Coffee review

New study finds new uses for caffeine: improving memory

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Some people like to make a cup of tea, while others used to make a pot of coffee in the morning, while others like to drink carbonated drinks to refresh themselves when they wake up. No matter what kind of habit, drinking caffeinated drinks is the first refreshing point for millions of people in the morning.

Some people like to make a cup of tea, while others used to make a pot of coffee in the morning, while others like to drink carbonated drinks to refresh themselves when they wake up. No matter what kind of habit, drinking caffeinated drinks is the first choice for millions of people to refresh themselves in the morning. But researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found a new use for caffeine: to improve memory.

Michael Yassa, an assistant professor of psychology and brain science at Johns Hopkins University's Krieger School, and a team of scientists have found that caffeine improves long-term memory. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, show that people can improve their memory for at least 24 hours after drinking coffee.

Yassa said: "it is well known that caffeine has cognitive effects, but scientists have not conducted detailed experiments on the effects of strengthening memory and preventing forgetting in humans.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University conducted a double-blind experiment in which participants who did not consume caffeine and those who took 200 milligrams of caffeine looked at a group of pictures five minutes later. Samples were taken 1 hour, 3 hours and 24 hours after caffeine intake, and saliva samples were compared.

The next day, the ability of the two groups of participants to identify pictures was tested. Some of the images in the experiment were the same as those of the previous day, others were different, and some of the pictures were similar. Most caffeinated participants were able to correctly identify similar images as previously seen, while non-caffeinated participants regarded them as the same.

The researchers say the brain's ability to distinguish between two similar things is called module separation, which reflects the brain's deeper memory.

"if we use standard recognition memory instead of these very similar images, we won't be able to find the effect of caffeine," Yassa explained. However, using these images, the brain requires more complex discrimination patterns-module separation to distinguish images, and caffeine seems to improve the function of this part of the brain in our experiments. "

The memory center in the human brain is located in the hippocampus-shaped hippocampus in the medial temporal lobe of the brain. The hippocampus is a switch between long-term memory and short-term memory. Most studies have shown that this part of the brain is affected, from concussions caused by sports to head injuries caused by war, and Alzheimer's caused by aging.

So far, it has not been proved that caffeine can affect the brain's long-term memory. After several trials, the common result is that caffeine has little or no effect on long-term memory retention.

The difference in this study was that participants took caffeine tablets as soon as they looked at the pictures and tried to memorize them.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, 90% of the world's people consume caffeine in some way. 80% of adults in the United States consume caffeine every day. Adults consume an average of 200mg, the same dose used in the Yassa trial, about two cups of coffee or one cup of espresso a day.

"next we will continue to study the brain's potential memory improvement mechanism," Yassa said. We can use brain imaging technology to solve these problems, and we will also study the relationship between caffeine and disease. "

New research shows that a cup of coffee lasts for six hours

A new study has found that the stimulating effect of caffeine can last for six hours, the Daily Mail reported. Drinking coffee after 5pm can easily lead to an hour less sleep at night. Because the coffee drinking time is late, it is easy to lead to night sleep disorder, sleep time shortening and sleep quality decline.

In the new study, Christopher Drake, a professor of psychiatry at Wayne State University in the United States, and his colleagues studied the sleep habits of 12 participants who were given 400 milligrams of caffeine (the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups of coffee). During the four-day trial, participants took caffeine tablets, including a placebo, six hours before bed, three hours before going to bed and before turning off the lights. Knot

It is found that drinking a large cup of espresso after 5pm may lead to sleeplessness at night and drowsiness during the day, and even drinking two or three cups of coffee six hours before going to bed may lead to an hour less sleep. Professor Drake pointed out that many people know that drinking coffee before going to bed can make it hard to fall asleep, but little is known about the fact that drinking coffee in the afternoon can also lead to sleep disorders at night.

Drinking coffee to protect small blood vessels is good for heart health.

A study announced at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Dallas shows that drinking coffee is good for heart health because it improves the function of small blood vessels.

Researchers at the University of Ryukyu in Okinawa, Japan, studied 27 healthy adults aged 22 and 30 who did not drink much coffee. Participants drank a cup (5 ounces) of caffeinated or non-caffeinated coffee. After that, the blood flow of small blood vessels at fingertips is measured by laser Doppler blood flow meter (finger blood flow is a window of human small blood vessel function). Two days later, the researchers repeated the experiment with other types of coffee and measured blood pressure, heart rate and vascular resistance levels of the participants. It was found that drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee increased the blood flow of small blood vessels at the fingertips by 30%, and caffeinated coffee improved blood pressure and vascular endothelial cell function.

The researchers said the study explored the effects of caffeine on small blood vessel function for the first time and provided important clues for further exploration of coffee's improvement in cardiovascular health.

