Coffee review

What are the benefits of drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Does bilirubin of liver disease patient drink coffee energetically? Mr. Shen is a hepatitis B patients, the last time to the hospital for examination, the doctor pointed out that his bilirubin is relatively high, so he needs to pay more attention in life, but Mr. Shen is currently running an online store, need a lot of work every day, at noon every day Hu a little sleepy, so he likes to make a cup of coffee to help themselves

Does bilirubin high energy drink coffee in patients with liver disease? Mr. Shen is a Sanyang patient with hepatitis B. the last time he went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor pointed out that his bilirubin was relatively high, which made him need to pay more attention in his life. But Mr. Shen is currently running an online shop and needs a lot of work every day. Hu is a little sleepy at noon every day, so he likes to make a cup of coffee to help him refresh himself. But he is worried that eating like this will have a certain impact on his condition, so he wants to ask: can patients with liver disease drink coffee with high levels of bilirubin?

Experts from Shanghai General Hospital of Clinical Medicine for liver Diseases pointed out that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which has a refreshing effect for healthy people, but for patients with high bilirubin in liver function test, it means that their liver is damaged. If drinking coffee is easy to cause insomnia and aggravate liver cell damage, it is not suitable for patients to drink.

Bilirubin is a routine item in liver function examination. in general, high bilirubin often indicates the pathological changes of the liver. There are many reasons for the high level of indirect bilirubin, which can be divided into pathological and physiological. Coffee can be properly cited if it is physiologically caused by abnormal bilirubin. Coffee contains a large number of minerals such as protein, amino acids, potassium, iron and zinc, as well as lipids such as triglycerides and free fatty acids. Proper drinking can also promote appetizers, eliminate fat and accumulation, activate blood circulation and remove stasis, strengthen muscles and bones, and so on.

If the patient's high bilirubin is caused by pathological reasons, then it is not suitable for such patients to drink, because the coffee contains a lot of caffeine, easy to lead to insomnia in patients with liver disease, not suitable to drink. So as not to affect the normal rest rule of the patients and increase the burden on the patients' liver. In addition, experts remind: patients with liver disease with high bilirubin can choose more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat at least two kinds of fruits such as grapes, apples or oranges every day. If you eat more than three kinds of vegetables such as cauliflower, tomatoes and carrots at the same time, the effect will be better. Finally, the daily intake of vegetables and fruits is not less than 400 to 500 grams, and there are as many varieties of fruits and vegetables as possible. These contribute to the recovery of hepatocytes and the stability of the disease.

Shanghai General Hospital of Clinical Medicine of liver Diseases warmly reminds: due to different physical conditions, the degree and symptoms of the disease are different, and the treatment effect is the best under the guidance of the attending doctor.