Coffee review

Detailed introduction of Sidamo G1 Coffee Bean Red Cherry Project (OCR) in African Coffee producing area

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The following information is from the Taiwan Coffee blog Organic Coffee blog: the Red Cherry Project (Operation Cherry Red) is a small-scale farm quality improvement project led by Dutch trading company Trabocca BV and partly funded by the Dutch government since 2005. This enhances coffee in remote areas of Ethiopia by providing assistance to producers' expertise and related technology.

The following information comes from Taiwan Coffee Blog Organic Coffee Blog:

Operation Cherry Red is a small-scale farm quality improvement project led by Dutch trading company Trabocca BV and partly funded by the Dutch government since 2005. The project to enhance coffee production and quality in remote areas of Ethiopia by providing producer expertise and technical assistance began in 2005 with a selection of small coffee cooperatives located at high altitudes in the present-day Sidamo, Yegashev and Lim regions. Encourage and assist producers to improve washing, semi-washing, solarization or other experimental treatments as much as possible to improve the quality of coffee, and ensure the quality of each batch through testing (professional cup testers are also stationed in coffee producing areas to grasp the coffee flavor most directly). Before the harvest season, Trabocca invites selected smallholder producer organizations/producers to participate in the production of micro-batches of coffee (about 1500 to 3000 kg), carefully hand-picked 100% ripe red coffee cherries (hence the name Red Cherry Project). Trabocca provides financial support, new hardware and production process know-how to assist farmers, promising to pay competitive prices as long as the quality of the actual output meets the standards of the cup test in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This year, Trabocca set a pass standard of 88 points. Red Cherry beans are packaged in GrainPro bags or vacuum boxed bags immediately after processing at origin and shipped to Djibouti for shipment. We strive for perfect quality through real-time monitoring, safe transportation and timely and appropriate handling.

Caberdo is a small coffee cooperative in a small town in the Dara region of Sidama Province. Each coffee farmer here has an average planting area of about 0.6 hectares. It is composed of hundreds of coffee farmers. Its planting altitude is nearly 2000 meters. The climate temperature difference is large, and the soil is fertile. It provides an excellent growing environment. The beans themselves emit a strong aroma of raisins and fermented wine. The near-brown beans are actually small in size, slender, but the weight on the hand is very solid. After baking, we found that the bright berry aroma, or the rich chocolate-like aftertaste, makes this bean have a bright performance whether it is light baked or deep baked.

Flavor: Berry, tropical fruit, fermented bouquet, dates, tea, milk chocolate. Body medium, the end of the cocoa aroma with a little spice and tea fragrance, complex and lasting, cool after drinking cleaner, balance is more prominent.

Ethiopia OCR Sidamo-3 Kebado

Country Ethiopia

Dara Zone, Sidamo

Producers Kebedo Local Smallholder Cooperative

Grade 3


Breed mix Native species (Heirloom)

Altitude 1800 to 2200 meters

The above information comes from Taiwan coffee blog "organic coffee blog".

From the bean shape, this bean is typical of Ethiopia, small particles, not very uniform size, color is typical of the sun treatment characteristics, so specially compared with Harald.

日晒西达摩 wbr红樱桃计划(OCR)

The beans are similar in size, the color is fresher (indeed fresher, Harald is 11 years old, Sidamo is the same year), look at the beans, Sidamo is more carefully processed, you can see the middle of the beans, and the defect rate is lower.

日晒西达摩 wbr红樱桃计划(OCR)


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