Coffee review

What is bird-friendly coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is bird-friendly coffee? Bird Friendship is a third party established by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (Sumitomo Mitsui), which is part of the Washington-based National Zoo to certify that D.C. Bird Favorable Standards are stringent environmental standards. Certified coffee is sealed. What are environmental standards? SBMC requires producers to meet requirements for organic certification first, then

What is bird-friendly coffee?


Bird friendships are established by the Smithsonian migrant Bird Center (Sumitomo Mitsui), which is part of the Washington-based National Zoo, and the DC bird advantage standard is a third party with stringent environmental standards. Certified coffee is sealed.

What is the environmental protection standard?

SBMC requires producers to meet organic certification requirements first and then to meet additional criteria to ensure that their maintaing provides forest vegetation in habitats for birds and other wild animals. Therefore, bird-friendly coffee provides all the environmental benefits of organic coffee.

Additional standards, however, require at least 40% sunshade cover, which also makes the diversity and size of trees recommended to make the forest closed. These standards ensure a variety of support for rich wildlife habitats. A survey by biologists found that a shady coffee plantation touches almost as much on forest biodiversity at home.

What are labor standards?

The bird-friendly standard is not designed to address working conditions, but the requirement for organic certification creates some benefits for workers, such as those described in the Organic Coffee Festival.

What are the shortcomings?

There is cost participation with any third-party certification program. In many cases, the obstacle to bird-friendly certification is not SBMC requirements, but the difficulty and cost of obtaining organic certification, which may require years of effort and fees before there is any grower's return.

In 2007, SBMC changed its rules to make Bird Coffee Farm friendly certification instead of a three-year period. SBMC reasonably notes that forest coverage changes little from year to year, and reducing the number of inspections will help farmers to control costs. The farm must also be checked for organic certification every year.

One drawback for consumers is that bird-friendly coffee is hard to find.

How do I get certified bird-friendly coffee?

SBMC project and inspection institutions in various countries. To be certified, a producer must arrange and pay for inspections by one of these agencies.