Coffee review

Explain 36 smell bottles in detail-- the taste of coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With regard to the 36-flavor fragrance bottle-coffee nose, I believe everyone is familiar with it as well as unfamiliar. Here I will share some of the things I have sorted out. Please forgive me if there is anything wrong. The coffee nose was divided into four groups with 9 branches in each group. Enzymatic (enzymatic group) (fruit): lemon Lemon, apple Apple, apricot Apricot (vegetable): potato Potato, cucumber Cu

With regard to the 36-flavor fragrance bottle-coffee nose, I believe everyone is familiar with it as well as unfamiliar. Here I will share some of the things I have sorted out. Please forgive me if there is anything wrong.

The coffee nose was divided into four groups with 9 branches in each group.

Enzymatic (enzymatic group)

(fruit): lemon Lemon, apple Apple, apricot Apricot

(vegetables): potato Potato, cucumber Cucumber, pea GardenPeas

(nectar): coffee flower Coffee Blossom, perfume rose TeaRose, honey Honeyed

Sugar Browning (caramel group)

(four nuts): roasted almond Roasted Almonds, roasted peanut RoastedPeanuts, roasted hazelnut Roaster Hazelnuts, walnut Walnuts

(three desserts): caramel Caramel, dark chocolate BlackChocolate, vanilla Vanilla

(two meals): toast Toast, fresh butter Freshbutter

Dry Distillation (dry distillation group)

(seasoning): pepper Pepper, vanilla seed CorianderSeed, clove Clove-like

(beverage raw materials): blackcurrant Black Currant-like, maple syrup MapleSyrup, malt Malt

(herbal processing): roasted coffee Roasted Coffee, cut tobacco PipeTobacco, Chinese fir Cedar

Aromatic Taint (defect group)

(wet and fishy): soil Eathy, straw Straw, medicinal Medicinal

(dry stimulation): rubber Rubber, leather Leather, smoke Smoke

(pleasant fragrance): coffee pulp Coffee Pulp, fragrant rice BasmaticRice, roast beef Cooked Beaf

Let's take a look at each specific aroma.

Enzymatic enzymatic group

# 2: Potato:

The potato flavor in coffee this is a flavor that makes coffee distinctive. Although it is not the main flavor, it is one of the most common flavors found in coffee, but if this is the main flavor, it means that coffee beans have not been carefully classified.

# 3:Garden Peas:

The pea flavor in coffee is always found in raw beans or lightly roasted coffee, but as long as it is roasted for a long time, it will be more faint, and you can feel it more in powdered coffee than in liquid. Arabica coffee has more of this flavor, which is an important part of balancing the aroma of coffee and giving them life and strength.

# 4:Cucumber

Although the cucumber flavor in coffee is not dominant, it is highly distinctive-lively and fresh, and it will continue to appear for some time after harvest, even in woody coffee.

# 11 Tea Rose

The rose flavor of the coffee is a dominant and fascinating aroma, giving the coffee a full freshness, and the aroma of Arabica coffee is higher than that of Robusta coffee, and the aroma of brewing is easier to distinguish than that of grinding.

# 12 Coffee Blossom

The aroma of coffee flowers in coffee this elegant but unnoticed aroma is a challenge even for experienced tasters, and it is a sign of elegant sensory enjoyment.

# 15 Lemon

The lemon flavor in the coffee contains the aroma of many compounds, making the coffee fresh, elegant and outstanding vitality.

# 16 Apricot

Apricot in coffee this subtle aroma always makes the coffee around an elegant atmosphere, but also represents that the coffee has a very prominent and fresh temperament.

# 17 Apple

The apple flavor in coffee is a basic and pleasant aroma, always hidden behind the scenes, especially from Central American and Colombian coffee, which is mixed with coffee pulp, and this aroma can sometimes be found in freshly harvested coffee.

# 19 Honeyed

The honey flavor in coffee is another chic flavor, although it is not as gorgeous as cedar, almonds or fresh cream, but it is only found in top coffee, which is stronger when it is powdered than when it is liquid. Arabica coffee tastes better than Robbda.

Sugar Browning caramel group

# 10 Vanilla

Vanilla, the main basic feature of coffee, is also indispensable to balance the aroma of coffee. Especially in Arabica coffee, vanilla enhances and corrects other aroma compounds in coffee, giving coffee a bright mellowness.

# 18 Fresh Butter

The creamy flavor of coffee is like the smell of melted cream. Generally speaking, it is an unassailable quality guarantee for all fine Arabica beans. It is generally believed that this aroma not only gives the coffee a mild and sexy taste, but also enhances the flavor of Colombian coffee to a certain extent, which is twice the taste of coffee powder after brewing. Coffee is twice as important in Arabica as it is in Robusta.

# 22 Toast

The Toast-like aroma of coffee this is one of the subtle aromas that roasters strive to achieve, and it is also a symbol of baking skill. If the coffee is roasted for one more second, it will lose this full and delicate aroma and be replaced by other more aggressive flavors.

# 25 Caramel

The caramel flavor in coffee is an important part of the aroma of coffee and is also a strong flavor enhancer, which is typical and easy to detect in Arabica coffee.

# 26 Dark Chocolate

The dark chocolate flavor in coffee is one of the main features of coffee, we would also say that coffee has a lot of chocolate flavor, and they do have a lot in common, they all have bean-like fruit, they all grow in the shade of the tropics, their aroma is always so attractive after baking, and coffee and chocolate are always more pleasant when powdered.

