Coffee review

Four different methods of brewing coffee different methods of making coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plug-type coffee pot, also known as "siphon", is composed of upper cup, lower cup, cup holder, filter cloth and heater, and uses the physical principle of hot expansion and cold contraction to brew coffee. Because the plug-style coffee pot has a stable and continuous heat source, the brewed coffee is more fragrant and fragrant, and each sip is rich at different sipping temperatures.

Plug-type coffee maker

The plug-type coffee pot, also known as "siphon", is composed of upper cup, lower cup, cup holder, filter cloth, heater and other components, and brews coffee using the physical principle of hot expansion and cold contraction. Because the Saifeng coffee pot has a stable and continuous heat source, the brewed coffee is even more fragrant and fragrant. At different sipping temperatures, each sip has rich and diverse levels of change, so it is favored by many coffee fans and has become one of the widely used mainstream brewing methods.

Compared with other brewing methods, the operation steps and matters needing attention of the Saifeng coffee pot are more complicated and delicate, which is suitable for friends who enter the class to delve into it at home. The coffee powder brewed in a plug-type coffee pot has the best medium and coarse grindability, and the amount of water needed per 14g coffee powder is about 180c.c.

The steps and methods of brewing are as follows:

1. The lower cup is filled with water and heated, and the heating device can be alcohol lamp or small gas lamp.

two。 Heat the water for one minute after boiling.

3. Place the filter cloth in the center of the upper cup, pour the coffee powder into the upper cup, and insert the upper cup into the lower cup.

4. Shake the stirring stick up and down in the coffee powder of the last cup, stirring every 5 seconds, each time lasting 5 seconds, repeat for 4 or 6 times. When stirring, try not to touch the filter cloth.

5. Rest and heat for about 30 seconds; at this time, the raw "bean smell" of the coffee will change into a round "creamy flavor" with the brewing process, which means that the coffee has been brewed.

6. It should be heated evenly in the process of rest, and special attention should be paid to avoid boiling of the coffee liquid, so as to avoid the phenomenon of "broken holes" in the foam on the surface of the coffee liquid, which is harmful to the flavor.

7. Remove the heating device and cover the edge of the lower cup with a wet rag to allow the coffee liquid to flow quickly to the lower cup. Be careful to prevent the wet dishcloth from touching the place where the flame is heated at the bottom of the lower cup to prevent the lower cup from breaking.

Little advice

1. When placing the filter cloth on the upper cup before brewing, special attention should be paid to placing it in the middle of the upper cup. If the filter cloth is not placed in the center, serious holes will easily occur in the brewing process.

two。 If a hole breaks during the brewing process, the coffee pot can be temporarily removed from the fire source.

3. Whether the filter cloth is clean or not can also make a big difference in the taste of coffee. The cleaning of the filter cloth is very simple, as long as it is cleaned and dried with a toothbrush after each cooking.

Filter coffee pot

Filter coffee pot is a very convenient coffee brewing utensil, which was first produced in 1974. Since then, brewing coffee has become a job that can be done easily. Up to now, it has become one of the mainstream brewing methods of home coffee in Europe and America.

The coffee powder brewed in a filter coffee pot has the best medium and fine grinding degree, and the amount of water needed for every 15g coffee powder is about 250c.c.

The steps and methods of brewing are as follows:

1. First, the hot water is poured into the coffee pot and preheated with the filter, and the cup is ironed in advance. When preheating, you can choose a cloth with good heat preservation to wrap the coffee pot to increase the preheating effect.

two。 When the temperature of the coffee pot is balanced with the hot water, pour out the hot water, and the thermostat still does not need to be picked up.

3. Pour the coffee powder into the coffee pot, heat the hot water to 98 ℃ and slowly pour in twice: the first time, pour in about 1 prime 3 water, and cover and "steam" the coffee powder for about 40 seconds, and then pour in the remaining hot water for 4 minutes to make the coffee powder more easily extracted.

4. When pouring water, you can gently shake the kettle and roll the coffee powder by the impact of the water column, so that the coffee powder is fully soaked and extracted evenly.

5. Coffee brewing time is 4 minutes, when the time is up, press the strainer "slowly" and "gently". When the filter is pressed to the bottom, leave a little space to prevent the filter from squeezing the coffee powder too much and make the bitter substances in the coffee powder dissolve.

