Coffee review

Development of Coffee production and processing in Vietnam Central Plains Coffee Highland Coffee Moche Coffee

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Vietnamese coffee (c ph, literally iced coffee) is a kind of dripping coffee. The aroma is strong, the sour taste is light, the taste is smooth and moist, the fragrance is slightly bitter, the aroma is rich, refreshing and refreshing. Representative products are moossy Coffee, Central Plains Coffee, Saigon Coffee (SAGOCAFE), Highland Coffee. The geographical location of Vietnam is very favorable for coffee cultivation.

Vietnamese coffee (c à ph ê coffee á, literally means iced coffee) is a kind of dripping coffee. The aroma is strong, the sour taste is light, the taste is smooth and moist, the fragrance is slightly bitter, the aroma is rich, refreshing and refreshing. Representative products are moossy Coffee, Central Plains Coffee, Saigon Coffee (SAGOCAFE), Highland Coffee.


Vietnam's geographical location is very conducive to coffee cultivation, the south of Vietnam has a hot and humid tropical climate, suitable for growing ROBUSTA coffee, and the north is suitable for growing ARABICA coffee. Saigon Coffee's current production uses coffee beans selected from the best coffee areas of Vietnam Plateau, roasted with special cream, with outstanding milk fragrance, mellow coffee aroma and unique taste of Saigon Coffee, with a long aftertaste.

Traditional Vietnamese coffee is coffee and condensed milk drinking method, a lot of flavor is very strong, relatively greasy and milk fragrance basically covers the original coffee flavor, sour, coffee unique burnt aftertaste. Saigon coffee is slightly different from traditional Vietnamese coffee. Its unique production and processing technology, high standard materials, restore the pure and fragrant taste of coffee, so that consumers can drink pure Vietnamese coffee.

This is a modified Vietnamese pot, which uses a drip method to extract pure Vietnamese coffee beans. And the biggest feature of Vietnamese coffee beans is roasted with special cream, so there will be a strong tropical coffee wrapped in a strong creamy aroma.

There are two main types of instant coffee in Vietnam: vinacafe and Zhongyuan G7 coffee.

Weiner 3-in-1 instant coffee is produced and exported by Vietnam Bien Hop Weiner Co., Ltd., and its market share in Vietnam has remained above 45%, leading the way. At present, Weiner has participated in the China-ASEAN Expo for many years in a row, and some influential exhibitions in the Mainland often see Weiner Coffee. VINACAFE is selected from the famous premium BUONMETHUOT coffee beans, high quality creamer and sugar, rich in natural aroma and value enjoyment. The product contains 85 calories per 20g, 24g fat (4%), less than 1 g protein and 14g carbohydrate (5%). The normal daily calorie intake of each person is about 2000 calories, which can be adjusted according to individual needs. Drinking Vinacafe will definitely not put on weight.

Although G7 coffee is also instant coffee, it tastes rich and mellow. If you don't taste it carefully, you can't taste it as instant coffee. It tastes similar to freshly brewed coffee. G7 Coffee is one of Vietnam's famous coffees. Each coffee bean is selected from the best coffee areas in Vietnam Plateau. It is roasted with special cream. The milk fragrance is strong and the coffee is mellow. G7 Coffee is the only white coffee brand on the Vietnamese market, refined using advanced European technology. G7 coffee has great advantages in taste and adaptability to the crowd. Customers who have drunk G7 coffee will not feel dizzy, irritable and tasteless, nor will it affect consumers 'sleep, and will not affect normal work and study, bringing customers a relaxed and happy mood. This is a very significant feature different from traditional coffee. The G7 coffee is very suitable for Asian people's taste, and all users who have drunk the product will feel obvious advantages. Especially with the role of endocrine regulation, is a natural beauty fitness fashion coffee for daily work.

2 production

Vietnam's geographical location is very conducive to coffee cultivation, the south of Vietnam has a hot and humid tropical climate, suitable for growing ROBUSTA coffee, and the north is suitable for growing ARABICA coffee. Coffee production in Vietnam has the following characteristics: (1) Since there is no effective method to deal with defoliation, in the early 1980s, medium-grain coffee was selected as the main variety. (2) Based on planting techniques, coffee planting methods were determined, namely, high density planting, heavy irrigation, excessive fertilization, no shade trees to obtain maximum yield under humid and hot climate conditions in southern Vietnam. In Daklak, GiaLai, Kontum and Dong Nai areas of Vietnam, the yield of many coffee plantations reached 3~4 tons/ha, and some plantations even reached 8~9 tons/ha. (3) Processing technology: mainly making full use of the solar drying method in the dry season of the central plateau of Vietnam to process coffee.

