Coffee review

The concept of Probat factory introduced to the production technology of coffee roasting plant (part two)

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Flameless combustion facilities of cooked bean processing system have been paid more and more attention with the environmental protection of various countries, which requires not only to filter out silver skin and other impurities, but also to deal with the exhaust produced in the process of baking and grinding. Carbon compounds (Cx), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO) are mainly released in the baking process, while carbon dioxide is released in the grinding process.

Cooked bean processing system

Flameless combustion facility

As more and more attention is paid to environmental protection in various countries, it is not only necessary to filter out silver and other impurities, but also to deal with the exhaust produced in the process of baking and grinding. In the process of baking, carbon compounds (Cx), carbon monoxide (CO) and CO carbon dioxide are mainly released, while carbon dioxide is released in the grinding process.

The latter can be recovered into a larger amount of protective gas for transmission devices and storage silos during coffee grinding. The impurities in the exhaust gas from the baking furnace are usually eliminated by heating or catalytic combustion. Today, catalytic combustion is the most advanced level, using precious metals such as platinum as catalysts. The combustion process is replaced at temperatures between 450 ℃ and 600 ℃.


It can obviously reduce the energy required for combustion by using regenerative thermal oxidation exhaust. In this process, the heat released by flameless combustion is stored and most of it is recycled into the baking process, resulting in a thermal effect of 95% to 98%. Because the temperature of the baking process is as high as 900 ℃, the exhaust gas emissions are far below the prescribed limit.

Silver skin treatment

The gas from the roaster is used to remove the silver skin of coffee beans, which is why the centrifuge is also called the silver cyclone. The separated silver skin can be compressed with a pressing block or pressed into particles.

Briquetting system

Granulation system

Silver skin suction system

Ripe bean transportation

The requirements for the transmission system sometimes vary greatly depending on the scope of application. So PROBAT provides different delivery systems to meet different needs. These transmission systems can be divided into mechanical transmission and pneumatic transmission.

The design of the PROBAT mechanical transmission system is simple, so the flexibility is relatively small. Its modular design can be based on local conditions without considering any cost-intensive adjustments. Especially in the case of short-range and linear transmission, compared with the pneumatic system, its low cost has more advantages.

The pneumatic transmission system uses high or low air pressure to transmit the product. In this way, the conveyor consists of a closed pipeline system. The main difference of pneumatic transmission system lies in the flexibility of transmission pipeline and the free choice of the number of transmission stations.

Mechanical system

Conveyor belt

Inclined hoist

Tubular wire rope conveyor

Gladiator hoist

Round chain conveyor

Pneumatic system

High suction transport system

High voltage transmission system

Cooked beans cleaning

Stone head is a common foreign substance in coffee. They are easier to remove in cooked beans than in green beans because the roasting process reduces the weight of the coffee beans by a certain amount. So the stone separator uses gravity: coffee beans are placed on a sieve, driven by a crankshaft to vibrate the sieve. The upward flow of air creates a fluidized bed, causing the beans to "float" on the fluidized bed, where stones and other foreign matter are left on the sieve and conveyed to an outlet. The lighter parts (silver skin, paper scraps or the like) are sucked away.

The high suction stoner is specially designed to clean cooked beans. When the beans have become lighter and larger due to baking, they are transported upward by air. Under gravity, the foreign matter is denser and will remain on the ground and be disposed of.

stone separator

metal remover

dust removal device

color sorter

Cooked beans weighed

Before grinding and packing, use a weighing scale to control the shrinkage and weigh the baked beans.

Weighing scale

In order to achieve uniform baking results, different cooked beans are mixed after baking to get a mixed product. Use mixers such as blades, drums, or conical worms for mixing.

Blade mixing scale

Blade mixer

Cylinder mixer

Cooked bean storage

A typical cylindrical multi-unit or spaced storage bin designed for the storage of cooked beans, with each compartment arranged around the central axis. Cylindrical multi-unit silos can store 1 to 100 tons of coffee beans, depending on the mode of operation and different mixing quantities. Storage silos, rectangular units arranged side by side to make full use of space, especially suitable for large-capacity storage. Specific varieties of raw or cooked beans are stored in various compartments. These compartments are made up of special equipment: multi-unit silos use rotary pipe distributors so that beans can be allocated to an entrance after a large number of exits are opened.

Standard multi-unit storage warehouse

Storage system

Cooked bean tube and tube combination


UW series of new roller grinding equipment

Grinding also has a great effect on the properties of coffee. Probat provides solutions for particles in each particle spectrum: from coarse to medium to fine. You can see an overview of the grinding equipment here.

UW series of new roller grinding equipment

This equipment is based on decades of experience in three-stage grinding equipment, and the new standard of the new equipment UW series takes into account flexibility and the impact of grinding.

