Coffee review

Introduction of Finnish Coffee Brand and Coffee Machine the country that loves coffee most Finns love coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Abstract: historically, sandwiched between Sweden and Russia, two rich neighbors, it is not easy to make a living, but they also know how to balance. A little bit of oriental charm, a little bit of western feelings, coupled with the infinite expanse of nature, formed the present Finland. A few days ago, the Finnish people pretending to be a god in New York watched coldly the posts of the people of New York talking about the heavy snow on moments and Weibo.

Abstract: historically, sandwiched between Sweden and Russia, two rich neighbors, it is not easy to make a living, but they also know how to balance. A little bit of oriental charm, a little bit of western feelings, coupled with the infinite expanse of nature, formed the present Finland.

A few days ago, the post "the Finnish people watched coldly as the people of New York kept talking about the heavy snow" pretending to be a great god in New York was everywhere on moments and Weibo. You must have read it, right? The snowstorm in the eastern United States was spoiled by ordinary / literary / 2-forked American people and showed off, but it was easily destroyed by a Finnish netizen's post.

The calm and quiet nation won again. Hey, he took a coffee cup. Does his victory come from his love of coffee?

Finland seems to us to be very far away. In fact, if we take the Arctic route, it will take only 8 hours to fly directly from Beijing to Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

When it comes to Helsinki, I have to mention a Japanese movie "Seagull Canteen" that I like very much.

Like the style of the poster, this is a melodious healing story. For a variety of reasons, three Japanese women, who are not too young or very beautiful, gathered in Helsinki and opened a small restaurant called Seagull Canteen. From being strangers to each other, to winning the favor of local residents and becoming a part of everyone's life, the process was light, not sentimental, but warm.

This is the feeling of Finland, simple and fresh, and people are a little shy. Historically, sandwiched between Sweden and Russia, two rich neighbors, it is not easy to make a living, but they also know how to strike a balance. A little bit of oriental charm, a little bit of western feelings, coupled with the infinite expanse of nature, formed the present Finland. In addition, Mu Ming, whom we all love very much, was created by Finnish woman writer Dufu Yansheng ToveJansson.

Muming is a Finnish animal and loves coffee.

Finland really doesn't have any scenic spots we think, but the forest and the library play casually! If you are natural, athletic and unsociable, I really suggest you go to Finland for a good holiday. But remember, Finnish people do not like to chat with strangers, this is not rude, it is indeed shy, and because the land is too empty, private space is amazing, citizens like us who do not distinguish between you and me may have to get used to it.

Even the world-famous Finnish athletes are famous for being "calm", "calm" and "calm as water".

Such as F1 driver Raikkonen.

Such as Ahonen, a famous ski jumper.

However, my good friend Lin, who has lived in Finland for many years, told me that Finns just don't like to gossip, and tourists will be happy to help if they take a map for advice.

Are you relieved? If you are also incompetent, would you like to book a ticket to be a quiet and beautiful man and see the beautiful nature?

Maoka original article, some of the pictures come from the Internet.

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Source: coffee salon