Coffee review

What is the difference between the normal pressure and drip filtration of coffee powder?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Drip filter coffee is usually made with a Hong Kong-style drip filter or an American-style drip filter. Espresso is made with a fully automatic coffee machine or a professional semi-automatic coffee machine with a pressure of 15-20 Pa. The coffee is covered with coffee essence. The principle of brewing coffee in a pressure pot: stewing by soaking through full contact between water and coffee powder

Drip filter coffee is usually made with a Hong Kong-style drip filter or an American-style drip filter. Espresso is made with a fully automatic coffee machine or a professional semi-automatic coffee machine with a pressure of 15-20 Pa. The coffee is covered with coffee essence.

The principle of making coffee in a pressure pot: the essence of coffee is released by soaking and stewing through the full contact between water and coffee powder.

Suitable for coffee: coffee powder with both strong and light taste.

Degree of grinding: coarse granule.