Vietnam coffee cultivation area is about 500,000 hectares, 10%-15% belong to state-owned enterprises and farms, 85%-90% belong to farmers and manor owners. The size of the estate is small, usually 2-5 hectares, and the large estate is about 30-50 hectares, but the number is small. Vietnamese coffee ranks second only to rice among Vietnam's exports of agricultural products. Every year, about 300,000 farmers are engaged in coffee cultivation, with a labor force of 600,000, and the labor force can reach 700,000 to 800,000 during the three-month harvest period. Therefore, the coffee industry absorbs 1.83% of the total labor force in Vietnam and 2.93% of the total agricultural labor force.

Vietnam Coffee Corporation (VINACAFE) is a 100% state-owned enterprise with 73 companies and farms. 20-25% of Vietnam's coffee production is exported annually by Vinacafe.

According to the statistics of Vietnam Coffee Association, in 2000-2001 (from October 2000 to September 2001), Vietnam exported 874676 tons of coffee from 149 enterprises, among which the three largest exporters were OLAM Company (foreign-owned enterprise, 21326 tons), DAKMAN Company (joint venture, 18076 tons) and Vinafimex Company (local enterprise, 13719 tons).

The Vietnamese Coffee Quality Standards Committee is led by the Vietnamese Coffee Association to draft Vietnamese coffee standards, which are submitted to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (now the Ministry of Science and Technology) for approval by the Vietnamese General Bureau of Standards and Quality Monitoring. [1]

3 Processing

In the field of coffee processing, Vietnam has only had some dilapidated processing plants since 1975, and there are several processing plants in the north, such as Tongjiao and Fukui, whose equipment was manufactured in East Germany between 1960 and 1962. In the south, the old factories left behind by former manor owners such as ROSSI, DELPHANTE, etc. are also small in scale. While expanding the coffee planting area, Vietnam also began to build new coffee processing plants, initially manufacturing some single equipment, and later copying production lines according to HANGXA model. The main manufacturers are Haiphong 51 Machinery Factory and A74 Factory of the Ministry of Industry in Sau Duc, Ho Chi Minh City. In recent years, more and more companies and farms imported equipment from Germany and Brazil to build more complete new processing plants, imported more than a dozen sets of Brazilian Pinhalense coffee processing production lines. Later, some factories began to imitate Brazilian equipment and improve their own production. In recent years, Vietnam's coffee processing capacity has been greatly improved, and it can guarantee the export of 150,000 to 200,000 tons of coffee kernels every year. In addition, there are many enterprises with insufficient equipment, which only process with a few single machines and purchase coffee that has been initially processed from farmers in order to ensure export standards. Coffee purchased from the private sector is mainly distributed by farmers through cement or soil drying. In many places farmers use small grinders to grind dried coffee into coffee kernels, which they sell to coffee buyers. This process leads to unstable product quality. The coffee produced by various companies and farms is usually of good quality and beautiful appearance, such as the various companies of Dole: victory (thangloi), phuocan (phuocan), vietduc (vietduc), buonho (buonho), delao (d dao) and so on, which are affirmed by customers. Generally speaking, coffee sales have not been carried out according to national standards for a long time, and the quality provisions in the sales contract are very simple, which are only determined by the buyer and the seller through consultation, which fails to effectively promote the improvement of coffee quality and processing industry level.

The situation has improved in recent years. As supply exceeded demand, coffee prices continued to fall, leading buyers to demand higher quality and to impose additional requirements on sellers, such as a general demand for samples as a basis for settlement of payments. Vietnam's coffee industry must improve processing in a timely manner. In addition to customers demanding higher quality standards, Vietnam's coffee industry is also facing problems in the world coffee market:

The Association of Coffee Producing Countries (ACPC) supports a number of Central American coffee producing countries in their efforts to phase out low-quality coffee from the world coffee market in order to stabilize the market supply and demand balance.

EU countries applied OCHRATOXYNA contamination targets from 1 January 2003 and mass destruction of substandard coffee.

The above requirements require Vietnam coffee to have a big improvement in the processing field in order to continue to adapt and develop.