# 27 Roasted Almonds

The roasted almond flavor in coffee is a very attractive aroma and can be amazingly combined with chocolate aroma.

# 28 Roasted Peanuts

The roasted peanut flavor in coffee is not particularly strong, which is an indicator of elegance, also known as Greek flavor. Some certain types of coffee tend to have this flavor, and the Greeks usually store raw peanuts with raw coffee beans to increase the flavor of the coffee.

# 29 Roasted Hazelnuts

The hazelnut flavor in coffee no matter what the aroma represents, it always gives the coffee aroma a certain degree of sweetness, and it is also a sign of shallow baking, which is more pronounced when the coffee is powdered than when it is liquid, and Arabica coffee is more pronounced than Robusta coffee.

# 30 Walnuts

The walnut flavor in coffee is more pronounced in liquid coffee than in powdered coffee, and it even plays an important role in Colombian coffee, and you can continue to feel it in your mouth. even until the other flavors are gone.

Dry Distillation dry distillation group

# 6 Cedar

The delicate taste of cedar in coffee is the guarantee of first-class coffee. it never obscures other flavors, but it is skillfully integrated with them, most obvious in the mature harvest.

# 7 Clove-Like

The lilac scent in coffee is a somewhat common but confusing aroma, and the appreciative part lies in its subtlety, which makes the coffee deep because of its complex flavor.

# 8 Pepper

The strong quality of pepper in coffee goes well with coffee and gives the coffee an exciting flavor at the front and a relaxing substance at the back.

# 9 Coriander Seed

The flavor of parsley in coffee this is the main flavor of a coffee and contains only slightly less than other compounds.

# 14 Black Currant-Like

The aroma of blackcurrant in coffee gives some of the world's most remarkable coffee a light and lively flavor, both in Robusta and Arabica coffee powder, which is still there when brewing Arabica coffee, or even the main flavor.

# 23 Malt

The malt taste in coffee is a symbol of light roasting or incomplete roasting, which is difficult to identify because of the many changes in the degree of baking of malt and the coexistence of other flavors. it would be a good way to judge according to the sample.

# 24 Maple Syrup

Maple syrup in coffee is a surprising and flavor-boosting substance because it has such a strong effect on flavor, which is a very important indicator of the degree of baking.

# 33 Pipe Tobacco

The tobacco flavor in coffee is most specific when roasted, and it is also typical of Brazilian Arabica coffee when brewed, which is usually mixed with dry plant flavor and barbecue characteristics.

# 34 Roasted Coffee

The ripe bean flavor in coffee is like the roaster logo, it brings a plump and round taste, and you will begin to appreciate the spectacular taste of the aroma itself before you find the coffee.

Aromatic Taints defect group

# 1 Earthy

The earthy taste of coffee is caused by the fact that coffee absorbs the taste of the soil due to contact during the drying process. Almost all Robusta coffee uses this drying process, so most Robusta has this type of flavor.

# 5 Straw

The straw smell in coffee it is said that some Indian coffee must be baptized during the rainy season, when beans are carefully placed in a suitable warehouse, and over time the obvious straw aroma becomes an attractive golden color.

# 13 CoffeePulp

The fleshy flavor of coffee is one of the most easily identified among the main flavors of coffee, especially the flavor of brewed coffee, just like the volatile sour taste of wine, which has its own quality, but if it exceeds the amount, it will become an unpleasant taste.

# 20 Leather

The smell of leather in coffee this is a distinctly distinctive flavor.

# 21 Basmati Rice

The flavor of Indian rice in coffee can be found in the early stages of roasting, but the problem is that it has to be distinguished in the middle of the many aromas produced during baking.

# 31 Cooked Beef

The cooked beef flavor in coffee is an important flavor in Arabica coffee and can be naturally mixed with cocoa.

# 32 Smoke

The smell of smoke in coffee is basically the characteristic of coffee roasting in the last stage, and if roasted further, the coffee will produce tar flavor.

# 35 Medicinal

The medicinal flavor in coffee always appears every time, but there is always something else that makes it appear (if too strong indicates that there is something wrong with some of the coffee's manufacturing process), which is also a long-term roasting feature, especially in robusta and espresso, which is important to the overall flavor, just as a small amount of Guaiacol is always added to artificially seasoned coffee.

# 36 Rubber

The rubber taste in coffee should not be described as a negative taste in a particular coffee. Robusta coffee is more rubber than Arabica coffee.

In Q-Graderz, there is a smell test for the smell bottle, which refers to the 36-flavor bottle of the coffee nose. Among them, it is divided into 4 groups according to the cause of taste, so there are 4 separate tests. The way of the test is to take a lianliankan look at 9 bottles on one side and 6 bottles on the other side, asking you to point out which of the 6 bottles in the other group is the other group of 9 bottles. Then write down the specific taste of the specified 3 bottles. During the exam, the lights will be turned off, only the red light will be turned on, and the bottles will be wrapped in order to prevent candidates from judging by color. In the smell bottle test, the nose is very easy to fatigue, after excessive fatigue, the nose is unable to distinguish the fragrance, it is best to take a decisive rest for about 1-2 minutes, the exam time is enough! (warm reminder: don't make more than 2 mistakes in the exam.)

The article is from Qiaohe Coffee.