Coffee review

The latest method of civet coffee the latest news and information of civet coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak), native to Indonesia. It is extracted from the feces of the civet and processed. The civet eats the ripe coffee fruit and is excreted through the digestive system. Due to the fermentation of the stomach, the coffee produced has a special taste. Civet coffee has a strong fishy smell, consistency close to syrup, and has a very special flavor. After drinking

Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak), native to Indonesia. It is extracted from the feces of the civet and processed. The civet eats the ripe coffee fruit and is excreted through the digestive system. Due to the fermentation of the stomach, the coffee produced has a special taste. Civet coffee has a strong fishy smell, consistency close to syrup, and has a very special flavor. After drinking, there will still be a touch of mint cool feeling in the mouth. As for whether it tastes good or not, it all depends on your personal taste.


The best brewing method of civet coffee is the Italian mocha pot, and the most convenient is the French filter pot (much like the teapot on the market, the filter screen is thinner).

Siphon pot: add 180 milliliters of water and 10-15 grams of powder. according to your taste, wait for boiling water to rise to the upper seat, stir well and start timing, stir once in 30 seconds, turn off the fire in 60 seconds, and stir again. Wait for the coffee to flow back and enjoy it slowly.

French filter press: put 10 grams of coffee powder, pour into the boiling water, it is best to let the boiling water cool for a few minutes, the best water temperature is about 95 degrees, then stir well, cover the lid, but can not be pressed, brewing time 3-5 minutes, stirring once in the middle, finally slowly press down the filter, over, you can enjoy your delicious coffee!

According to the sharing of netizens, netizens suggest that you should not add sugar or milk to your civet coffee, use a Siphon siphon, add 160g / 180ml (ml) of pure water, pour in 17g (grams) of 2 flat spoons of coffee powder, and gently press down the raised coffee powder with flat bamboo slices after the water boils up. Remember! Do not stir, otherwise the coffee will become bitter, sour and astringent. The water temperature is 96 ℃, the water pressure is 9-10atm, boil for about 1 minute 45 seconds ~ 2 minutes, quickly remove the fire source and wipe the glass bottle with a cold wet cloth to make it cool rapidly, the brewed coffee will quickly fall and show a large number of golden fine foam, so that the ultimate flavor can be achieved. In the general way of brewing, some people say that civet coffee can be brewed for 2 or 3 times, but the above brewing method is regarded as the essence after boiling for a long time, so rebrewing is not recommended.