At present, Vietnamese coffee is still dominated by dry-processed ROBUSTA, which is purchased and dried by solar energy. If the harvest season encounters continuous rainy weather, burn coal or firewood to dry. There are also some companies that use mixers for wet processing. ARABICA, which has a smaller yield, is processed entirely wet. Sortex color sorters are used for classification in many places. [2]

4 Development planning

Determine strategic goals for industry development

Reduce the planting area of ROBUSTA coffee and convert the land with low coffee planting efficiency to other perennial cash crops such as rubber, pepper and fruit trees and annual crops such as cotton and hybrid corn.

Expand ARABICA coffee cultivation areas in areas where conditions permit. The ultimate goal of the strategy is to maintain or slightly reduce the current area of coffee planted throughout the year to approximately 450,000 to 500,000 hectares, of which 350,000 to 400,000 hectares are ROBUSTA coffee (a decrease of 100,000 to 150,000 hectares) and 100,000 hectares are ARABICA coffee (an increase of 60,000 hectares over the 40,000 hectares previously planted with French aid loans). The total output is guaranteed to be about 600,000 tons, equivalent to 10 million packs, 5 million packs less than the current ROBUSTA coffee.

Reduce costs and improve efficiency

Although Vietnam's coffee industry has relatively low labor costs and high coffee production, Vietnam's coffee costs are still high and it is difficult to compete. The main reason is that Vietnamese farmers buy and use large quantities of chemical fertilizers and irrigation in order to maximize production, which reduces investment returns and increases production costs. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the investment structure, reduce the investment in fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation, and do not have to pursue the highest yield but can achieve the highest profit level. In addition, the more farmers currently use chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers should be replaced to improve scientific and technological content.

Improve equipment and improve quality

Improve processing equipment, adopt Vietnamese national product quality standards in line with international standards, and improve product quality according to market requirements. Now, the more processing ARABICA coffee ability is poor, especially the first step of peeling. Because many areas lack the required amount of clean water and sewage treatment facilities, it is inevitable to pollute the environment.

Produce and supply to the market a variety of commodities other than green coffee kernels to meet consumer demand. At present, there are two manufacturers of instant coffee, one is VINACAFE's side and coffee factory, the other is Nestle (Thailand) in Vietnam factory, the current problem is to expand the market scope. The development of boxed liquid coffee is also being considered.

produce high-quality products

Production of high quality products such as organic coffee, specialty coffee, etc. The climatic conditions in the mountainous areas of northern Vietnam are favourable for ARABICA growth. Local ethnic minorities rarely use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and there are conditions to develop organic coffee, but the problem is that organic coffee needs authoritative certificates and market recognition, which is not reached in most areas.

Strengthen international market development

Reforming buying and selling relations, Vietnam Coffee strengthened international market development and paid more attention to developing domestic market. At present, Vietnam coffee has been exported to 50 countries and regions in the world, but it lacks traditional stable trading partners. Vietnam Coffee has not yet participated in futures market trading. At the same time, Vietnam's coffee market has not yet been fully developed. Although Vietnamese people have long been drinking tea, the potential for young people to drink coffee is considerable.

Keep the coffee industry stable

Vietnam's coffee industry supports 600,000 farmers, and the number of people associated with the industry reaches 1 million. Vietnam's coffee industry is still weak, compared with the world's traditional coffee power is still very weak. Therefore, it is necessary to take advanced measures in coffee cultivation, production, processing and trade to improve efficiency and develop Vietnam's coffee industry into a stable and sustainable industry. [3]

5 Speed of development

Latin America's dominance in the international coffee market is being seriously challenged by Asian countries in 2010. Vietnam and Indonesia's rapid rise in the world coffee export rankings has raised eyebrows.

From March 2000 to March 2001, Vietnam exported 1[4] 2.5 million bags of coffee (60 kg each), making it the world's second largest coffee exporter, pushing Colombia to third place, according to the Latin American Business Daily published by MERCOSUR. In February, Vietnam's coffee exports performed a miracle, surpassing Brazil, the world's top coffee exporter. Indonesia is also eyeing, threatening Cote d'Ivoire's position as the world's fourth-largest coffee exporter.

At present, although Vietnam's coffee production is not comparable to Brazil's, Vietnam's coffee production development speed is very impressive. Brazil's coffee production is forecast to reach 34 million bags this year, 24 million of which will be high-quality Arabica coffee. Vietnam's coffee production in 1985 was only 3.6 million bags, but it will jump to 13 million bags in 2001 and is estimated to rise to 16 million bags in 2004.

