Coffee review

How to cook coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How do you cook coffee beans? The African native coffee beans (fried) sent by friends are ground by a soya-bean milk machine and boiled in a milk pot, but they do not have the paste flavor of the imagined coffee. How can I drink the unique paste flavor of coffee? How to make a cup of strong coffee the first step in making a good coffee is to properly store, grind, brew and brew the water temperature and coffee.

How do you cook coffee beans?

The African native coffee beans (fried) sent by friends are ground by a soya-bean milk machine and boiled in a milk pot, but they do not have the paste flavor of the imagined coffee. How can I drink the unique paste flavor of coffee?

How to make a strong cup of coffee

Choosing good coffee is the first step in making good coffee. The temperature of water and the contact time of coffee powder during correct storage, grinding, brewing and brewing are all important factors affecting coffee quality. How to make delicious and mellow coffee must be matched by a series of factors:

Coffee beans: want to brew a cup of mellow coffee, in addition to brewing skills, the most important thing is to buy good quality coffee beans. When buying, you should also pay attention to whether the color and particle size of the beans are uniform. Good coffee beans are not only shiny in appearance, but also have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell.

Degree of grinding: to do the correct grinding according to the coffee machine used, grinding can be divided into three stages: rough grinding (percolator), medium grinding (drip coffee), and fine grinding (espresso machine). While coarse ground coffee is suitable for filter coffee pot (traditional American brewer), medium ground coffee is suitable for follicle type, flannel filter type, siphon type coffee pot, and fine grinding is most suitable for coffee distiller (also known as water drop coffee maker). And I would like to remind you that the shorter the brewing time, the more detailed the grinding particles should be. Because the smaller the particles, the larger the area of contact with hot water, so the brewing time is shorter. And too fine grinding will make the coffee more bitter, but also easier to block the coffee machine; too rough grinding, it will make less flavor coffee.

Fresh and warm water: 97% of the coffee is water, and only good water can brew the original aroma and richness of the coffee. It is best to use filtered water to make coffee. Do not boil the coffee, because boiling water will make the coffee bitter, but also pay attention to the temperature of the water should be slightly lower than 96 degrees Celsius.

The coffee had better not be reheated. When cooking, you should pay attention to only the amount needed for each cooking, and it is best to drink it when it is just cooked. The best drinking temperature for coffee is 85 degrees Celsius.

How to cook coffee beans

First prepare the necessary utensils: a small hand coffee grinder, coffee filter paper, coffee funnel, cup, so that you can make a simple and convenient hand-made coffee.

1. Grinding beans: first grind the coffee beans with a mill (the finest grinding).

If there is a shredder at home or a soymilk machine with crushing function can also be used, but the effect is not very ideal, the particles are relatively coarse. If none of these tools are available, it can be achieved with a rolling pin and a panel. Rolling and mashing methods, in short, to make the particles as small as possible.

2. Make coffee: if the coffee powder is ground fine enough, then use the method of brewing. Put a piece of filter paper on the inside of the funnel, put a cup of coffee powder (8-10) into the filter paper pocket, to avoid coffee powder leakage, first wet the coffee powder with warm water, warm the cup with boiling water in advance, and then put it under the funnel. Add the right amount of coffee powder according to your own taste.

3. Brewing: with pure water of about 96 degrees (it must be pure water, otherwise it will affect the taste of coffee), evenly a small amount of clockwise water is drenched on the coffee powder, after the coffee powder is fully submerged, wait a while, after the first water is filtered into the cup, continue to pour a uniform small amount of clockwise water, and when the coffee liquid in the cup reaches the desired amount, you can close the cup and pour the cup counterclockwise. The added water should be determined according to the amount of coffee powder and personal taste.)

4. Cooking: if the grinding particles are still large, they need to be boiled over high heat. Use a casserole or stainless steel pot, heat it with the right amount of cold water, be sure to control the heat, cook for 2 minutes until the oil foam is overflowing, turn to low heat and cook for half a minute, cease fire and precipitate for half a minute, then pour out and filter with filter paper when pouring out.

5. You can add the right amount of sugar and milk according to your taste, or drink it directly.

This method is simple and does not affect the taste of coffee, but we must pay attention to the temperature of brewing water and the temperature of coffee liquid, otherwise it will affect the taste. The coffee beans here had better be freshly roasted and freshly ground at the same time, which can ensure the aroma and taste of the coffee.