The most important thing is this new driving concept, which makes the grinder more flexible to adjust to achieve the required grinding quality. Standard equipment has a drive motor for each stage of grinding. The UW series is also controlled by an independent drive. The control of grinding speed is controlled by particle spectrum and grinding results.

The remaining coffee grounds go into the turbine mixer and are broken and mixed. Through the downstream densifier (adjusting the heavy-duty flip door), the density of the ground coffee block is increased. Another option is to export sparse coffee at the export.

For the special guide disc of the product, the very smooth surface is like using a pneumatic sliding door, thus avoiding the precipitation inside the roller. In the mixer / densifier, the distance from the outer layer to the mixing shaft and the transmission screw is reduced to a very low level, so that the residue is minimized and the mechanical parts of the grinding are easy to clean, thus increasing the practicability of the equipment.

Coffee powder processing unit

The last unit of the coffee factory is the treatment of coffee powder. It mainly includes: coffee powder thickening, transportation, screening, weighing and storage.

Coffee powder transport series

Coffee powder transportation

The push and suction conveying unit is specially designed for the transportation of coffee powder: the product is transported through an airtight dustproof pipeline, and the product is transported in turn. The gas acts as a thrust, which can be air or carbon dioxide with no more than 1% residual oxygen.

Another pneumatic conveying system is the bell thrust conveyor: its basic function is the same as the push suction type, but the bell thrust type uses compressed air. In the CONTROX process of PROBAT, carbon dioxide is transported to isolate the effect of oxygen on aroma quality and to ensure the freshness of coffee powder.

Coffee powder blending series

The steps of mixing coffee powder before packaging (grinding and blending) can be carried out immediately after grinding or directly before filling, for example, in a slow-running blender.

Coffee powder storage series

The cans used to store coffee powder are gas-resistant and antioxidant, and the cans are filled with protective gases, namely carbon dioxide. The one-way valve discharges the gas from the coffee.

Basically, a group of three or more cans are used to remove gas from coffee powder:

The first can is filled with fresh coffee powder

The coffee powder degassing is carried out completely in the second can.

Depending on the type of coffee, the degassing time varies from 4 to 24 hours. At the same time, the degassed powder is pumped into a third tank and transported to the packaging unit.

These tanks are airtight to prevent the entry of oxygen. During grinding, carbon dioxide is collected, compressed, and recycled into these tanks as a protective gas all the way to the packaging unit.

Densification series

In order to adjust to a pre-set weight, the lost coffee powder can be densified up to 20% after grinding.

This is usually added in the subsequent grinding and is generally installed on the grinder to make it integrated. Densification is carried out at the same time of grinding, so as to make the products unified and uniform.

If necessary, the additional encryption machine can be installed on the packaging machine.

Control system

Today, more and more coffee factories have adopted fully automatic equipment. Not only the baking equipment, but many other operations are also included in the operator panel. These can be connected to large units so that the control of the whole plant can be realized on a single control plane.

PILOT baking control series

PILOT ROASTER control system has high flexibility, high efficiency and advanced control. Based on the latest Siemens and Allen Bradley control module.

Throughout the baking period, PILOT ROASTER provides the operator with all the important parameters. In order to increase its flexibility in the future, the second console can be installed in the control system as an option. The man-machine dialogue operation interface makes the operator easy to operate and can quickly adapt to the system.

The baking parameters can be changed manually during the operation so that the baked surface can be changed.

The movement of the motor and the throttle can be made independent by changing the mode in the PILOT ROASTER control system, which makes it easier to check the components during testing and maintenance.


This half of the automatic system is specially designed for PROBATONE 50 devices. The functions related to the product and operation are installed on the operation panel of the equipment. PILOT ROASTER Basic includes 99 menus and allows operators to switch to different baked goods.

Further characteristics

Simple and intuitive operation screen

Integrated alarm and indication function


Avoid error messages

The operation screen is clear and simple.

Simple transposition makes the product replaceable

High productivity and flexibility

PILOT ROASTER Professional

The PILOT ROASTER Professional control system has 999 menus for replicative baking. Set different levels of operation permissions, the color of the PROBAT PILOT ROASTER Professional operation surface can be adjusted. Both the PC and the touchscreen can prepare for the PILOT PLANT project that will be added later.

Technical characteristics:

Humanized, and color display roaster and baking process

Simple and intuitive operation

999 menus

Up to 20 baking temperatures can be adjusted through the baking curve

Comprehensive alarm and indication function

Operation data storage function


Second console

Color printing production and all parameter documents

On-line color measurement

On-line moisture measurement

Automatic reflection function

Independent temperature recording unit

If there is a need for replacement between products, it can be achieved by using a simple roaster switching function, efficient and flexible production capacity as well as additional options, so that PILOT ROASTER Professional always maintains high quality products.


