Coffee review

The water used to make coffee comes from the water softener, which teaches you how to clean the water softener to maintain the quality of coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cleaning of water softener / water softener 1. The main characteristics of LJ series automatic water softeners are fully automated: water supply, backwashing, salt absorption, forward washing and other processes are all automated; ultra-low energy consumption: microelectronic circuit and timer energy consumption is extremely low; low salt consumption: water ejector accurately controls the amount of regenerated salt and saves a large amount of running salt consumption; low operation and management costs; automatic operation of equipment, no need for personal management

Cleaning of water softener 1. Main characteristics of LJ series automatic water softener

Full automation: water supply, backwashing, salt absorption, positive washing and other processes are all automated.

Ultra-low energy consumption: extremely low energy consumption of microelectronic circuits and timers

Low salt consumption: the water ejector accurately controls the amount of regenerated salt and saves a lot of salt consumption in operation.

Low cost of operation and management; automatic operation of equipment without the need for personal management

Complete specifications, a wide range of applications, can meet the requirements of a variety of industries.

Second, the working principle of cleaning water softener.

Through the ion exchange resin and the huge surface area of the cation exchange resin, the raw water with hardness can make the calcium and magnesium ions in the water be replaced with the sodium ions in the resin, thus ensuring that the hardness of the effluent is less than 0.03 ol/L. The chemical reaction is 2RNaNaCa2 + (Mg2+) = R2Ca (Mg) + 2Na2 +. The calcium and magnesium ions in water enter into the resin, and the sodium ions in the resin enter into water, thus softening. When the Ca-mg resin (that is, the failure resin) reaches a certain degree and the hardness of the effluent exceeds the standard, the regeneration of the failure resin will be carried out. Using a higher concentration of sodium chloride solution to pass through the failed resin, the failed resin can be restored to the sodium resin. The chemical reaction is R _ 2CaO _ 2Na _ 2O _ 2RNaOH Ca ~ (2 +).

The whole regeneration process includes backwashing-loosening resin layer, salt absorption regeneration-exchange reaction, flushing-rinsing the calcium and magnesium ions that should be exchanged chemically.

Third, the cleaning and use mode of water softener

Single tank-suitable for regular equipment within a day, can not supply water during resin regeneration, if equipped with 2-3 hours of water consumption tank, can achieve uninterrupted water supply.

Double-tank simultaneous water supply-can achieve continuous uninterrupted water supply, staggered regeneration, single-tank water supply during regeneration, reduce water supply, and artificially set regeneration time. Two tanks, one use and one preparation-to achieve continuous and uninterrupted water supply, the other can be regenerated or standby, and can be converted manually.

Three-tank system-continuous uninterrupted water supply, computer control, staggered regeneration. It is suitable for equipment with large amount of water.

Source: network