Coffee review

Eight Magic effects of Coffee the efficacy of iced coffee and hot coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nowadays, coffee is no longer strange to the Chinese. Coffee shops in the city are all over the streets; in supermarkets and in front of vending machines, there are always people who pick up a bottle of canned coffee; and white-collar workers inevitably use coffee to refresh themselves during working hours. There are also endless studies on coffee. For example, drinking more coffee can help prevent men from losing their hair. Eating too much coffee will darken the skin. In the morning,

Nowadays, coffee is no longer strange to the Chinese. Coffee shops in the city are all over the streets; in supermarkets and in front of vending machines, there are always people who pick up a bottle of canned coffee; and white-collar workers inevitably use coffee to refresh themselves during working hours. There are also endless studies on coffee, such as drinking more coffee can help prevent men from losing their hair, eating too much coffee can darken the skin, and drinking coffee in the morning can make the heart beat faster.

Coffee has eight other benefits:

1. Eliminate fatigue and activate the brain.

two。 Prevent cancer: reduce the risk of bowel and rectal cancer.

3. Remove bad breath: can eliminate garlic smell.

4. Promote blood circulation: (for people with a healthy heart) can improve the function of the heart and dilate the blood vessels moderately.

5. Quick defecation: its defecation effect is only effective when drinking in the morning, but not at other times.

6. Treatment of migraine: to treat migraine, it is best to drink with aura.

7. Inhibition of asthma: asthma caused by stimulating the sympathetic nerve and inhibiting the excitement of the parasympathetic nerve.

8. Reduce cholesterol: caffeine can stimulate gallbladder contraction and reduce gallbladder content, which is easy to form gallstones.

How much effect does coffee have on health?

How long is the history of such a popular coffee and what effects will it have on health?

It is understood that coffee was first found in Ethiopia. So far, it has a history of at least 700 years. At that time, a shepherd found that the goat was agile after eating a kind of berry and tried to eat a little. As a result, he was refreshed. When the monks heard this, they dried the berries so that they could be transported to a distant monastery. The dried berries were the original coffee beans. Later, after the coffee beans spread to Turkey, they began to be roasted and ground with open fire, and boiled in water is the embryonic form of today's coffee.

Coffee consumption is increasing year by year, and the research on the efficacy of coffee has been paid more and more attention by the medical profession. In the past decade, there are more than 19000 studies on the composition and efficacy of coffee. Studies in Finland and the United States have found that drinking coffee from mothers may increase the risk of diabetes in babies after birth. Drinking coffee before exercise may be bad for the heart, a Swiss study has found. A survey by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences shows that women who drink more than one cup of coffee a day are half as likely to get pregnant as those who don't. In addition, drinking coffee may also lead to osteoporosis and increase the risk of myocardial infarction in women.

Compared with the rising skepticism, more research is aimed at rehabilitating coffee. A large number of foreign studies have shown that coffee can make people more focused. Italian studies have found that coffee protects teeth. Researchers at Harvard University in the United States recently found that drinking only one cup of coffee a day can help people avoid Alzheimer's disease. Japanese researchers point out that people who drink coffee every day for 10 years are 50% less likely to develop liver cancer than those who never drink it. In addition, studies have shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of gout in men and breast cancer in women.

People are a little overwhelmed by all kinds of research. The survey found that when it comes to the health effects of coffee, 59.4% of people think it can be refreshing, 14.80% think it can lose weight, and 7.2% believe that coffee can prevent Alzheimer's disease. But some people believe that coffee can lead to calcium loss (23.07%), fat drinking (21.22%), miscarriage (8.75%), high blood pressure (7.06%), dehydration (5.76%) and diabetes (5.15%).

Coffee is indeed a double-edged sword. "the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee we usually drink is about 50 milligrams. As caffeine has the effect of cardiotonic diuresis, it can exhilarate people's spirits and improve their brain activity. " However, it should be noted that coffee with health benefits is only freshly ground ordinary coffee, instant coffee and a variety of decaf coffee do not have these effects. "of course, drinking too much does have a bad effect on the body. Especially for Chinese people who are already deficient in calcium, they should pay attention to calcium supplements when drinking coffee. "

Espresso has always been a refreshing choice for office workers. However, there has been a lot of debate about the advantages or disadvantages of drinking coffee, so how to drink coffee healthily? Many people who drink a lot of coffee for a long time are easily plagued by "coffee withdrawal syndrome". Caffeine is a "stimulant". If you often drink too much, there will be "coffee withdrawal" once you stop drinking. Its symptoms are: mental depression, sore limbs, general fatigue, restlessness, headache, severe fever and flu, and even "pessimism and disappointment". Therefore, drinking coffee should follow certain principles.