"Latin American Business Daily" said that the direct impact of the increase in Asian coffee production is to make the international market coffee supply exceeds demand situation. Total world coffee production this year is estimated at 115 million bags, world coffee consumption is about 105 million bags, and excess supply reaches 10 million bags. There are currently 40 million bags of coffee in stock worldwide. A large increase in coffee availability will inevitably impact coffee prices. From 1995 to 2000, the average price of the best Arabica coffee variety on the international market was $1.30 per pound, but by the end of May this year, the average price of this variety had fallen to $0.60 per pound.

It is reported that the world's annual export value of coffee beans reaches 8 billion US dollars, and the export value of roasted coffee beans is 55 billion US dollars. In the 1990s, global coffee consumption increased by 1.5%. The United States is the world's largest coffee consumer, consuming 19 million bags of coffee annually; Brazil is second, consuming 13 million bags of coffee annually. Finland ranks first in the world in coffee consumption per capita at 11 kg per person per year, followed by the United States and Brazil at 5 kg and 3.6 kg per person per year, respectively. [5]

6 for products

The representative products of Vietnamese coffee are moossy, TRUNGNGUYEN, SAGOCAFE and HIGHLANDS.

Moss coffee

Morse Coffee is a blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from Vietnam's Bang Mei Shu Plateau, one of the top ten coffee bean producing areas in the world. It retains the mellow aroma and original color of coffee beans with its high quality materials and professional production technology. The coffee tastes rich, sweet and slightly bitter, full and smooth.

Name Source:

Vietnam is a country where oriental mystery and french romance blend together. Its warm and humid tropical climate and colorful history create its unique natural and cultural landscape. In recent years, walking into Vietnam in people's memory, in addition to the graceful Vietnamese girls dressed in Ao Dai (Vietnamese national costume), mottled but green buildings, noisy but orderly streets, there is also a smell that people begin to forget, that is, the strong coffee fragrance.

As the origin of Vietnamese coffee, Buon Ma Thuot Plateau is one of the top ten coffee producing areas in the world. In the 19th century, coffee entered Buon Ma Thuot with French culture, and since then it has begun to perform her sweet and mellow wonderful. Seasonal sowing, seasonal harvest, roasting and grinding, over and over again, unconsciously, Bang Mei Shu has passed on her coffee history for more than 100 years, among which there is MOOSSY coffee figure... In Bang Mei Shu, there is a beautiful history of MOOSSY coffee.

In 1860, in war-torn Vietnam, a French man named MOOSSY, as the logistics and quartermaster of the French army, came to Pang-Mei-Shu with the army. He found that the shaded Bang Mei Shu has a rare plateau near the equator in the world, with an average elevation of 800 meters and a temperature difference of more than 20 degrees between day and night. Bang Mei Shu realized the cycle of four seasons in one day, early spring, mid-summer, late autumn, late winter, and frost-free throughout the year. Such climatic and geographical advantages are a complete cradle for growing coffee. With the help of the granddaughter of the local tribal chief, MOOSSY began to build his own coffee kingdom in Bang Mei Shu. The coffee beans they grow "Arappica" and "Robusta" have a pure taste, and the coffee ground with these two kinds of coffee beans is full-bodied and mellow, in addition to supplying the local upper class and the French garrison. Cross the sea to become the guest of honor of the French royal aristocracy. And MOOSSY and the chief's granddaughter also made a love story.

History has passed down to today, due to the long history, people can no longer remember the full name of MOOSSY, a Frenchman, only his surname, so later generations named the coffee produced by their own coffee garden after MOOSSY, with the head portrait of the chief's granddaughter as a symbol to commemorate the two pioneers in the history of coffee cultivation in Bang Mei and Shu.

Central Plains Coffee

If we say that the Central Plains coffee has a strong and strong taste, then the highland coffee is elegant and warm.

If we say that Central Plains Coffee focuses on product research and development, then Highland Coffee emphasizes store decoration.

If Central Plains Coffee is the first choice for Vietnamese, then Highland Coffee is favored by tourists.

If Central Plains Coffee has captured the workers and peasants, then Highland Coffee has mastered the middle class.

If we say that the boss of Central Plains Coffee is a local talent, then the head of Highland Coffee is the representative of overseas Chinese.

