Coffee review

Excellent cup of coffee, champion coffee bean COE evaluation table, COE coffee cup meter

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, COE coffee cup meter, excellent cup of boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table Cup of Excellence referred to as COE. "COE coffee cup meter, excellent cup boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table" COE--Cup of Excellence Cup of Excellence referred to as COE, a boutique coffee rating system. Cup of Excellenc

COE coffee cup meter, excellent cup boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table

Cup of Excellence is abbreviated to COE.

"COE coffee cup meter, outstanding cup boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table"

COE--Cup of Excellence

Cup of Excellence referred to as COE, a boutique coffee rating system.

The origin of the Cup of Excellence system:

The reason for giving producers an incentive to grow high-quality coffee is not just "I want to grow delicious coffee!" This kind of self-consciousness, but also have high profits. Therefore, there is a high-quality coffee evaluation meeting, using the COE system, according to the score evaluation ranking.

The total score after the cup evaluation, the significance represented, and the standard represented by the individual score:

1) the CoE scale has eight items, the highest score of each item is 8 points, the lowest score is 0 points, and the weighted score is 36 points, so the total score is 100 points.

2) 6 indicates that the project reaches the standard of CoE competition level, which belongs to good quality (fine). If it is totally unacceptable, give 0 (unacceptable), if the quality is ordinary, 4 (Poor), and if it is excellent or even perfect, give 8 (great).

3) the discrimination of total score:

If the total score is between 70 and 79, this sample is generally a better commercial bean.

If the total score is in the range of 80,83.5, this sample belongs to fine coffee.

If the total score is more than 84, this sample belongs to the CoE competition level, that is, the high level of winning beans.


SCAA and CoE coffee cup test common factors


aromatic aspects of dry ground coffee.

Aroma Wet Fragrance

aromatic aspects of ground coffee when infused with hot water.


brightness and/or sourness of coffee.

Body mellow

the mouthfeel or weight perceived on the surface of the tongue.


defined as taste and aroma, mid-tones of coffee.


subtle pleasant sweetness in coffee.

Clean Cup Cleanliness

transference in the cup, should be free of off-flavors and defects

.Balance Balance

overall rating of coffee, no one parameter should dominate.


duration of positive flavor attributes in coffee

Overall Overall

your overall rating of this coffee Your personal overall rating.



The main factors of tobacco flavor:

-strength strength is the strength of the upper jaw kick.

-body thickness, a long sense of precipitation support, a calm and heavy feeling

-flavor flavor, mainly reflected in the sense of hierarchy and multi-dimensional, or a kind of unspeakable sweetness, occasionally appears, and soon dissipates, unpredictable, unpredictable, endless aftertaste.

The main factors of red wine flavor

Wine body (body)

The wine body is the thickness of the taste felt when drinking wine, which is the expression of the so-called "mellow thickness". Sticky wines are thicker, more full-bodied and more full-bodied than ordinary wines. The word "full-bodied" is used to describe wines with high alcohol and glycerol content, rich taste, low acidity and full-bodied wine. Wines with viscosity often appear to "hang glasses".

Acidity (acidity)

Acidity refers to the content of non-volatile components in wine, mainly tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid. These acids give the wine a fresh and refreshing feeling. Wines with enough acidity to make the wine strong and lack of acidity will feel insipid.

Coordination (Harmony)

Coordination refers to the proportion and interrelationship of different components in wine. Such as acidity and sweetness, fruity and oak, tannins, alcohol and acidity, taste, which seem to be essential to all parts of the opera, but primary and secondary. Its perfection is not all the same, scattered is harmonious and perfect.


Intensity (intensity)

Intensity refers to the structural wine structure formed by alcohol, acid and tannic acid. the wine with suitable intensity is fresh and palatable and mellow.

Taste (mouth feel)

Taste, that is, the texture of the wine. When you sip the wine into your mouth, the wine swirls in your mouth, making your taste buds fully feel the texture and charm of the wine. Even wine connoisseurs cannot judge wine by their sense of smell alone. instead of swallowing the wine, they have to keep it in their mouths so that the taste buds can fully experience whether the wine is soft, round, rough or smooth.