The fully automatic high-end roaster control system PILOT ROASTER Excellence is based on SCADA system and has visual operation and integrated data management. Compared with PILOT ROASTER Professional, like the integrated menu function, it provides an extended scope of work and long-term archiving of product data. With the assistance of historical functions, the processing process of the product can be evaluated and analyzed.

PILOT ROASTER Excellence is used for the PILOT PLANT Excellence control system in the PROBAT factory.

Performance and characteristics

Recipe management with learning mode

Optional additional console

Additional "automatic copy" function and "extended copy" function for the product.

PILOT baking replication

The control system can realize the function of copying and baking. Recording mode can realize the storage of data and baking curves.

The operating system automatically detects adjustments made during baking and records them on the desktop. The recorded values can be saved and, if necessary, can be manually edited and then saved. The stored baking process can be replicated according to baking time or baking temperature. Production data of batches of products are recorded for evaluation and analysis. The pre-configured software installation is very simple and fast, therefore, it is convenient for the control system to run. The user interface can be designed and adapted into the color and logo of the cafe.

A list of PILOT ROASTER Shop advantages:

Consistent baking quality

Replicability of baking degree

Record and store baking degree

Support for the baking process

Overview of important baking parameters

Evaluation of pre-drying batches

Comprehensive menu suitable for all kinds of users

PILOT grinding control

Stable grinding is one of the decisive factors in coffee quality.

By adjusting the limit value and optimizing the monitoring function, the grinding control of the PILOT GRINDER series can achieve the desired grinding degree.


This half of the automatic system is specially designed for PROBATONE 50 devices. The functions related to the product and operation are installed on the operation panel of the equipment. PILOT ROASTER Basic includes 99 menus and allows operators to switch to different baked goods.

Further characteristics

Simple and intuitive operation screen

Integrated alarm and indication function


Avoid error messages

The operation screen is clear and simple.

Simple transposition makes the product replaceable

High productivity and flexibility


For A2 model grinders and GRINDER SUPERFINE series, PILOT GRINDER Excellence provides a visual operator panel

The control of 99 kinds of menu grinding equipment can be fully automated. Once the formula is changed, the previously set data can be automatically adopted. In addition, the integration of factory control system with PILOT GRINDER Excellence can be realized.

Performance characteristics, based on PILOT GRINDER Basic:

SPS control system

Realize the operation through the operation screen

Operation password permission

Components used to correct the operation

Adjust the grinding groove through the formula

Integration of PILOT PLANT projects

99 formulations

Comprehensive alarm and indication function


Automatic density adjustment function

Remote control

Particle size measurement

Automatic correction of grinding groove

PILOT factory control system

PILOT PLANT control system can achieve very effective control for food-grade processing enterprises (such as coffee roasting plants). The basic version is a semi-automatic control system, whose control system can already be used in small production plants and from individual production to integrated plants.

For factories of all sizes, PROBAT provides the most optimized and effective solution for the production process.

All PROBAT plant control systems are based on the latest Siemens and Allen Bradley control modules.

Optional control scheme

In addition to control and automation solutions, PROBAT also provides you with more economical and flexible product processing operations.

On-line moisture measurement

Online moisture measurement makes your bakery more cost-effective because of its long-term detection of residual moisture and stable quality. Therefore, according to the results of moisture measurement, the amount of quenching water can be adjusted in subsequent batches. In this way, the required residual moisture can be precisely controlled. Through the operation screen and the display result on the operation unit, the limit value can be adjusted.

Performance characteristics of moisture measurement

The product does not need pre-treatment when measuring.

Not only the moisture in the outer layer of beans, but also the moisture in all beans was measured.

Uninterrupted measurement of the entire batch

Surface properties and packing density are not taken into account

Temperature compensation


The residual moisture of roasted coffee can be adjusted separately.

Optimization-efficiency maximization

The standard deviation of the specified residual moisture is less than 0.1%.

The specified limit value can be reached very accurately.

Online measurement saves time and cost

On-line color measurement

Uniform color is important for baking quality. To optimize this parameter, PROBAT provides online color measurement. In addition to temperature and time parameters, color measurement value is also one of the important factors of baking.

During roasting, the color of coffee beans during roasting depends on the PROBAT online color measurement system, and its results also affect the control of the baking system.


Automatic and reliable reproduction production to make the color stable

Stabilized the baked product

Easy to operate

Particle size measurement


In order to achieve higher grinding quality, the particle size must be measured continuously.

This can be optimized by particle measurement.

After the product sample is extracted, it is fed into the optical measuring probe. Through the optical fiber measurement system, the particle velocity and flight time can be judged.