If you often drink coffee, it is recommended to spend 200 to 300 yuan to buy a special siphon pot to cook, of course, this also requires some skills.

How to "make" delicious coffee at home

First of all, we would like to introduce what is called "brewing" coffee. Boil-put something in water and boil it over fire. But the "boiling" of brewing coffee is the process of "washing" the taste of coffee with water of 92-96 degrees. So many people will misunderstand this word. If you really put the coffee into the water to "brew", the drink you get will no longer be a cup of coffee, but a cup of scorched bitter water (because the temperature in the water has reached more than 96 degrees). The temperature above 96 degrees can destroy the oil in the coffee and taste bitter and astringent.

There are several points to pay attention to when making coffee at home:

one. The degree of grinding of coffee is determined by the coffee equipment you choose. Because different coffee making methods require different grinding thicknesses.

two. Use 92-96 degrees of water.

three. Different production methods require different cooking time.

Use a small household coffee machine-Filter Coffee the coffee through a filter paper or gold filter

1. The use of the small funnel: put a piece of filter paper on the inside of the funnel and put a cup of coffee powder (8-10) into the filter paper pocket. (to prevent coffee from entering the interlayer between the filter paper and the funnel wall) wet the coffee powder with water at the right water temperature, and then add water later (water should be added slowly to prevent the coffee dregs from flushing into the coffee above the edge of the filter paper) until a cup of coffee is intact.

2. Electric drip coffee machine: preheat the coffee machine before making coffee every day, add half a pot of water in the sink and turn on the power; first, pour out the stale water in the machine; second, clean the boiler and the pipes of the cooking system; third, clean the coffee funnel; fourth, preheat the coffee pot. Put a matching piece of filter paper inside the funnel of the coffee machine, press each cup of 7-9 grams of coffee powder into the filter paper (be careful that the coffee powder enters the filter paper and the funnel wall), and close the funnel door. Press 175 ml per cup to add to the sink and turn on the power supply.

Coffee powder thickness: through filter paper or pot strainer: medium

Coffee maker (also known as tea maker or press) French Press Coffee

This is a traditional soaking method, in which the coffee powder and the brewed coffee liquid are in the same container, which can taste the advantages and disadvantages of coffee.

Practice: put the coffee powder that matches the thickness of the press pot into the pot according to the amount of (80.0g) cup, but do not exceed the limit of the coffee pot. Pour water from 91 to 96 degrees Celsius into the pot until the top of the metal rack outside the coffee pot, place the filter rod, soak for 3 minutes and push the filter to the bottom. A pot of delicious coffee is ready.

Avoid problems:

First, the choice of the coffee pot: according to the current coffee cultural atmosphere is slowly developing, the coffee brewing equipment market is not very sound. When buying, we must pay attention to the uniform thickness of the glass of the coffee pot, the cup and bucket is vertical, and the caliber is the same. The metal shelf outside should be strong and hard.

Second, water temperature: too high water temperature will deteriorate the oil quality of coffee, make coffee bitter, too low water temperature can not boil coffee taste coffee will be sour and astringent. So the normal water temperature is 91-96 degrees Celsius.

Third, coffee powder grinding thickness: this is a soaking method, need to soak for 3 minutes, so coffee powder should be coarse.

Fourth, downward pressure: you need to make this action carefully, press the pressure bar with the palm of your hand, and apply it vertically and uniformly down the bottom of the pot. Remember to push evenly, too hard will burst the coffee pot. Fifth, coffee powder can not be boiled twice: the standard first cooking, brewing delicious coffee, the second time is bad water. Any kind of coffee is made by washing the taste of coffee (water-soluble and insoluble organic and inorganic substances) out of the coffee for the second time.

The thickness of coffee powder: coarse type.

Italian coffee maker home espresso (also known as "espresso on the stove) Moka Pot Espresso

Basically add the coffee to the top of the halogen cup, but press it gently. There should be some space at the top of the halogen cup because the coffee will expand after soaking in water. Cook over medium heat until you hear the sound of water in the pot. Remove the pot and make coffee.

The thickness of coffee powder: Italian espresso: medium to fine.

