Coffee review

The secret of the unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Boutique coffee beans Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee brewed from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the east of the island of Jamaica (Jamaica), because the mountain is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the sea water. "

Boutique coffee beans Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee brewed from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and the second most expensive coffee in the world. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste.

The "secret" of the pure taste of Blue Mountain coffee is that the picking process of their coffee trees on rugged hillsides is so difficult that non-local skilled female workers are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immaturity or ripeness will affect the quality of the coffee. The picked coffee beans are shelled on the same day, and then let them ferment for 18 hours. After that, the coffee beans were cleaned and screened. After that

The drying process must be carried out on the cement floor or on a thick blanket until the humidity of the coffee beans drops to 12% 14%. And then store it in a special warehouse. Take it out and roast when needed, then grind it into powder. These procedures must be strictly mastered, otherwise, the quality of coffee will be affected.

Production method:

Grind beans, fineness: 4.5 step 2 the off-hook filter should avoid the gap between the filter and the glass container, because the gap will not only make the coffee powder fall into the water below, but also make the container leak and affect the extraction effect. Fill the pot with the right amount of water and heat it with an alcohol lamp.

Pour the coffee powder into the upper pot and remember not to insert the upper pot immediately after the water boils, move the alcohol lamp to the side of the lower pot in order to adjust the heat to a low heat to lower the water temperature.

When the water temperature drops to about 92-96 degrees, insert the pot.

After the water rises, use the stirring rod to stir in a cross shape: vertical 2 times, horizontal 2 times pay attention to the stirring rod not to touch the bottom filter cloth and wait 30 seconds for the first time, then stir clockwise spirally for 2-3 times.

Wait 30 seconds after the last stirring, remove the alcohol lamp before the delicate white foam on the surface of the coffee has burst, then wipe the surface of the pot with a wet cloth to cool it quickly, when the coffee liquid will flow into the pot quickly.

Pour the coffee from the next pot into a warm coffee cup and drink it.

Finally, the editor adds that if the center of the coffee powder expands in the shape of a hillside, it means that the extraction is successful.