Coffee review

It is very skillful to make a latte (multi-picture)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The popularity of coffee in China over the past few decades is as if you were born to know that it looks good. Pull flowers are no longer a new thing, and you must have seen it even if you haven't drunk it. The amazing thing is that many new things in China have already been upgraded, and there are no stories that have been explored and found to spread. for example, we don't need to know how coffee grows like a bush and forms like a cherry.

The popularity of coffee in China over the past few decades is as if you were born to know that it looks good. Pull flowers are no longer a new thing, and you must have seen it even if you haven't drunk it. The amazing thing is that many new things have already been upgraded in China, and there are no stories that have been explored and found to spread. for example, we don't need to know how coffee grows like a shrub and turn into a fruit like a cherry. We don't need to know how to turn this fruit into lovely coffee beans, maybe we don't even need to know how the coffee is made, just go to the supermarket and buy a cup of coffee. It may feel good to jump directly to Uygur, but that feeling is fleeting and there is no dimension of memory. I'm afraid that creatures living in the fifth dimension can't understand the joy of expecting a cup of cappuccino.

Of course, the high-style cafe still has manual flower drawing, watching the beautiful woman or handsome barista draw a wonderful pattern on the coffee with a shake of his hand, and then send you a reserved smile, gently take it over, and return it with a smile, with an instant glamour value of 10. Work efficiency × 100

So let's talk about what coffee pull is. Before that, let's ask: what is a Cappuccino cappuccino?

After 1525, monks of St. Franciscans wore brown robes and a pointed hat, and people called their clothes Cappuccino, and then they found that this coffee looked like this group of people, and gave this coffee the name, which is to add milk foam to espresso.

What's the difference between a cappuccino and a latte or Ole coffee?

In terms of composition, latte and Ole Coffee are Italian names and French names. Cappuccino, like these two, are milk bubbles steamed with coffee and steam, with slightly different air content, and some confuse these names. It doesn't matter. The technical details are described in more detail below.

What about direct coffee with cold milk? It's called American coffee because they're lazy.

But there are more and more cafes, but there are fewer and fewer places with cappuccinos. First, coffee is readily available on all kinds of packaged shelves because of the increasingly convenient and cheap way to get it, but Starbucks, McDonald's and all kinds of coffee shops are equipped with advanced coffee machines, which are machines that can make dense milk bubbles. They also sell cappuccinos, why can't they pull flowers?

Because the failure rate of Lahua is too high.

The reason for the failure is that they have not studied physical chemistry. Physical chemistry is a course called physical chemistry, not physics and chemistry.

In this article, I will briefly describe an important system in physical chemistry, foam: the application of foam in the coffee industry.

Ho-ho, do you feel magnificent?

Do you think you can just eat foodie! too young too naive!

Get to the topic: how to make a latte

First of all, what is the layer of flower floating on the surface of the coffee?

Maybe no one will think too much about this problem. But in the eyes of scientists, it is a mixture of two kinds of microfoam (microform), different colors, but you can enter me into you, so you can create patterns. So in order to get such a flower, you must make the two kinds of foam mix together.

Before mixing, we have to prepare these two bubbles, and then the two bubbles have to meet at the right time and in the right place, neither later nor earlier.

So first, we have to have foam from coffee, crema: coffee fat foam.

The picture above is a picture of coffee fat, the black part below is coffee, and the brown red part above is coffee fat, which is obtained from coffee powder which is washed by boiling hot water and finely ground under high pressure. it's because the foam mixture refracts the air. Chinese people generally do not drink espresso very much and think it is too bitter. In fact, it is important to taste espresso. Coffee fat is the soul of espresso flavor and the key to judging the quality of a cup of espresso and baristas.

The picture shows the microstructure of coffee fat foam. The presence of coffee fat is often seen as a sign of the quality of espresso, accounting for more than 10% of the volume of espresso. Coffee fat contains a lot of gas, about half of the total volume. The structure of coffee fat is observed under an optical microscope. It can be seen that it contains bubbles, fat particles (usually less than 10 microns) and some solid particles (fragments of the cell wall of coffee beans, etc.). Quoted from the right [Coffee pull: foam Waltz]

The amount of coffee fat foam is not only related to the coffee beans themselves, but also related to the tamping technology, that is, the action of putting coffee powder into a small container and then pressing it, the tighter the pressure, the easier it is to extract the coffee fat, but if it is too tight, the coffee may not flow out, so it is very skillful.