Tannin Tannins

Substances derived from grape skins, grape seeds, grapevines and oak barrels. It exists in red wine to give the wine a sense of astringency, but it also acts as a natural protective agent and helps the wine age. Tannins determine the structure and texture of the wine. after most imported wines are imported, there will be a sense of dryness in the mouth, like the skeleton of the wine, which sometimes makes the oral mucosa wrinkle, which is the feeling that the tannins in the wine bring to the mouth. If you haven't drunk wine, recall that when you chew grape skins on weekdays, there will be a kind of astringent feeling, which is the taste of tannins.


The following article is recommended and reproduced as follows:

The cup testing system introduced by BGT and Osher Coffee Alumni Association in the past two years all adopt the CoE competition mode. At present, the fine bean competition in various countries adopts either CoE or SCAA mode, and up to 9 major coffee producing countries adopt the Coe cup test as the national competition mode, so we decided to promote the CoE cup testing system in Taiwan.

The purpose of BGT is to let barista [understand boutique coffee] and use his superb technology to make the best products to make customers satisfied! In order to understand the quality of fine coffee, we must learn how to identify the quality. Learning cup testing is an important technology to identify the quality. The cup testing technology has gradually changed from the learning option of barista and coffee industry to one of the necessary technologies. This change is benign and a sign of the progress of the coffee industry.

At the end of the two-year course, we found that the English version of the Coe Cup meter made some beginners feel a little difficult, so we specially adopted the early CoE Chinese version of the Osher Alumni Association, and explained the eight important comments and the quality significance of the scores. The following is the key description of the evaluation items and records of the Osher Coe Cup, which can provide a basic basis for you to carry out the cup test. At the same time, when testing a single evaluation, you can also assist in the reference:

Aroma-at this time, the cup test has just begun the first evaluation item, there are a total of three aroma evaluation stages, the first stage is the cup test at the beginning to smell the dry powder in the cup, the second is to smell the wet aroma on the surface after water injection, and the third aroma is the broken residue aroma. Aroma is an attractive element of coffee, coffee aroma from many sources, including flowers, berries, caramel, nutty, chocolate, spices and so on.

The aroma of the Coe Cup meter is only included in the reference and does not include the total score, but in the Flavor evaluation, the aroma is included in the score.

The first score item: cleanliness, Clean cup

Cleanliness is a very important and necessary condition for fine products, so cleanliness is the defective taste without defects and stains (complete freedom from taints or faults), coffee is rotten, earthy, iodine, fermented acid, rubber, onions, astringency and other bad taste and touch, all show that it is not clean enough.

The second score item: sweetness, Sweetness

Sweetness not only represents that coffee cherries are harvested in the best ripening period, without unripe beans, but also represents the excellent quality of coffee. Only by selecting freshly ripe coffee cherries to treat them into raw beans can we get better sweetness, and there are many kinds of sweetness, such as sugarcane sweetness, caramel sweetness and so on, which can be noted in comparison. If sweetness is astringent, sweetness stays in the mouth for a short time. The sweetness score will not exceed 6.

The third score item: acid quality, Acidity

Sour, good acidity is not like vinegar, even if it is bright and lively, you can detect many kinds of acidity, such as citrus, berries or sweet lemons, as well as the sweet and sour melons like cantaloupe or the crisp acidity of freshly ripe apples. The above acids are of high quality; bad acids are like unripe fruit or acetic acid, some bad acids are like overripe fruit or rotten fruit, and fermented acid or rotten acid can be detected.


Fourth score item: oral tactile sensation, Mouth feel

The tactile evaluation of the mouth is not to measure the taste, but the substances and tactile sensation, the sense of grease, the viscosity, and the sense of quality all constitute the mouth-feel;, such as milk and water. The former has a much higher sense of touch, while thick soup and clear soup have much higher consistency and tactile sensation than the latter.

The fifth item is the important sipping flavor, Flavor.

