Coffee review

About coffee roasting, you need to know professional terms, terms related to coffee roasting, techniques.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Many customers who came to berries asked intellectuals about the baking degree of their coffee beans as soon as they entered the door. I told them that all intellectuals' beans were medium-baked, and they questioned this. I continued to ask intellectuals whether the beans came out at the end of the first explosion or at the end of the second explosion. I asked: do you think the medium-baked beans are at the end of the first explosion or the second explosion? The berry couple are only on the trainer.

Many customers who come to berries ask the degree of baking of the coffee beans of intellectuals as soon as they enter the door. I told them that all intellectuals' beans are medium-baked, and they questioned this. I continued to ask the intellectuals whether the beans came out at the end of the first explosion or at the end of the second explosion. I asked, "do you think the medium-baked beans are baked at the end of the first explosion or the second explosion?"

The couple of berries have only baked beans on the trainer and are studying, so if they have not produced them, they will not have baked beans. Since they do not know how to bake beans, berry couples will not casually question other people's baking degree. Moreover, the purpose of baking beans by berry couples is only to improve the awareness of their opponents. In fact, even many bakers are very self-righteous, often pulling their own baking terms in front of people, always thinking that they will be superior or look down on others. What Berry wants to tell you is: top performers in all walks of life, everyone is engaged in different professions, has different specialties, there is no distinction between high and low, everyone has something to learn from, and should be respected and treated with courtesy.

Today, let's learn some simple terms of bakers, be yourself and not be the shit basin of other people's family. But when shit pots come to knock on you, you need to know how to use these terms and knock them back!

Reference materials:

Tian Guangshou: baked beans

"COFFEE: A Comprehensive Guide to the Bean, the Beverage, and the Industry" by Robert W. Thurston, Jonathan Morries, and Shawn Steiman.

"Coffee: A Dark History" by Antony Wild




The following is the process of using the high temperature baking method of baking beans (adding raw beans when the temperature is high, baking over high fire, and the overall baking time is no more than 15 minutes) to derive the equilibrium point, yellow dot, first explosion and second explosion.

Equilibrium point Even Temperature Point

When the roaster is fully preheated and the internal temperature of the boiler is about 200 degrees, put the prepared raw beans into the furnace. At this time, the raw beans in the furnace begin to endothermic reaction, and the internal tissue of the raw beans begin to endothermic reaction, that is, the raw beans begin to absorb heat into their own bodies, so the temperature in the furnace begins to drop slowly, and when the temperature inside the furnace is gradually consistent with the temperature in the raw beans, it is called the "equilibrium point".

At this time, it is one of the important links in the taste and aroma of coffee. If the balance is wavering, the flavor of coffee will become confused. Because the type of coffee roaster is different, there will be a deviation in the time of the "balance point", so the roaster should master the balance point of the roaster he uses. That is, the equilibrium point time corresponding to the amount of raw beans, the equilibrium point time corresponding to different seasons, the equilibrium point time of heat sources such as liquefied gas gas (LPG) or natural gas gas (LNG), the horizontal length of the internal and external chimneys connected with the bean dryer, or the vertical height are all different, which should be carefully observed.

Temperature recovery point Turning Point

After the equilibrium point, the furnace will be in a constant state for a few seconds or minutes. Then the temperature will warm up, and this point in time becomes the "temperature recovery point". Although the temperature recovery point of different models is different, the equilibrium point and temperature point of most semi-hot air and direct fire roasters are almost the same, that is, the temperature begins to rise slowly.

Generally speaking, there is about 30 seconds ~ one minute between the balance point and the temperature recovery point of the direct baking machine, and there is no change in the temperature. On the other hand, the semi-hot air will be converted to the temperature recovery point immediately after the equilibrium point.

After passing the temperature recovery point, the moisture of the raw bean begins to evaporate, so it gives off a fishy smell, which varies according to the moisture content of the raw bean and the size of the firepower supply.