Coffee is a kind of food with special nutrients

Coffee is a kind of food with special nutrients. Coffee tastes bitter but has a special aroma and refreshing effect, so many people in our country also like it very much. People who often work overtime and stay up late often use it to refresh themselves; drinking coffee has both advantages and disadvantages, but today we can drink coffee healthily after we learn about the nutritional value of coffee.

The nutritional value of coffee

1. The main ingredients of coffee are caffeine, fat, protein, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamins.

two。 The seeds obtained by removing the pericarp and most of the seed coat after the fruit is ripe are called raw coffee or coffee beans. Raw coffee is roasted and ground to get coffee powder, which can be used to make a drink. Coffee tastes bitter, has a specific flavor, contains caffeine alcohol and 1.3% caffeine alkaloids, and is an anesthetic, diuretic, excitatory and cardiotonic drug.

The edible effect of coffee

1. Refreshing

Coffee contains caffeine, which can stimulate the central nervous system, promote the decomposition of liver glycogen and increase sugar. Moderate drinking can make people temporarily energetic and quick-thinking.

two。 Anti-radiation

Coffee can strengthen the heart and improve the basic metabolism of the human body, and can relieve cerebral vasospasm and the spasm of tracheal smooth muscle. Drinking the right amount of coffee can reduce the radiation damage caused by light wave, electromagnetic wave and so on.

3. People inevitably come into contact with all kinds of radiation in their daily life, such as light waves, electromagnetic waves and so on. Over time, they will cause damage to the body by different procedures. Drinking a moderate amount of coffee can reduce this injury.

4. A study by Japan Medical University found that a cup of coffee a day has the effect of inhibiting liver cancer.

Coffee contains caffeine, which can stimulate the central nervous system, promote the decomposition of liver glycogen and raise blood sugar. Drinking in moderation can make people energetic and quick for the time being. Drinking after exercise has the effect of eliminating fatigue, restoring physical strength and invigorating spirit.

Suitable dosage

1-2 cups a day is appropriate, then no more than 5 cups. It should be accompanied by a cup of water when tasting coffee. Drink a mouthful of white water before tasting coffee, wash off the smell in the mouth, and then taste coffee will feel mellow; as coffee is good for urine function, drinking more white water can increase urination and promote kidney function without having to worry about getting angry. You shouldn't drink too much coffee.

Main nutrients


(mg) A (microgram) B1B2B6B12 (microgram) CD (microgram) E1200. Laurel 0.2 biotin (microgram) K (microgram) P (microgram) carotene folic acid (microgram) pantothenic acid nicotinic acid mineral element

There are three periods of time for drinking coffee to lose weight.

It takes three time periods to drink coffee to lose weight. For MM, who loves coffee and wants to lose weight, drinking coffee to lose weight is a very good way to lose weight. Coffee contains caffeine has a weight loss effect, only a few cups of coffee a day can achieve a better weight loss effect. So, can you lose weight by drinking coffee?

Drink coffee to lose weight

Coffee in the morning to lose weight

It is suitable for breakfast with French coffee with milk, because milk can increase the feeling of fullness. However, if you are losing weight, you must reduce the amount of milk, which is about the usual amount of 1, 3, 1, 1 and 4. As for the amount of coffee, if it is a mug, only one cup is enough, if it is an ordinary coffee cup, it is necessary to drink 2 cups. Don't forget to exercise quickly after drinking coffee.

Coffee at noon to lose weight

After lunch, we should also get into the habit of drinking coffee, and it is black coffee, do not add sugar or cream. It is best to choose American coffee, because the caffeine content of this coffee is the most suitable for weight loss, drink 2-3 cups.

Coffee in the afternoon to lose weight

After eating, don't just sit down, be sure to give your body a chance to exercise, even if you lift your legs or be gentle.

According to this method, you can lose about 3 kilograms of weight in a month.

Coffee weight loss principle 1: canned coffee is frighteningly high in calories, no matter how much caffeine, it is difficult to achieve weight loss effect, so be sure to choose sugar-free canned coffee.

Coffee weight loss principle 2: no matter how good the weight loss effect of coffee is, you can't drink too much. If you eat it with cakes or biscuits, the effect is almost zero. In addition, you can't drink too much on an empty stomach, so as not to cause stomach ulcers.

Drink coffee to lose weight principle 3: in order to lose weight and then drink coffee, never add sugar, cream can only be considered to add a little bit. But cappuccino and French coffee, although added sugar and cream, will not affect the effect of caffeine, so you can rest assured to drink. As for American coffee, which is rich in caffeine, it is certainly not a problem.

The principle of weight loss by drinking caffeine: after the caffeine in coffee is absorbed by the body, the activity in the body causes the body to secrete epinephrine, and this substance can promote the decomposition and movement of fat cells in the blood, which is then excreted as fatty acids. But it should be noted that if the intake of caffeine is excessive, it will cause insomnia, excitement, rapid heartbeat and so on, which is very harmful to the body, so even if coffee can lose weight, we should also pay attention to drinking the right amount.