-sipping flavors, including a variety of tastes and smells, even the aroma felt in the nasal cavity and the touch of the mouth belong to this category. When testing CoE cups, because 8 samples are often tested at a time, the AROMA item cannot be measured immediately, so at the beginning, the aroma is only marked by pleasure and displeasure, but when sipping air is used for this evaluation, cup testers can include the aroma they feel, including all kinds of flavors tested or drunk. It can be said that sipping flavor is a very important evaluation, and it is also a basis for testing the characteristics of coffee samples.

The sixth item, aftertaste, Aftertaste

After sipping, the taste or aroma or touch that still stays in the mouth, and the good flavor stays for a long time, such as sweetness, remains clearly in the mouth or even scattered after sipping and spitting coffee, then the score of this item will be high, on the contrary, there is no aftertaste, or very short, the score is low.

The seventh item, the degree of balance Balance

Refers to whether each evaluation of coffee is balanced, for example, although the acid is bright, it still turns sweet? The touch is sticky but not astringent?

Are the various flavors of coffee harmonious? If so. Then the score of this item will be high.

The eighth item: overall evaluation, Overall

Coffee is excellent on the whole and attracts you? Is it just so-so, or do you not like her at all?

This evaluation is the overall assessment of the tester, and can also reflect his personal preferences.

Frequency and process of COE:

This meeting is held once a year, and the growers of fine coffee submit their best coffee beans to the national or international censors of the meeting. After at least five reviews, the most advanced coffee beans will be awarded the title of COE.

This evaluation system was adopted by coffee production groups in Brazil in 1999 and is now widely used in Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

The role of COE:

Coffee with the title of COE can be sold at high prices at international online auctions dominated by boutique coffee.

This system can not only enhance the coffee manor's desire for production, but also enhance the evaluation and local popularity of the coffee manor and its surrounding areas, and then increase the coffee trading volume, which has multiple effects.

Extraordinary Cup is a very sexy organization. Every year, this organization selects coffee beans from various producing areas for beauty pageant. These coffee beans will be selected by a group of domestic and international coffee tasters for at least five different tastings to select the most beautiful and fugitive one! Only the coffee with a high score has a chance to win the honor, so the hidden rules are all floating clouds. In the end, the winning beans will be given the name of an extraordinary cup and can be sold at a super good price in international exhibitions.

The Cup of Excellence is the most esteemed award given out for top coffees. These awards come from a strict competition that selects the very best coffee produced in that country for that particular year. These winning coffees are chosen by a select group of national and international cuppers and are cupped at least five different times during the competition process. Only coffees that continuously score high enough are allowed to move forward in the competition. The final winners are awarded the prestigious Cup of Excellence and sold to the highest bidder during an internet auction.

The total score after the cup evaluation, the significance represented, and the standard represented by the individual score:

1) the CoE scale has eight items, the highest score of each item is 8 points, the lowest score is 0 points, and the weighted score is 36 points, so the total score is 100 points.

2) 6 indicates that the project reaches the standard of CoE competition level, which belongs to good quality (fine). If it is totally unacceptable, give 0 (unacceptable), if the quality is ordinary, 4 (Poor), and if it is excellent or even perfect, give 8 (great).

3) the discrimination of total score:

If the total score is between 70 and 79, this sample is generally a better commercial bean.

If the total score is in the range of 80,83.5, this sample belongs to fine coffee.

If the total score is more than 84, this sample belongs to the CoE competition level, that is, the high level of winning beans.

COE coffee cup meter, excellent cup boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table

Cup of Excellence is abbreviated to COE.

"COE coffee cup meter, outstanding cup boutique coffee, extraordinary cup champion coffee bean COE evaluation table"

COE--Cup of Excellence

Cup of Excellence referred to as COE, a boutique coffee rating system.

The origin of the Cup of Excellence system:

The reason for giving producers an incentive to grow high-quality coffee is not just "I want to grow delicious coffee!" This kind of self-consciousness, but also have high profits. Therefore, there is a high-quality coffee evaluation meeting, using the COE system, according to the score evaluation ranking.

Reprint: Wen Honggang's blog