Coffee review

Blending of single mixed Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The previous has briefly talked about the meaning of the blending of comprehensive coffee and two more popular blending concepts. Today, I would like to share with you several specific recipes for mixed coffee (as each family has its own understanding of different roasting and the quality of the raw beans used, the formula mentioned in this article may not be suitable for everyone. The numbers represent the recommended ratio). Comprehensive coffee

The previous has briefly talked about the meaning of the blending of comprehensive coffee and two more popular blending concepts. Today, I would like to share with you several specific recipes for mixed coffee (as each family has its own understanding of different roasting and the quality of the raw beans used, the formula mentioned in this article may not be suitable for everyone. The numbers represent the recommended ratio).

Comprehensive coffee mix one: Brazil (4), Colombia (3), Harald (2), Kenya (1).

Introduction to coffee beans: urban roasting in Brazil and Colombia shows more profound characteristics, while highly roasted Harald still has a prominent sour taste, while Kenya uses a baking degree between urban roasting and deep urban baking. the faint aroma of red wine and low acidity show a great convergence of wild flavor.

What about the taste of the mixed coffee made with these four kinds of beans?

Cup test evaluation: the aroma is full-bodied and soft, with faint aromas of flowers and fruits. In taste, sour and sweet can be obviously felt, but not irritating, bitterness is slightly more obvious, mellow and comfortable. In particular, the aftertaste is very long and obvious (the bitterness of Brazilian coffee is well reflected).

The overall smoothness of this mixed coffee is long, rich but not exciting, and it still has a rich flavor even if it is cooled a little.

Comprehensive coffee blending II: Brazil (2), Harald (2), Kenya (1).

Introduction to coffee beans: city baked Brazil, the characteristics of bitter sweet taste is very obvious. The Harald flavor of the city baked is more calm, the sour taste is less wild and more rich and low-key, while the city-baked Kenya still retains a relatively obvious sour red wine, fruit aroma, rich and lively flavor.

What is so special about the taste of the mixed coffee made from these three coffee beans with the same roasting degree?

Cup evaluation: rich aroma, obvious floral and fruity aromas (contribution of Kenya). The bitter taste is more obvious, but the bitter taste is crisp and powerful, and then brings obvious sweetness; the sour taste has a clear red wine flavor, with a faint Harald fruit acid performance, the overall feeling is sweet and clear. The performance of Yu Yun is long, and Huigan is very obvious.

The sour taste of this comprehensive coffee is perfect, and the bittersweet characteristics of Brazilian coffee are incisively and vividly, but the only drawback is that the characteristics of Harald coffee are not so obvious against the strong strength of Kenya, but it does not have a great impact on the overall flavor performance.

Integrated coffee mix three: Brazil (2), Harald (1), Kenya (1).

Introduction to coffee beans: highly roasted Brazil has a relatively clear sour taste. The Harald flavor baked in the city is less wild and more calm. Between urban baking and deep urban baking, the Kenyan flavor is rich and steady, less active and more heavy.

How does this coffee perform?

Cup evaluation: there is an obvious floral aroma in the aroma and reveals the flavor of the fruit (Harald's contribution). The sour taste is more obvious (because the Brazilian coffee as the base uses a lighter baking degree to increase the sour taste), Harald's fruit sour taste is more obvious. The bitterness is not obvious. The overall taste gives people a deep and heavy feeling, rich but changeable, difficult to guess at once.

This coffee uses Brazil, which is highly roasted rather than city-baked, as the base, making the sour taste of the coffee much clearer, and deep-baked Kenya avoids this clear trend of sour expression toward thinness. it is unexpected that the overall flavor is thick, rich and varied.

The above three recipes all use Brazil (the first one uses Brazil and Colombia) as the base, mainly because the flavor of Brazil is the most balanced and simple, suitable for use as a stable base. Blending is an art, the proportion and baking degree mentioned in the formula are not fixed, you can try different proportions of coffee, maybe there will be a better flavor performance. So it is absolutely right to say that mixed coffee reflects a store's baking skills and understanding of coffee. I hope you can take it out if you have a good way of blending, study together and carry out the pursuit of fine coffee to the end.