Coffee review

The latest information and information on coffee in Yunnan the output of coffee in Yunnan will reach 130000 tons this year.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It is the 2015-2016 harvest season for Yunnan coffee. According to the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, Yunnan coffee production will reach about 130000 tons this year. According to reports, with the recent continued decline in futures prices in New York, Yunnan coffee will face increasing production without increasing income if it continues to follow the acquisition practice of foreign enterprises in Yunnan, which is about 1020 cents lower than the futures price in New York. On the afternoon of the 18th, after Yunnan

It is the 2015-2016 coffee harvest season in Yunnan, and according to the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, Yunnan coffee production will reach about 130000 tons this year.

According to reports, with the recent continuous decline in futures prices in New York, Yunnan coffee will face increasing production without increasing income if it continues to follow the acquisition practice of foreign enterprises in Yunnan, which is about 10 cents lower than the futures price in New York. On the afternoon of the 18th, Yunnan Hougu Coffee took the lead in the harvest quotation, which was converted into RMB according to the New York coffee futures price, and minus the transportation cost was the Yunnan coffee harvest quotation. According to this calculation, Hougu Coffee raised the harvest quotation per ton of Yunnan coffee by about 1500 yuan in this year's harvest season. In the 2015-2016 Yunnan coffee harvest season, enterprises will pay hundreds of millions of yuan more, these funds will directly benefit farmers.

"the quotation rules are not only for Yunnan Arabica coffee, but also for Robusta coffee." Xiong Xiangren, chairman of Hougu Coffee, said: "Hougu promises that the purchase price of first-class Yunnan coffee beans will not be lower than 15000 yuan per ton and will do its best to protect the interests of coffee growers."

At present, Yunnan coffee planting area is more than 1.8 million mu, and the output in the new season is expected to be about 130000 tons. Yunnan coffee planting area and output account for about 99 percent of China's coffee, and Yunnan coffee imports and exports account for about 80 percent of China's coffee. The Yunnan Coffee Industry Association predicts that China will become the world's largest consumer of coffee in the next 10 years.