Coffee review

Coffee shop specialty coffee drinks recommend fantasy strawberry dessert

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A summer refreshing drink topping milk beater 3.5 deciliter (10 oz) sweet cream (1 liter = 10 deciliter) 1 deciliter (3.3 oz) espresso 0.5 liter syrup strawberry jam practice pour the frozen espresso, cream and syrup into the milk beater, shake well, insert the air bag and shake 8-10 times to refrigerate the spare cup with a little strawberry jam. Take it out of the refrigerator.

Strawberry Dream

A refreshing drink in summer


Milking machine

3.5 deciliter (10 oz) sweet cream (1 liter = 10 deciliter)

1 liter (3.3 oz) espresso espresso

0.5 liter of syrup

Strawberry jam


Pour frozen espresso, cream and syrup into the milking machine

Tighten, shake, and insert the airbag

Shake it hard 8-10 times

Refrigerated reserve

Put a little strawberry jam in the cup and add the prepared ingredients from the refrigerator.

Finally, decorate it with strawberries or coffee beans.

A delicious Italian dessert will be ready!