Second, the foam of milk

Just this question, I can write another article, how to get the right milk foam is also a knowledge! A popular science article called "the formation of Milk Bubble" is very detailed, and Yun inadvertently wrote an article called "Laboratory Cappuccino Bubble" about how to consider increasing the foam of coffee in the vending machine.

To put it simply, it is necessary to have the structure of protein in milk, the stable structure of fat, and the right temperature to make the protein active. The structure of milk foam is similar to that of coffee fat foam, and the particle size is just at the micron level, so let's do it.

So what should you pay attention to when making foam with a coffee maker?

Screenshot from video: Quick Tip: Milk for Lattes and Cappuccinos

The picture shows the difference between latte and cappuccino foam. Can you see it?

There is hot steam in the pipe. If you put the pipe under the liquid surface, you can get hot milk foam with twice the volume. The whole system is a very uniform micro-foam system. This is the milk foam used for lattes. And cappuccino is to put the tube close to the liquid surface, in fact, this pipe has three small openings, two under the liquid surface, one on the liquid surface, manually adjust, through the surface liquid-gas contact to press more gas in, so that the milk foam can become three times the volume, at this time you will hear a very sharp and shrill sound, is the cry of the air in the gap between the liquid! Friction! friction!

So when you go to a cafe to order a cappuccino, you will hear a harsh sound, while when you order a latte, there is basically no such sound except at the beginning and end of the jet. Does it feel like it's a little bit higher?

Now! Suppose we have two symmetrical bubbles, how can we mix them together to pull flowers?

This is the artist's business. Basically, I have nothing to do.

But! Have you ever wondered why it is called Lahua? Why use this "pull"? When on earth can you draw flowers when you pour down the bubbles?

Explain it in detail with a series of pictures below! Specific videos can be searched on youtube: Latte Art.

Step 1: prepare espresso and milk foam and pour the foam directly into it (the success rate of milk foam produced by professional coffee machine is relatively high)

When you pour down the bubble, you should first be fast and then slow. When the speed is fast, the bubble sinks because of the impulse, and then floats because of the force of the liquid. When you see that the color of the liquid on the right half of the picture below has turned white, you can start to "pull". Pull the bubble cup a little further to observe the liquid state, and then pull closer and continue to pour, shaking the cup to become more uniform.

This is the first important pull! At this time the color of the whole coffee became lighter.

Step 2: when there are white and brown patterns on the surface, you should slowly start drawing flowers. Here is the second important pull, slightly control the hands, and then see if the white foam has stayed on the surface and will not sink.

Step 3: when there are white and brown patterns on the surface, you should start drawing flowers slowly and pour them carefully.

Step 4: you can get this pattern by gently shaking left and right and retreating on one side. Pull a thin line back at the end and you will get the leaf shape shown below.

If you don't shake, you will get a circle layer by layer, and then pull back to have a heart shape, which is a favorite of girls. The following image is from video: How to Make a Latte Art Heart | Perfect Coffee

As long as you control the direction, shake, a variety of small changes, you can get the following picture of a variety of flower works.

But all shapes are basically based on leaves or hearts, and can also have radial shapes that can be piled into space in addition to two-dimensional dragging. The following picture of the bear should be counted as a "carved flower" category, this time will not go into detail.

Application and summary:

If you want to try making lattes yourself, here's a little tips:

1. Good coffee can make a good crema

two。 Good machine, good milk, can produce dense milk foam

3. Eye disease and steady hands should be fast and slow.

4. The temperature, milk foam and coffee temperature are the same (with cold flowers)

Of course, the technology and knowledge of professional baristas are not covered, and it is necessary to systematically learn coffee-related knowledge in order to be handsome in front of girls.

Posted from the column "how to cook wolves"