Coffee review

What are the lightly roasted coffee beans? The roasting of coffee beans determines the taste of coffee.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The roasting of coffee beans determines the taste of coffee, and the bitter, sour and mellow taste of coffee is determined by roasting. Let's talk about the method of roasting coffee beans. First, the degree of roasting of coffee beans determines the basic taste of a cup of coffee. Generally speaking, light baking has a strong sour taste and unique aroma, while the deeper the baking degree, the sour taste is gradually lost, but bitter.

The roasting of coffee beans determines the taste of coffee, and the bitter, sour and mellow taste of coffee is determined by roasting. Let's talk about the method of roasting coffee beans. First, the degree of roasting of coffee beans determines the basic taste of a cup of coffee. Generally speaking, light baking has a strong sour taste and a unique aroma, while the deeper the baking degree is, the sour taste is lost, but the bitterness is heavier. Second, the roasting of coffee is divided into three stages. Light baking stage: when the beans make the first light sound, the volume expands at the same time, and the color changes to a delicious cinnamon color. Acidity dominates the flavor of shallow baked beans, and the texture and taste have not been brought into full play. Middle baking stage: the coffee beans show an elegant brown color when baked for 10-11 minutes. This method of baking is also called city roast. Medium roasting can not only preserve the original flavor of coffee beans, but also moderately release aroma, so blue mountains, Colombia, Brazil and other single products of coffee, more choose this roasting method. At 12-16 minutes, the oil begins to surface, and the beans are burned to an oily dark brown, called full-city roast, when the sour, sweet and bitter taste of coffee reaches the perfect balance, and the character of coffee beans is clearly depicted. Deep roasting stage: the darker the color of coffee beans, the sweeter the flavor, when the oil has turned into caramel, bitter back to sweet, endless aftertaste, the most suitable for the strong Italian Espresso, so it is also known as Italian baking. Moderate roasting gives life to the coffee beans and turns them into intriguing sweetness and bitterness. People who are sensitive to caffeine might as well choose deep-roasted beans, because caffeine will slowly escape during deep-roasting, so the deeper the roasted beans, the lower the caffeine content, and the caffeine content in a cup of Espresso is only half that of other medium-roasted coffee. Eight different colors of coffee beans can be roasted through three different stages, which is the accepted standard for most people in the world to determine the roasting quality of coffee beans: 1, light baking Light Roast 2, cinnamon roasting Cinnamon Roast 3, medium roasting Medial Roast 4, deep roasting High Roast 5, urban baking City Roast 6, urban roasting Full city Roast 7, French roasting French Roast 8, Italian roasting Italian Roast. This means that the same kind of coffee beans can be roasted with eight different tastes. 1-2 is shallow baking, 3-5 is medium baking, and 6-8 is deep baking. Third, from the baking heat source, coffee is divided into electric heating, gas [gas] fire and carbon fire, and the way of roasting is divided into direct fire type and hot air type. The direct fire type is the direct action of various heat sources on the coffee beans; the hot air type is the conversion of the heat source into hot air and then acts on the coffee beans. The taste and style of coffee beans baked by different heat methods are also different. Our company is currently using gas fire type baking, roasted coffee beans are still good. However, at present, most of the industrial baking ovens use hot air baking, which can make coffee beans roast more evenly and have better color.