Coffee review

What is the reason for the slow flow of espresso? How to improve the slow flow rate of coffee liquid?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is the flow rate of coffee? The flow rate of coffee refers to the dirty speed in the process of making espresso. The flow rate is too fast or too slow, which has a great impact on the taste of coffee. The reason that affects the flow rate of coffee is that the gap between coffee powder particles is too large or too small, which will affect the flow rate of coffee. Second, what is the reason for the slow flow of espresso? 1

What is the flow rate of coffee?

The flow rate of coffee refers to the dirty speed in the process of making espresso. The flow rate is too fast or too slow, which has a great impact on the taste of coffee. The reason that affects the flow rate of coffee is that the gap between coffee powder particles is too large or too small, which will affect the flow rate of coffee.

Second, what is the reason for the slow flow of espresso?

1. Coffee powder is too fine: when the coffee powder is too fine, the gap between the coffee powder becomes smaller, and the speed of water passing through the coffee pressed powder will decrease, resulting in a slower flow rate of coffee.

2, too much coffee powder: when we fill the powder bowl, if we do not pay attention to the powder control, too much powder will also lead to the slow change of coffee flow rate.

3. Coffee beans are too fresh: too fresh coffee beans will contain more carbon dioxide. When ground into coffee powder to make coffee, the water flows through the coffee pressed powder, and the carbon dioxide in pressed powder reacts to the flow of water, that is, it hinders the flow of water. Causes the coffee to slow down.

These are the three reasons why espresso slows down.

Source: Zhiyu Coffee