Coffee review

Don't throw away the coffee dregs. You can use it to make coffee cups. Taste good coffee with coffee cups with different meanings.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After brewing coffee, don't throw away the rest of the coffee grounds! You should know that coffee grounds are not only used for dehumidification and deodorization, but also have many wonderful uses. For example, have you ever imagined a coffee cup made from coffee grounds? After years of research, German designer Julian Lechner finally succeeded in turning coffee grounds into coffee cups. This set of coffee cups is called Kaffeeform, and it is in the nearest A.


After brewing coffee, don't throw away the rest of the coffee grounds! You should know that coffee grounds are not only used for dehumidification and deodorization, but also have many wonderful uses. For example, have you ever imagined a coffee cup made from coffee grounds?

After years of research, German designer Julian Lechner finally succeeded in turning coffee grounds into coffee cups. The coffee cup, called Kaffeeform, made its debut at the recent Amsterdam Coffee Festival Amsterdam Coffee Festival.


Julian Lechner collects a lot of coffee grounds in the local cafe in Berlin. He mixed coffee grounds with natural glue and broken wood to form a liquid and injected it into the mold. The result is amazing-coffee cups made of this material are strong and waterproof and can be washed in the dishwasher.

Coffee cup each cup wall texture is unique, never collide with anyone, it is your exclusive coffee cup.




Kaffeeform is specially designed for espresso, and even in normal times, the cup smells like coffee.


Kaffeeform is now on the market in Germany, with one set (cup + disc) priced at 25 euros and two sets priced at 40 euros.


Source: micro in