Coffee review

Boutique coffee beans: how to choose and buy excellent coffee beans? It is necessary to make a good cup of coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The nutrition of coffee beans is of great help to people's body, and drinking more coffee is the best choice for daily maintenance. It is not difficult to choose a coffee that suits your taste, so how to choose fresh and nutritious coffee beans? Coffee beans contain caffeine, a small amount of caffeine will promote kidney function, help the body's excess metal ions out of the body, tannic acid, a small amount of protein

The nutrition of coffee beans is of great help to people's body, and drinking more coffee is the best choice for daily maintenance. It is not difficult to choose a coffee that suits your taste, so how to choose fresh and nutritious coffee beans?

Coffee beans contain caffeine, a small amount of caffeine will promote kidney function, help the body's excess metal ions get rid of the body, tannic acid, a small amount of protein, sugar, but after baking will be converted into caramel, dye the water brown, combine with tannic acid to form sweetness, fiber, and small amounts of minerals. The nutrition of coffee beans is of great help to people's body, and drinking more coffee is the best choice for daily maintenance. It is not difficult to choose a coffee that suits your taste, so how to choose fresh and nutritious coffee beans?

Taste: the earliest coffee is chewed directly, when buying, put one or two beans in your mouth to chew, if the sound is crisp and does not require too much effort, then the coffee is not damp. If the sound is stuffy and the beans stick after the bite, then the quality of this coffee is not good.


Aftertaste: after chewing coffee, taste carefully, if the lips and teeth stay fragrant, then the coffee is of course the best, if the time is not long but the taste disappears without a trace, it can be seen that this kind of coffee is not worth buying. You can squeeze it with your hands to see if it is hollow, while hollow coffee means that this season's coffee harvest is not good, like hollow rice.

Purity: another consideration for coffee beans is purity. People who are familiar with coffee buy coffee not only by the size of the coffee, but also by observing the quantity and color, similarity and other conditions to prevent the purchase of shoddy coffee beans. But to sum up, if the size, component color similarity is low is also a normal phenomenon. If the beans come out of oil after baking, it must be caused by heavy heat and medium-deep roasting.

If the beans have gone bad, then the lightly fried beans may produce oil, not only without the fragrance of other beans, but also with a sour taste. In short, when choosing and buying coffee, we should pay attention to its freshness, aroma and stale flavor. On the other hand, non-people in the industry can choose and buy coffee according to the above description of 1 or 2 points.

The above is the basic knowledge of the purchase of coffee beans, I hope it will be helpful to you.

Source: sagebrush coffee