Light yellow spot Light Yellow

After the temperature recovery point, the temperature in the furnace began to rise slowly. In the case of high-temperature baking, the characteristic of the light yellow spot is that direct baking arrives in about 4 minutes, while semi-hot air or hot air appears in 6 minutes. Light yellow dot is also the time when raw beans change from raw bean flavor to sweet taste. the sweetness felt in light yellow spots varies with the processing methods of raw beans, and the sweetness of raw beans in the sun method to avoid washing beans is more obvious. In addition, the time of sweetness will also vary depending on the water content of raw beans, and raw beans with high water content will be slower than those with low water content.

Yellow dot Yellow

When it comes to the yellow spot, the wrinkles on the surface of raw beans will gradually appear, which is a phenomenon caused by the evaporation of water in raw beans. In the endothermic reaction, the yellow dot is the time point at which water evaporates most. The density of raw beans also has an effect on the amount of wrinkles. For example, if raw beans with the same moisture content but different densities are baked at the same time, the raw beans with high density will produce more wrinkles than those with low density.

For example, the Brazilian bean of the new world bean species has a moisture content of 10%, and there are fewer wrinkles on the surface of the original bean at the time of the yellow dot, while in the Kaddura species of Colombia, if the moisture content is 10%, the wrinkle of the original bean flour will look deeper.

First explosion of First Crack

At the end of the endothermic reaction stage and the first burst, the heat protection reaction is carried out immediately.

The sound produced by the expansion effect produced by the preheating of raw beans during the first burst, and the sound and time of bursting will vary with the variety, density and vitality of the endothermic reaction stage of raw beans. Under the condition of high temperature baking, direct fire baking will occur in 7 minutes, while semi-hot air type or full hot air type will occur in about 9 minutes.

An explosion represents the official beginning of the chemical reaction of raw beans. Generally speaking, we take continuous bursting as the starting point. Before that, there will be a single burst sound (when the tissue of raw beans changes, some raw beans will burst). Under this condition, please do not take a single burst sound as the benchmark. After a single burst sound, the continuous burst sound will begin soon, and this point in time can easily be used as a benchmark for the confirmation of an explosion.

After the explosion starts, you will smell a sour smell. With the passage of time, the sound of bursting is getting louder and louder, and we can also feel that the sour taste is getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of this sour taste will vary from place to place. For example, raw beans at high altitudes will taste sour more than those at low elevations, and sun beans will taste sour more than water-washed beans.

When the sour taste irritates to the depths of the nasal cavity, please reduce the firepower. If the firepower is not reduced and continues to proceed, the temperature will show a black curve and continue to rise; while after the nasal cavity is stimulated by sour taste, confirm and adjust the firepower, the temperature rise in the furnace will gradually slow down and show a blue curve.

The second explosion Second Crack (the first explosion does not reduce the fire)

As I just said, if the firepower is not adjusted when the explosion is dense, the temperature in the furnace will rise. If you use fresh raw beans with a water content of more than 10% for baking, the finished product with less firepower during the second explosion will have a brighter reddish brown than the original bean without firepower adjustment; if you use a direct-fire baking machine, you may have to adjust the firepower up at the same time or just before the second explosion. Because if the direct fire is not hot enough, it will cause the second explosion time to be later, or the overall baking time will be prolonged. This situation has a negative impact on the taste and flavor of coffee, resulting in a strong bitter taste and its bitterness will stay in the mouth for a long time, resulting in a large loss of aroma.

Second explosion Second Crack (reducing fire in the first explosion)

After an explosion, the firepower adjusts the blue curve after weakening. The blue curve is relatively flat, on the whole, there is no downward trend, but shows a slowly upward trend. In case of a downward trend, it means that the firepower is too weak. In this case, the baked beans are darker in color, called dark black, bitter and aftertaste when drinking, and they will become insipid and tasteless coffee.

The article comes from berry boutique coffee.