Coffee review

The main points of making a cup of siphon pot coffee: what are the stirring methods and techniques of the siphon pot?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Guide: what are the stirring methods and techniques of the siphon pot? In the past, people used to stir vigorously, but more and more people began to reach a consensus on stirring skills, that is, it is not advisable to stir vigorously, but gently when stirring. In the relevant information of the cup pot net, we have described in detail the principle of the siphon coffee pot, how to use the siphon pot and the matters needing attention in making coffee.

Introduction: What are the stirring methods and techniques of siphon pots? In the past, the most commonly used method was vigorous stirring, but more and more people began to reach a consensus on stirring skills, that is, vigorous stirring is not advisable, and stirring should be gentle.

In the relevant information of the cup pot net, we have detailed the principle of siphon coffee pot, how to use siphon pot, siphon pot to boil coffee precautions and other content, in order to let everyone further understand siphon pot, use siphon pot to cook better coffee, today Xiaobian for everyone to introduce siphon pot stirring methods and skills. Be aware that different mixing methods can make subtle changes in coffee flavor.

Methods and techniques of stirring


Asian American coffee glass siphon pot

In the past, the most commonly used method was vigorous stirring, but as people paid more and more attention to coffee taste, many people began to reach a consensus on stirring skills, that is, vigorous stirring is not advisable, and stirring should be gentle. However, gentleness did not mean slowness. It was not like slow-motion. Even if it was gentle, gentleness should be a feeling. It was a grasp of strength. Here are a few common techniques.

1. Pressure reduction method

The pressing method is not actually stirring, but pressing down the coffee powder floating on the water so that the powder and water can come into intimate contact. When pressing down, slide one end of the stirring rod along the upper pot wall of the coffee pot and slowly press the powder into the water surface. Do not press it to the bottom, just shallow. The core of the pressure method is quiet, and there must be a mentality of not disturbing coffee extraction in order to play this technique. This technique is generally used when the water has just risen to the upper pot, that is, the first stirring.

2. Circle method

The circular method is the easiest to master and is usually more like stirring. Stirring should also be gentle. Insert the stirring blade into the liquid surface to one-third of the water depth of the upper pot, and then stir it in circles along the pot wall. This method is the easiest to make the small hill shape powder slag called by Taiwanese. Of course, I personally think that the small hill is meaningless.

3. Cross Law

The cross method should still be gentle, and the requirements for hand feel will be higher. The mixing track is shown in the figure. Stir gently on the surface of the water. This technique can be used alone or in conjunction with the circle method.

In addition, in the process of stirring also need to master the stirring timing. At present, the most common is twice and three times, twice stirring is to stir once when the water rises to the upper pot and flameout, and three times is to add one stirring in the middle on the basis of twice.

Source: China Cup Pot Net