The history of Central Plains Coffee is not long. Its founder and current general manager, DangLeNguyenVu, is 36 years old. In 1996, he was a 25-year-old medical student. Seeing that coffee is the most potential industry in Vietnam, he founded Zhongyuan Coffee with three friends in Bangmeishu, a coffee producing area in central Vietnam. In addition to hoping to expand Vietnamese coffee to the world. Tong Coffee is also expected to improve the lives of local ethnic minorities (whose name is the Central Plains). Over the past ten years, with the cooperation of weather, geography and people, Zhongyuan Coffee has successfully leapt onto the international stage since 2000. Zhongyuan Coffee has won the Best Product Award in Vietnam for seven consecutive years. At present, Zhongyuan Coffee has 400 chain stores and 1,000 franchise stores in Vietnam. The coffee they produce is also sold to more than 40 countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Japan, Singapore, China, Cambodia and Thailand. He also won the title of ASEAN Best Young Entrepreneur and Vietnam third Class Labor Medal (2004), Greater Vietnam Yellow Star Medal (SaoVangDatViet,2003~2005), Vietnamese Entrepreneur Red Star Medal (DoanhNghiepSaoDo,2002). At the same time, he also extended the successful model of Central Plains Coffee to other fine domestic agricultural products such as Dalat red wine, PhuQuoc fish sauce, BinhThuan dragon fruit, CanTho Royal No. 5 pomelo and so on. In addition, he provides financial assistance to low-income families, martyrs, students in need, entrepreneurial youth, and even dioxin victims in Vietnam. From the desertion of soldiers in medical school at that time to the act of great love and righteousness now, it may also be another manifestation of Deng Li Yuanyu's hanging pot to save the world.

Zhongyuan coffee does not use vacuum packaging, because the vacuum packaging process will make coffee lose part of its aroma, of which the advanced is the so-called "ferret coffee" CAPHECHON, also known as Legendee or CoffeeWeasel. allegedly. In the early days, ferrets in Vietnam liked to pick coffee beans that tasted ripe. Because the ferrets could not digest the coffee beans themselves, they had to excrete them by secreting some special digestive enzymes. The next day, coffee workers would look for complete coffee beans from ferret feces, wash and dry them with cream, and finally produce chocolate-like coffee, which is expensive because of its special "achievement" process and scarce output. Together with Indonesian civet coffee (KopiLuwak), it is regarded as the top coffee in the world.

Now Zhongyuan Coffee specially invites experts from Germany for technical guidance, using a special formula to simulate the digestive enzymes in ferrets, making LegendeeCoffeeWeasel with low caffeine content, so that people can brew the best iced coffee in the world without going through ferret feces, enjoying endless aftertaste. Other special Central Plains coffee is Zhongyuan 4 PremiumCuli, which combines chocolate, tamarind and other aromas, always with a heavy taste; Zhongyuan 9 Passiona is the latest low-caffeine product with the price almost the same as Legendee, but I think it is more suitable for women, especially girls; boxed HouseBlend is the best entry for Zhongyuan coffee. In addition, the G7 (said to be hoping to enter seven major developing country markets, including China) three-in-one instant coffee, taste good.

Unlike the localized Central Plains Coffee, Highland Coffee takes the international route, so it is called the Starbucks of Vietnam: from afar, there are eye-catching signs, outdoor seating is full of different languages, waiters all wear red and black uniforms, deliberately built lantern optical fiber with lazy sofas, the most suitable for people to nest FreeWifi all day. It attracts foreign tourists, business people and modern Miss Saigon, as well as a new ethnic group, the middle class, emerging in Vietnam's economic development.

Saigon coffee

Saigon Coffee Food (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production and sales of "SAGOCAFE" coffee.

Highland coffee

DavidThai, founder of Highland Coffee, was born in South Vietnam in 1972 and emigrated to Seattle at the age of 6. Under the influence of Starbucks' hometown, he decided to return home to start a business at the age of 24. In 1996, he went to Hanoi to study Vietnamese for a year, during which time he also visited Japan, Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries. Two years later, he founded Plateau Coffee, a subsidiary of Yue Thai International Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (VietThaiInternationalJointStockCompany,VTI). At the beginning, he mainly promoted it in major hotels and supermarkets in Vietnam. In 2002, the first Highland Cafe opened opposite the Red Church in Ho Chi Minh City, offering cinnamon coffee that foreign tourists are most familiar with, while its EspressoArabicaSupreme strictly selects 100% Arabica, which is representative of the top taste. In addition to coffee, Highland Coffee also offers a variety of light meals and teas, so it achieved brilliant results in its first year. At present, Highland Coffee has dozens of branches in Vietnam, most of the five-star restaurants, high-end Western food and 3gamer 4 tourists unanimously trust the coffee brand is HighlandsCoffee.

