Coffee review

Boutique coffee beans mocha Yemeni coffee introduction to the latest coffee unique flavor full of taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, More than a hundred years ago, the outward transportation industry of the whole Central and East African coffee country was not prosperous. Mocha in Yemen was a major export port near the Red Sea at that time. On the contrary, Mombasa Port, Durban Port and Beiva Port in Africa have all become some emerging coffee export ports in Africa. But at that time, as long as the coffee was concentrated in the port of Mocha and then exported to the African coffee, it was collectively called Mocha.

More than a hundred years ago, the whole coffee country in Central and East Africa, the outward transportation industry was not prosperous at that time. Mocha in Yemen was a major export port near the Red Sea at that time, but now it is the ports of Mombasa, Durban and Beiva in Africa. All of them have become some emerging coffee export ports in Africa, but at that time, as long as the coffee was concentrated in the port of Mocha and then exported to Africa, it was collectively called mocha coffee.

There are many answers to this question. Some people say that mocha is a certain place of origin, and some people remember that mocha is sweet chocolate coffee. In fact, authentic mocha coffee is only produced in the Republic of Yemen in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula, grows on steep hillsides at elevations of 3, 000 to 8, 000 feet, and is the oldest coffee in the world.

The delicious coffee shipped from the port of Mocha is called "mocha coffee", which is the origin of the name "mocha coffee".

At present, the coffee produced in Yemen is the best, followed by Ethiopia's mocha; mocha coffee belt smooth in the acid to strong acid, sweet, unique flavor, containing chocolate flavor; with the temperament of a lady, is a very characteristic pure coffee.

Mocha coffee (CafeMocha) is one of the oldest coffee, its history can be traced back to the origin of coffee. It is a mixture of Italian espresso, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and milk. Mocha gets its name from the famous port of Mocha. In the 15th century, the outward transportation industry of the whole coffee country in Central and East Africa did not flourish. Yemeni Mocha was a major commercial port near the Red Sea at that time. At that time, coffee was mainly concentrated in the port of Mocha and then exported to Africa, which was collectively called mocha coffee. Although the emerging port replaced the status of the port of Mocha, the origin of mocha coffee remained during the period of the port of Mocha, and the coffee beans produced in these areas are still known as mocha coffee beans.