Coffee review

Brewing method of individual coffee: 360 degrees without dead angle analysis of "French pressure pot" coffee making skills

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Everyone will not make coffee at first, but will gradually learn to make coffee through experience or other tips to make it more and more delicious, but if you do not learn how to make coffee because of your personal laziness, then your coffee will never be complete. You only have an incomplete cup of coffee. When it is late, it will be too late. You can only watch how others enjoy themselves.

Everyone will not make coffee at first, but will gradually learn to make coffee through experience or other secrets, so that coffee becomes more and more delicious, but if you are lazy, do not learn how to make coffee, then your coffee will never be complete, you only have a cup of incomplete coffee, wait until late, it is too late, can only watch how others enjoy their own coffee, if you also want to have your own delicious coffee, then from now on, Work hard to learn coffee making skills to make your coffee delicious.

A. The steps of making coffee by pressing the pot.

1. Remove the lid of the French press pot. The lid is connected to the filter net in the middle, so it will be removed together.

2. Pour the ground coffee powder into the French press pot.

3. Pour 92 ° C hot water into the French press pot, install the lid of the French press pot, do not press the filter screen in the middle at this time, and start timing.

After five minutes, slowly press down the middle filter and pour out the coffee. Making coffee by pressing the pot is finished.

Second, the law press pot to make coffee needs to pay attention to several matters.

1. Amount of powder and water. The French press comes with a coffee measuring spoon, and a flat spoon of coffee powder is 10g. The body of the French press pot has a cup scale, so you can pour the right amount of water according to your own needs. For example: you need to make coffee for two people, at this time you can add two flat teaspoons of coffee powder, pour in two parts of water. You can get two cups of coffee, and one cup of coffee is about 150ML.

2, the grinding degree of coffee powder. Simply put, it is the thickness of coffee powder. If you buy coffee beans at Uncle Bean's house, you can tell Uncle Bean what coffee making equipment you use, and Uncle Bean will help you grind the right fineness. Of course, you can also grind your own, just need to grind the coffee beans into a slightly larger coffee powder than white sugar particles.

3. 92 degrees water temperature. 92 degrees is the best temperature for French press coffee. You can use a thermometer to measure it, or you can use a tip to turn off the heat source of boiling water for one minute.

Four, five minutes. If you are using 92 degree water to brew coffee, then five minutes is just right. If you are using water from a drinking fountain to make French press coffee, it is recommended that you soak it for 6 to 7 minutes before pressing down on the filter. The reason is that the water temperature in the drinking fountain is relatively low.

5. Slowly press down. Slowly press down on the filter to minimize the amount of coffee grounds in the coffee.

Third, the characteristics of coffee production method press pot analysis.

1, can play a single coffee flavor characteristics.

2, easy to operate, easy to use, only one more step than instant coffee to press the filter.

There will be a little coffee in the coffee.

4, coffee liquid will be more muddy than the coffee made by siphon pot.

Is the French press suitable for single coffee or fancy coffee?

What is a single coffee?

Single coffee refers to coffee made from a single coffee bean, known as single coffee, such as Brazilian coffee, Colombia coffee, Blue Mountain coffee, etc.

2 What is fancy coffee?

Fancy coffee actually does not have an accurate definition, we add other accessories to the coffee called fancy coffee, such as: added milk, chocolate, wine and so on. The traditional fancy coffee in the cafe refers to cappuccino, latte, mocha and so on.

3. What kind of coffee is the press pot suitable for?

If fancy coffee refers to coffee with other accessories added to the coffee, then milk can also be added to the coffee, and such coffee will be called fancy coffee. In this way, the French press pot can actually make fancy coffee.

The Jamaica Coffee Industry Board recommends the use of French presses to make Blue Mountain coffee. French presses are also suitable for making single-serve coffee.

Wang Beiqi of Wang Sen School suggested that the French press pot should be used to make single-item coffee. If we use the coffee made by the French press pot to make cappuccino, latte or mocha, it is unlikely and not recommended. The reason is that the coffee produced by the French press pot has a low concentration. If other accessories are added to the coffee produced by the French press pot, the taste of the coffee will be diluted more, and the original flavor of the coffee will be lost.

How to solve the problem of pressing coffee grounds?

First, the law pressure pot to make coffee has coffee grounds reasons:

When making coffee, there will be some coffee grounds, even if there is no granular coffee grounds, fine coffee grounds will make the coffee become turbid, usually in the bottom of the cup after drinking coffee can see the same sediment as fine mud. These grounds are produced because the coffee powder is too fine or the coffee is pressed too fast.

Second, the law pressure pot coffee grounds solution:

1. Coarse the grinding degree of coffee powder and make the coffee particles slightly coarse, so that in the process of making coffee, the filter will be able to filter out coffee grounds.

2, in the use of French press pot to make coffee, there will be a pressing step, in the process of pressing down, slow down to prevent direct pressure too fast, the pot low coffee grounds recoil to the upper coffee liquid.

3, buy a slightly better coffee grinder, no matter what kind of grinder, will produce fine powder, and these fine powder will cause the coffee liquid to become turbid. If we buy a slightly better grinder, then the coffee made by the French press will also be slightly less coffee grounds.

Source: Network