Italian espresso, machine-made Italian Espresso

Add seven grams of coffee to the halogen cup and gently compact it, leaving some space at the top, because the coffee will expand after soaking in water. Add water and observe the color of coffee oil (Crema) when it comes out of the coffee maker. When the coffee oil begins to change from golden brown to white, stop adding water. The whole process takes 22 to 28 seconds. Please remember that a real espresso is a very small cup of coffee (40 to 50 milliliters or 1.5 ounces). Coffee should start to flow out in five seconds. Flow like hot honey at the bottom of a coffee spoon. If it takes too long to start to flow out, try not to press the coffee too hard, or switch to thicker particles. If the coffee comes out too fast, make it a little tighter, or use finer particles instead.

Coffee powder thickness: Italian espresso: fine.

Italian Milk Coffee Cappuccino

The spirit of Italian foam coffee comes from Italian espresso. If the strong coffee is ready, the coffee will taste good. If the coffee is not standard, it will also be affected. The prepared foam coffee is divided into three steps.

The first step is to prepare espresso in the above way. Espresso should account for 1/3 of the drink (not 1/3 of the cup because the impassable cup has impassable capacity).

The second step is to add 1/3 hot milk (it should be the same amount as espresso).

The third step is to add another 1/3 foam.

The thickness of coffee powder: do not use the powder, just use the fragrant coffee that has been made.

Turkish coffee Turkish Coffee is perhaps the most difficult coffee to make. Real Turkish coffee can only be obtained through complex procedures.

First of all, you must have a coffee pot. There is a small lid on the top of the coffee pot. Pour the coffee beans in, add water to the side (and some pour water into the pot) and boil it.

First of all, you should have a good bag of coffee powder, or buy your own coffee beans and grind them yourself. only by ensuring its quality can your work not be based on wasted time. Just like us, no matter how gaudy and charming you are, you must first be called a boutique in your heart; otherwise, all external things will be wasted. Stick to your self-worth. Everyone has advantages, affirm it, give play to it, do not hesitate because of other people's words, "am I like this?" Insisting that you are a good bag of coffee powder will doom you to be recognized in the future. If you insist on doing this, congratulations!

What's next? If you leave the coffee powder idle in the cup and put it on the shelf, you will never have coffee. There should be hot water, which can turn coffee powder into liquid, so that the sweetness of coffee can be distributed. This hot water is like ups and downs or changes in your life experience. Don't avoid it. Only by accepting it and letting him change your life will your life be elevated to a new level. Your coffee cup will emit the sweetness of human nature.

If the coffee powder is what you are determined to be, the hot water is the advice to you. We will meet many such kind-hearted people who point out the direction and enlighten our hearts at the crossroads of our lives, so that we can be enlightened and reason can be sublimated. We thank these people who have given us hot water, they are the mentors in our lives.

However, not all people provide you with hot water, be careful to hold the coffee pot around, someone handed over a pot of water, you gratefully take it, rinse it, and respectfully give that person a cup, then you find that the water is warm and waste your fine coffee powder.

This requires us to treat the advice or advice given to us selectively and differently. Maybe some of us benefit for the rest of our lives; maybe some are not suitable for us at all. So next time, be sure to keep your eyes open to see which pot of water is steaming and the water is rolling and dancing. Maybe it is the pot of hot water in your life.

It turns out that it is so important to listen to other people's opinions.

All this is done, although the coffee is a little bitter, but it is best to cheer you up at this time. If you want to add sugar, it will make your coffee more full-bodied and sweet. Oh! Someone is pointing next to you, "add two dollars." "add three yuan." …… Whose advice do you listen to? Yeah! Put aside their outstretched fingers and you add two pieces confidently and calmly. You tell me, this is the most suitable for your taste, not very sweet, but also can taste the bitterness of coffee. You take a leisurely taste and your eyebrows stretch out.

A pot of good coffee is made in this way. how about it? try it, too.

Authentic coffee brewing

If you want to make your own cup of coffee, you first need to buy the appropriate coffee brewing utensils and use filtration

Type coffee machine or filter coffee funnel, steam straw coffee maker or extruded coffee machine, or even the so-called coffee maker

The trickle-down method of large gear can be determined according to individual preferences. The best way to drink coffee powder is to drink it.

It may be troublesome to grind the right amount of coffee beans into powder, but if you get used to it, it will be troublesome.

The feeling disappears; instead, you can enjoy a cup of delicious and fragrant freshly ground coffee. Because such as

If you buy ground coffee powder in a store, I'm afraid the coffee will deteriorate if you buy too much. So, buy coffee.

Beans would be better. And the method of grinding coffee beans will choose different beans according to the different coffee utensils used.

