Coffee review

The advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee black coffee white coffee pure coffee instant coffee is good or bad

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Everyone drinks coffee often say good drink and bad drink, is personal preference, and the real coffee expert, in the evaluation of coffee, should first judge good, bad, and then evaluate good drink, bad drink. For example, for people who don't like to drink, even if they give him a bottle of high-quality Maotai, it still tastes bad; similarly, for people who don't like sour coffee, even if the acidity of coffee is excellent


When drinking coffee, people often refer to "good" and "bad", which are personal preferences, while real coffee connoisseurs should first judge "good and bad" and then evaluate "good and bad".

For example, for people who do not like to drink, even if they are given a bottle of high-end Maotai, it is still "bad"; similarly, for those who do not like sour coffee, even if the sour taste of coffee is good, it is still "bad". "delicious" and "bad" is a matter of personal preference, and it is difficult to insert an objective evaluation. However, compared with the volatile Maotai, the fresh Maotai just opened the lid is undoubtedly a "good" Maotai!

If we judge by "good" and "bad", there will be room for objective discussion. Coffee should first judge "good" and "bad", and then judge "good" and "bad". So what kind of coffee is "good coffee"? Good coffee should be based on the following four conditions:

1, excellent tree species, flawless raw beans.

2, freshly roasted coffee beans (the validity period of the roasted reference is the best within two weeks after baking. Keep it as beans and grind the ingredients before cooking.

3, freshly ground coffee powder

4. Freshly brewed coffee.

In other words, the so-called "good coffee" is "high-quality raw beans produced by high-quality tree species, after removing defective beans, properly roasted, correctly extracted within its effective period, and delivered to the guests in time" is the real "good coffee".


Often, some shops reheat the brewed coffee and give it to the guests, while some coffee shops turn the raw beans for weeks or even months into coffee for the guests. From a health point of view, it can be said that this is "bad coffee". Coffee connoisseurs should carefully make "good" coffee before providing "good" coffee. "good coffee" is not necessarily "good coffee", "bad coffee" no doubt, it must be "bad coffee"!

Source: happy Coffee Xiao Xu's blog