Coffee review

Where did coffee originate? Coffee Culture in China

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Where did coffee originate? Coffee culture in China: Speaking of coffee, the earliest origin is still very, but people know very little about coffee originating in Africa. In fact, Ethiopia in Africa is the first place where coffee appeared, where you will see the best coffee in the world. Coffee origin, produces the best coffee in the world

Where did coffee come from? Chinese coffee culture; in fact, the earliest origin of coffee is very, but little is known about the origin of coffee in Africa. Xi'an coffee shop professionals pointed out: in fact, Africa Ethiopia is the place where coffee first appeared, and here you will see the best coffee in the world. Coffee originated and produced the best Arabian coffee in the world. Soil, climatic conditions and an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level have enabled many African countries to create an ideal environment for the growth of coffee.

China's coffee culture industry is getting stronger and stronger. Excellent quality and low price are the hallmarks of African coffee. It has also won a high international reputation and attracted many well-known European and American buyers to purchase in Africa, including Starbucks in the United States and St. Spurs in the United Kingdom.

Chinese people have been drinking tea for thousands of years. As the origin of tea in the world, people more or less ignore or despise coffee as a foreign beverage in terms of consumption habits and concepts. The coffee culture of Chinese mainland should have started from the Anglo-French-Japanese concession in old Shanghai, while the cafes at that time were infested by foreigners and upper-class Chinese, and did not enter the lives of ordinary people. In recent years, with the impact of foreign culture and the change of life style, more and more coffee has entered the homes of ordinary Chinese people, and Chinese coffee culture has gradually flourished. On the origin of coffee and Chinese coffee culture.

For the coffee market in China, many analysts think that the market is huge and the development potential is huge. Compared with the global average growth rate of 2%, China's coffee consumption is growing at an astonishing rate of 15% a year, according to the International Coffee Organization in London. The average Chinese drink only 3 cups of coffee a year, but by comparison, North Americans drink about 500 to 700 cups of coffee.

In the late 1980s, with the rise of Chinese coffee culture, people began to have a deeper and deeper understanding of African coffee, and even many coffee lovers began to promote and sell African coffee in China after tasting African coffee. However, sales of African coffee in the Chinese market are still very small, and most people mention that African coffee is still confused.