The method is usually more suitable for medium grinding to very fine grinding. The amount of coffee powder varies according to personal preference, and can usually be used about

8 to 10 grams, and 15 grams if you want strong coffee. If you want to enjoy a good cup of coffee, don't hesitate.

Cherish the coffee powder. The temperature of the water is very important to make a delicious cup of coffee. The ideal water temperature is 86 ℃. Like this,

You can make a cup of delicious coffee.

Generally speaking, the brewing methods of coffee are generally classified as the following:

Evlik brewing method (Turkish Lbrik Coffee)

This is a kind of coffee that is concentrated, highly concentrated and with a little aroma. Production method-a coffee pot made of copper

After heating, put an appropriate amount (1 teaspoon per cup) in the pot and grind fine coffee powder and sugar

Just brew it with boiling water The total contact time is about 1 minute and the pressure is 1 atmosphere.

There are two ways to drink this coffee:

1. Start drinking when the insoluble part is still suspended on the surface.

two。 Wait for sedimentation before drinking.

Filter caffeine (Filter Coffee)

1.5 ounces of lightly roasted, coarse ground coffee powder is put into the filter paper and slowly injected into the coffee with boiling water.

Around the center, and then back to the center, boiling water after grinding coffee powder and then dripping into the pot, each cup

The water is about 8 to 10 grams. The boiling water temperature is 100℃.

Mocha (Mocha)

A type of distilled coffee brewed in a Mocha pot with a steady concentration.

And fragrance. The mocha pot is divided into two parts. The water is boiled in the lower half of the kettle until it boils, and when the water boils, it is steamed.

Under the pressure of gas, the boiling water rises through the filter containing the coffee powder to the upper half of the pot. When the coffee starts to flow

Turn down the fire in the upper half of the pot, because the high temperature will scorch the coffee and destroy its original wind.

Taste. The common cooking method of blocking air in Japanese style also uses the same principle.

That's Napoletana.

As a type of filtered coffee, put moderately ground coffee powder (5g / cup) into Napo

The filter in the letana pot, close the lid of the filter and put it into the water boiler. after the water boils, remove the kettle and

Invert, 100 ℃ boiling water filter coffee powder dripping into the cup (as shown), boiling water and coffee

The contact time of powder is between 2-4 minutes. Napoletana coffee is not very thick, but it tastes good and

Round and smooth.

Espresso machine brewing type

Coffee is an extremely unstable liquid and may change its properties at once. This is Italian espresso.

One of the reasons why the EspressoMachine machine was invented. The Italian espresso machine can extract numbers continuously.

A cup of coffee. The high pressure in the cooking process can emulsify and dissolve the oil and colloid in coffee beans.

The coffee is completely extracted from the pressure, making the brewed coffee thicker and better in taste and flavor.

Plug wind (Siphon)

First teach the coffee powder to be put into the funnel above, then add water into the pot, and then put the funnel mouth tightly into the mouth of the pot.

And boil the water, when the boiling water rises into the funnel, stir and soak for about 40 seconds to one minute, then turn off the alcohol lamp.

. At this time, when the coffee falls back into the pot, the funnel can be removed and poured out to drink. Coffee lovers all know, choose and buy.

Good coffee is only the first step in making good coffee. Only by storing, grinding and brewing coffee correctly can coffee be ensured.

The quality of coffee.

When making coffee, you should pay attention to the following points

1. Boiling will make the coffee bitter, so never boil the coffee. The proper brewing degree should be slightly lower than the intake.

96 ℃.

two。 Coffee should not be reheated. When brewing, you should pay attention to only the amount needed for each time, and it is best to cook it just after it has been made.

Drink at the same time.

3. The best drinking temperature for coffee is 85 ℃.

4. Water accounts for 98% of a cup of coffee, so it is best to use filtered water to make coffee, especially not.

Use chlorinated water.

5. Do not repeat the use of coffee residues, the brewed coffee grounds leave only an unpleasant bitter taste.

6. Grind the coffee correctly according to the coffee maker used. Too fine grinding will make the coffee more bitter.

At the same time, it is easier to block the coffee maker.

7. If the grinding is too rough, the coffee will be tasteless.

8. In the case of filter punching, the dripping time of properly ground coffee powder should be 2-4 minutes.

9. Recommended dosage: 2 tablespoons round tablespoon coffee powder / 6 ounces