Coffee review

The Historical and Cultural Origin of World Coffee the Cultural differences of Western Coffee VS Oriental Tea

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Coffee and tea are two kinds of drinks respected by people in different cultural backgrounds of the East and the West. with the development of the times, tea has gradually entered the Western countries, and coffee has also been gradually accepted by us. Today, coffee has even become the beverage representative of the fashion trend! Coffee is no longer a mystery to us, but there is still a difference between eastern tea culture and western coffee culture.

Coffee and tea are two kinds of drinks respected by people in different cultural backgrounds of the East and the West. with the development of the times, tea has gradually entered the Western countries, and coffee has also been gradually accepted by us. Today, coffee has even become the beverage representative of the fashion trend!

Coffee is no longer a mystery to us, but there are still some differences between eastern tea culture and western coffee culture. Do you know the cultural differences between the two? Next, let's take a look at it with the editor:

The spread of tea to Europe and the introduction of coffee into China are regarded as a major event of spreading civilization. although coffee has not yet become a popular drink in China, tea has become a part of the quality of life and enjoyment of Europeans. People with gentleman cultivation or noble taste pay much attention to drinking tea, and the leisurely afternoon tea every day is reminiscent of the philosophy and literary atmosphere in the salon. However, in the early days, tea and coffee gradually entered aristocratic life from folk popularity, thus with a hierarchical color. Tea guests "mostly like to drink tea under the beans in the melon shed". What they want is elegant and elegant, but what they lack is the bitterness and warmth of coffee.

From this standpoint, coffee and tea represent Chinese and Western cultures. By comparison, tea and wine narrates artistic conception, while coffee depicts spirit. " Therefore, coffee and cafes are often associated with revolution, so "Coffee is a loyal partner of revolution in Europe and a single symbol of leisure in the East."

Chinese tea culture is broad and profound, which can be described as a peculiar cultural landscape in people's life. Whether in tea-producing areas or non-tea-producing areas, the creation and inheritance of tea culture have lasted for a long time. The Great Dictionary of Chinese Tea defines "tea culture" as "the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth related to tea created by human beings in the process of social and historical development." It takes material as the carrier, reflects the clear spiritual content, is the product of a high degree of harmony and unity of material civilization and spiritual civilization, and belongs to 'intermediary culture'.

Generally speaking, the characteristics of western coffee culture are passionate, unrestrained and free, concise and casual, fast and convenient. Romantic French coffee culture is an elegant charm, romance, and a sense of comfort to enjoy life. This is also a traditional and unique coffee culture. Coffee is not just a drink for them, it contains rich cultural connotations.

In fact, whether it is the tea culture of the East or the coffee culture of the West, with the progress of the times and in line with people's habitual way of life, it is a cultural representative of fashion.

Source: fresh graduate training network