6. Slowly pour the brewed coffee into the cup and serve.

Little advice

1. Since the brewing process of the filter coffee pot is as long as 4 minutes without fire, the heat preservation of the whole process is very important.

two。 When pouring out the coffee, do not pour out all the coffee, so as not to pour out the fine powder at the bottom of the pot; do not finish the coffee when tasting the coffee in the cup, so as to avoid drinking the fine powder at the bottom of the cup.

Filter paper drip type hand punch cup

Using filter paper and hand filter cups to brew coffee, you can actually feel the touch of coffee dripping bit by bit, which is an interesting way of brewing coffee. As the brewing steps of filter paper dripping coffee are more complicated and delicate, the choice of water quantity, water injection time and filter cup will affect the final coffee flavor, so it is suitable for friends who enter the class to delve into it at home. First of all, in the part of the filter cup, it is recommended to choose a three-hole filter cup with deep grooves on the body and three holes at the bottom, which can retain a proper gap between the filter paper and the filter cup, so that hot air can be discharged and can be extracted fully when hot water passes through coffee powder. The coffee powder brewed by filter paper dripping method is better in medium grinding. the amount of coffee powder per person is about 10g, and then the coffee powder is increased by 7g to 8g for each additional person. The ratio of coffee powder to water requirement is suggested to be 1:12, which can be adjusted slightly according to individual taste preferences.

Here, take brewing for two people as an example, a total of 18g coffee powder is needed, and the amount of water needed is about 220c.c.

The steps and methods of brewing are as follows:

1. First warm the filter cup with hot water, place the filter paper in the center of the filter cup, and then pour in the coffee powder.

two。 Gently shake the filter cup to make the surface of the coffee powder as smooth as possible.

3. After boiling, raise the water injection port of the kettle to a height of 3cm from the surface of the filter cup, and draw a circle from the inside to the outside, along the clockwise direction, in order to fully wet the coffee powder, inject the right amount of water. According to the principle of judging the amount of water injected, there are "several drops" of coffee dripping in the containers that accept coffee, but there is no phenomenon of "one pool" of coffee.

4. If fresh coffee powder is used, an expanded filter layer will be formed on its surface. At this time, it should be noted that the water flow should be kept small and not too strong, so as not to expand and collapse. Whether the amount of water injection is too strong or uneven can be judged by whether the bubble on the surface of the expansion filter layer is meticulous and uniform.

5. Stand for 20 to 30 seconds to fully expand the expansion filter layer to help the coffee powder be fully extracted.

6. Inject hot water for the second time, repeat the injection method in step 3, pour the remaining water "three times", and be especially careful not to pour hot water around the outside of the previously expanded filter layer.

7. The timing of each water injection is that after the expanded filter layer is gradually sunken, the remaining hot water is injected.

Little advice

1. When injecting water, you should keep the flow as small as possible. for convenience, it is recommended to buy a hand flushing kettle with a slender spout.

two。 In the process of cooking, it is necessary to keep the integrity of the expansion filter layer to avoid causing "holes" or depressions.

3. Coffee utensils can be filled with a fixed capacity coffee cup to receive coffee, when the coffee filter dripping a preset amount, you can remove the upper filter cup to avoid excessive extraction.

Water-cooled iced coffee

In the hot season, the body is always eager for the moisture of cold drinks, at this time, if you can have a cup of cold, mellow iced coffee, you will be able to wake up from the inside out! Due to the low caffeine content of iced coffee, it can completely retain the fresh aroma of coffee, and the brewing steps are quite simple and easy, so it is a necessary delicious ice drink in summer.

The "Italian comprehensive coffee bean" with strong and rich taste is the most suitable for making iced coffee. The particle size of coffee powder is better than fine grinding, and the amount of water needed for every 50g coffee powder is about 1000 c c.

The brewing steps and methods are as follows:

1. First, put the coffee powder into the filter bag used for making tea and seal it properly.

two。 Put the coffee bag in the jar.

3. Water injection 1000c.c. In a wide mouth water bottle.

4. Keep the bottle in the refrigerator for 24 hours and 30 hours.

5. Take out the wide-mouth water bottle and pick up the coffee bag and discard it. When taking out the filter bag, please avoid squeezing the filter bag so that the finer coffee powder will flow into the coffee and affect the taste.

Little advice

1. Do not shake before drinking iced coffee.

two。 When pouring out the iced coffee, be careful not to pour it all out, so as not to affect the taste of the powder particles at the bottom of the pot.