after oil! Among the countless legends of coffee discoveries, there are two legends that people are most interested in talking about, namely, the Story of the Shepherd and the Arab Monk.

Three major coffee growing areas in the world: Africa, Indonesia and Central and South America. Yemen is the first country in the world to produce coffee on a large scale as a crop. The method of cultivation and treatment of mocha coffee in Yemen today is basically the same as that of hundreds of years ago. On most coffee farms in Yemen, coffee farmers still resist the use of artificial chemicals such as chemical fertilizers. Coffee farmers plant poplars to provide shade for coffee to grow. Coffee trees are planted on steep terraces to maximize the use of less rainfall and limited land resources. Yemeni mocha beans are still shipped in a bag made of straw, unlike chemical woven bags in other places.

Yemeni coffee has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. According to statistics, coffee is cultivated in 76 countries in the world. Coffee in China was first introduced in Taiwan in 1884. In 1908, overseas Chinese brought back large and medium seeds from Malaysia to Hainan Island. At present, the main cultivation areas are Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Hainan.

The spread of coffee in the world

It has been more than 1500 years since the first discovery of coffee by shepherds in Ethiopia. This is more than 1500 years full of hardship legends and rich and colorful.

In 500 years, the shepherd Caldai was the first to discover the wonderful use of coffee.

In 525, the first coffee tree was planted in the Arabian Peninsula.

In 1475, the first coffee shop was born in Constantinople.

In 1615, coffee was introduced into continental Europe from Venice, Italy.

Coffee was introduced into North America in 1620.

In 1690, coffee was introduced into Asia.

In 1723, de Crewe, a French officer, brought coffee seedlings to America.

In 1893, coffee was grown in Kenya and Tanzania.

In 1902, missionaries brought coffee to Yunnan.

In 2000, coffee became the top four drinks in the world, with a record consumption of 400 billion cups a year.

Coffee related nouns

Flavor [Flavor]: the overall impression of aroma, acidity, and mellowness.

Acidity [Acidity]: the strong acidity of all coffee grown on the plateau. The sour here is different from bitterness and Sour, and has nothing to do with pH value. It refers to a fresh and lively quality that promotes coffee to exert its functions of invigorating the mind and clearing the taste.

The acidity of coffee is not the acidity or sour smell of acidity or alkalinity, nor is it an uncomfortable acid that enters the stomach. When making coffee, the performance of acidity is very important. under good conditions and skills, a special taste with fresh acidity can be developed, which is a necessary condition for high-grade coffee.

The sour taste of coffee describes a lively, bright flavor, which is somewhat similar to that used in wine tasting. If the coffee bean lacks acidity, it is equal to lose vitality, taste empty and boring, without layer depth. Acidity has many different characteristics, such as coffee beans from Yemen and Kenya, which have an impressive fruity aroma and a red wine-like texture.

Mellow [Body]: the taste of the tongue after drinking coffee. The change of mellowness can be divided into light to light, medium, high, fat, and even Indonesian coffee is as thick as syrup.

Odor [Aroma]: the smell and aroma emitted after the coffee has been prepared. The words used to describe smell include caramel, carbon roast, chocolate, fruit, grass, malt, and so on.

Bitterness [Bitter]: bitterness is a basic sense of taste, and the sensory area is distributed in the base of the tongue. The bitterness of deep baking is deliberately created, but the common cause of bitterness is too much coffee powder and too little water.

Light [Bland]: coffee grown in lowlands, usually quite light and tasteless. Coffee with insufficient coffee powder and too much water will have the same light effect.

Salty [Briny]: after brewing, if the coffee is overheated, it will produce a salty taste.

The aroma of soil [Earthy]: commonly used to describe spicy and earthy Indonesian coffee, not the smell of dirt on coffee beans.

Uniqueness [Exotic]: describes coffee with its unique aroma and special flavor, such as flowers, fruits, and spices. Coffee from East Africa and Indonesia usually has this property.

Aromatic alcohol [Mellow]: used to describe coffee with good acidity balance.

Mild [Mild]: used to describe a coffee with a harmonious, delicate flavor, used to refer to all plateau coffee except Brazil.

Soft [Soft]: describes low acidity coffee such as Indonesian coffee, and also describes it as mellow or sweet.

Sour [Sour]: a sense of taste in which the sensory area is mainly located at the back of the tongue and is characteristic of light roasted coffee.

Spice [Spicy]: a flavor or smell reminiscent of a particular spice.

Strong [Strong]: technically, it describes the advantages and disadvantages of various tastes, or the relative ratio of coffee to water in a particular conditioned product. In terms of popular usage, it describes the strong flavor of deep-roasted coffee.

Sweet [Sweet]: in essence, it is like fruit, and it also has something to do with the taste of wine.

Wild [Wild]: describes coffee with extreme taste characteristics.

Wine [Winy]: fruit-like acidity and smooth mellow, created by the contrast of special flavor. Kenyan coffee is the best example of wine flavor.