Coffee review

Method for determining the oil content of Italian coffee Color determination

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The color of espresso oil can reflect whether the extraction degree of ESPRESSO is moderate, whether the amount of powder is enough, whether the filling force is in place, whether the water temperature of the coffee machine is correct and whether the beans are fresh, and many other factors. Italian coffee oil color is best golden yellow slightly brown, oil color tends to milky white, we generally call it under extraction, tend to

The color of Italian caffeine oil can well reflect whether the extraction degree of ESPRESSO is moderate, whether the powder is enough, whether the filling force is in place, whether the water temperature of the coffee machine is correct and whether the beans are fresh and many other factors. The color of Italian coffee oil is preferably golden yellow and slightly brown, and the color of oil is milky white, which is generally called underextraction, while the preference for dark brown is excessive extraction.

Insufficient extraction

The lack of extraction is generally reflected in the milky white color of the oil, which may be due to insufficient powder, too light filling force, too low water temperature, too coarse coffee powder, insufficient water pressure or not fresh coffee beans. sometimes it is also related to the light roasting of coffee beans or the variety of coffee beans.

Excessive extraction

Excessive extraction is generally reflected in the dark brown color of the oil, which may be caused by too much powder, too much filling force, too high water temperature, too fine grinding of coffee powder and other reasons, sometimes it has something to do with the excessive roasting of coffee beans. The grease color of espresso is the most basic knowledge that coffee lovers and baristas must understand and master, which can help you understand the quality of coffee in the shortest possible time.