The chord size of the particles can be obtained under the measurement of micrometer (μ m). The output of the data controls the amount of distribution and the residue in the sieve.

For the computer-controlled PROBAT grinder, the automatic grinding groove adjustment can be controlled according to the particle measurement results.

Particle size measurement


Continuous monitoring of grinding process

Continuous quality assurance

Prevent wrong grinding

Replicability of grinding-not affected by operators

All sampled products are returned

Optional, same as automatic grinding groove adjustment of computer-controlled grinder

Replication baking

Baking curves that have been used once can be copied automatically. Factors such as batch size and moisture of raw beans are affected by external temperature. Therefore, this function is a guarantee for the continuous high quality of the product.

With the Reflex Automatic function, the internal heat of the coffee bean, like the time characteristic of the coffee bean temperature, will be precisely controlled in the scheduled baking time. During baking, the deviation between the defined temperature and the actual temperature is relatively stable. The system automatically calculates the required gas temperature and the amount of gas from the deviation, so that the defined temperature can be reached as soon as possible. As a result, the baked product maintains its quality and sense.


Stable, automatic temperature curve replication

Reduced the influence of external factors, such as raw bean moisture, external moisture and batch size.

High quality final product

The stable quality and senses of the final product

Easy to operate

Replicative baking

Compared with Reflex Automatic, Reflex Extended can realize the pre-calculation of curves, which makes the adjustment of product curves more accurate.

In addition, this function can be turned on in a short period of time, thus saving energy. Because the roaster is started by a cold machine, Reflex Extended functions will be made up, such as operation pauses.

Existing baking curves can also be modified to meet new baking requirements.


Laboratory instrument

Coffee laboratory equipment is a vital part of the coffee factory, and PROBAT provides professional laboratory testing equipment.

The coffee cup laboratory is mainly to quickly provide the technical parameters of coffee through testing instruments, so as to facilitate the research and development and detection of coffee.

How to quickly test the characteristics of coffee in the laboratory, we should first roast the raw beans in small batches and then test the relevant technology. After roasting, coffee is ground into powder, color measuring instrument, moisture measuring instrument, and finally through the cup to get the technical parameters.

Sample baking furnace

Sample baking furnace

PROBAT's sample roaster is particularly suitable for coffee testing and research and development. Because of its excellent product quality and simple operating characteristics, it is the first choice for the affiliated laboratories of professional coffee farms and coffee factories.

PRE1 Z / PRG 1 Z

Single drum sample baking furnace

Capacity: 80-100g

Heating: gas or electricity

BRZ 2-4-6

Sample baking 2, 4, 6 drum

The temperature and airflow of each drum can be adjusted.

Capacity: 80-100g / drum

Heating: gas or electricity

Laboratory grinder

Laboratory grinders are especially suitable for coffee roasting factories, food retailing, coffee shops and bakeries.

The design of PROBAT is easy to operate, the transmission part has a lubrication system, and the range of grinding particles is wide, so it can be used for the study of different coffee extraction methods.

Mill model 55LM1500 (2) 55LM2500 (2) 55lm1650

Grinding capacity 1000g1000g1500

Grinding speed / min 1000-1800g2500-2750g1650-1800g

The effect of grinding particles is ultra-fine and medium-thick.

The color of the device is gold, silver white or copper gold, silver white or copper silver gray

Equipment size



Deep 620mm







Grinder weight 42kg42kg36kg

Power 2100w2100w2000w

Color measuring instrument

Laboratory coffee (after grinding) color measuring instrument:

Model: Colorette 3b can provide:

-accurate measurements.

-it is convenient to sample.

-the measurement program is simple and menu-style.

-Calibration is controlled by the program.

-automatically print the following parameters:

-number of samples


-Color value


-number of baked

-can be displayed and printed in various languages


-2-point calibration (gray disk, and fixed disk)

Moisture measuring instrument

The humidity (moisture) meter of raw coffee beans and roasted coffee can optimize the utilization of products and help to stabilize the quality of coffee. They work with color meters, which provide valuable parameters for the coffee roasting process and ensure the homogeneity of product quality.

Through coffee-related measurement techniques, the following instruments can provide accurate measurement results and are easy to use.

55 HT 02 humidity detector

Samples for rapid and soft heating analysis

It can well reproduce the results of the analysis.

Built-in balance

RS232 interface

Model 55 HT 02

heating element

temperature range cyclic divergence


Proportion Minimum Sample Weight

Maximum sample weight 0.5g


Energy consumption during drying up to 450W

Power supply 100-120v/200-240v/50-60Hz

Coffee table

The coffee tasting table is a professional tool for testing coffee flavors and characteristics. It can be made by three or four people at the same time. The table top has a rotating, coated table, high-grade steel drain, circulating flushing system and writing desk.

Source: Coffee Bug