Coffee review

Where is the best place for coffee trees to grow and grow? Requirements for planting conditions of boutique coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In botany, coffee trees belong to the evergreen trees of the subgenus Rubiaceae, and coffee beans, commonly known as coffee beans, are actually the seeds of the fruit of coffee trees, just because they are shaped like beans, so they are called coffee beans. Climate is the decisive factor for coffee cultivation. Coffee trees are only suitable for growing in the tropics or subtropics, so north and south latitudes

Coffee tree in botany belongs to the Rubiaceae coffee subgenus evergreen tree, and commonly known as coffee beans, in fact, coffee tree fruit seeds, only because of the shape like beans, so called coffee beans.

Climate is the decisive factor for coffee cultivation. Coffee trees are only suitable for growing in the tropics or subtropics, so the zone between north and south latitudes is most suitable for coffee cultivation. This coffee-producing zone is commonly referred to as the "coffee belt" or "coffee zone."

However, not all the land in this area can produce good coffee trees. The ideal planting conditions for coffee trees are: a warm climate with a temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, and rainfall throughout the year must reach 1500 mm to 2000 mm, and its rainfall time should match the flowering cycle of coffee trees. Of course. In addition to seasonal and rainfall coordination, there must be fertile soil. The best soil for coffee is fertile, well drained, pozzolanic soil. In addition, although sunlight is an indispensable element of coffee growth and fruit, too strong sunlight will inhibit the growth of coffee trees. Therefore, various producing areas usually cooperate with planting some shade trees, generally planting bananas, mangoes and legumes and other tall plants. As for the ideal altitude of 500 meters to 2000 meters, therefore, growing at 800 meters to 1200 meters above sea level Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee quality is the best.

It can be seen that the conditions for cultivating high-quality coffee are quite strict: sunlight, rainfall, soil, temperature, and the way coffee beans are harvested and produced will affect the quality of coffee itself. Hebei is not an ideal area for coffee cultivation.

Although coffee trees are not suitable for cultivation in Hebei, there is a grass coffee that can be planted in most parts of the country.

Coffee tree cultivation conditions

However, not all the land in this area can produce good coffee trees. The ideal planting conditions for coffee trees are: a warm climate with a temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, and rainfall throughout the year must reach 1500 mm to 2000 mm, and its rainfall time should match the flowering cycle of coffee trees. Of course, in addition to seasonal and rainfall coordination, there must be fertile soil. The soil most suitable for coffee cultivation is fertile, well drained soil containing pozzolanic matter.

In addition, although sunlight is an indispensable element for coffee growth and fruit, too strong sunlight will ruin the growth of coffee trees, so each producing area usually cooperates with planting some shade trees, generally planting bananas, mangoes and legumes and other tall trees. The ideal altitude is 500 to 2000 meters. Therefore, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee grown at an altitude of 800 meters to 1200 meters has the best quality. It can be seen that the conditions for cultivating high-quality coffee are quite strict: sunlight, rainfall, soil, temperature, and the way coffee beans are harvested and produced will affect the quality of coffee itself.

i) Introduction:

Coffee cultivation has always belonged to tropical African countries, while herbal coffee cultivation is a fashionable product that organically integrates cultivation with modern high-tech means. Suitable for planting in most parts of the country, Hong Kong Food Co., Ltd. in mainland China to set up conditional areas of planting base, planting production and development of herbal coffee.

(ii) Construction of base facilities:

The Chinese side shall provide facilities such as 100-1000 mu of cultivated land or non-cultivated land (barren hills and slopes, etc.) with legal procedures, while the foreign side shall provide original seeds and special fertilizers and be responsible for technology and buy back all products. To compensate for the original seed and special fertilizer, etc.

(iii) Benefits:

Herbal coffee growth period of 130-140 days (Shandong, for example) per mu dry beans about 400-600 kg, foreign repurchase 4 yuan per kg (foreign payment after delivery).

(iv) Conditions of cooperation:

The receiving institution must be an agricultural enterprise (station, point, etc.), which can also rely on the administrative protection of the Government.

Source: Network