No matter what kind of Vietnamese coffee it is, it has a "resilience" different from Eurasian bourgeois coffee culture, and this toughness comes from its constant "mixed race". From the beginning with France, Vietnamese coffee has continued to "mix", even now is still mixed, such as VINACAFE launched a Korean red ginseng flavor of four-in-one instant coffee, well received. However, I have also heard that some Taiwanese have taught Vietnamese to add monosodium glutamate to their coffee, so this kind of desktop mixed-race taste is more difficult to imagine, at least it is not good for health.

7 Coffee culture

Drinking coffee is a daily habit of Vietnamese. Vietnamese cafes are very common, not high-spending places, and ordinary coffee is only a few yuan RMB. Vietnamese coffee is not brewed in a coffee pot, but a special dripping coffee cup, followed by an old-fashioned printed glass, drop by drop to pass the time. When making, put the dripping cup on the cup holder below, put coffee powder in the drip, press a piece of metal with holes, and then brew it with hot water to let the coffee drip into the cup. When making hot coffee, keep the cup warm in a large bowl filled with boiling water, because it may take ten minutes to finish a cup of coffee, and the hot coffee will cool off. Some people like to add a layer of very sweet condensed milk under the cup, wait for the coffee to drop into the cup, and then mix black coffee with white condensed milk to drink, which is extremely sweet. Ice is fine.

The practice of this kind of coffee seems to be found only in Vietnam, and I am afraid that only gentle Vietnamese have such a good temper to wait patiently for a cup of coffee to finish, and then drink it slowly. Even if you pick up coffee on the street by the side of the road, it is the same production procedure and is not ambiguous.

There are so many cafes in Vietnam that people have the urge to open one right away. There are five or six cafes on a small street. The cafes in each city are very different and have their own temperament.

Hanoi's Huanjian Lake is a gathering area of backpackers, surrounded by a lot of beautiful CAFE, with a balcony overlooking the night of Huanjian Lake. The cafes that locals like to patronize usually have a small face. the room is a long, deep strip, with curtains at the door, tables and chairs are short, coffee is very cheap, and a cup of black coffee costs only 5000 guilders. The cafe specially prepared for foreign tourists is different. It is more westernized and the storefront is specially decorated. The price is more than double, but it is still very cheap compared with domestic cafes. Some cafes are opened in a century-old house, where everything is made of wood, with beautiful floors, stairs and tables. You can sit outside and enjoy the street view in the sun, with pink roses on the table. Although such a store knows full well that it costs twice as much, everyone competes to sit there and write postcards and diaries, and no one wants to leave.

The cafes in Saigon are completely different. The tables and chairs face the street, or the house is surrounded by windows extending in all directions. The space is open. The atmosphere in the cafe also seems free and erosive, the coffee is still the same, but the guests all have their own feelings.

8 drinking method

The leaking cup is made of stainless steel and aluminum, and the taste of stainless steel is not as good as that of aluminum, but the aluminum is easy to deform. It is said that the effect made of aluminum-silver alloy will be better, it is not easy to deform and can guarantee a certain expansibility. The coffee filtered out will taste better. Many people may not notice that this kind of coffee belongs to the most civilian coffee in the alley, that is, the coffee powder is wrapped in gauze and boiled in the pot, then scooped out of the pot and served with ice and condensed milk. If it is black coffee, generally do not give you straws, if there is condensed milk will give you straws-asked a lot of people do not know why, only said that it has been so before.

It takes seven minutes to make an authentic cup of iced Vietnamese coffee. The required materials are: medium-sized coffee powder (to avoid leaving too much waste when dripping), dripping pot, condensed milk, ice cubes (be sure to be big enough, as coffee can only give out the best flavor under the alternating action of hot and cold first), a high and a low transparent glass (for the fun of watching dripping), 96cm 100 ℃ of hot water.

The bubble method is as follows:

1. First pour 3-4 teaspoons condensed milk into a short glass, then place the drip pot on top of the glass, then add 3 small teaspoons of coffee powder (1 ∕ 6 pot height), gently shake the pot so that the coffee powder is evenly distributed.

2. Gently put down the sieve and inject a small amount of hot water (friends who are familiar with coffee know that this is called boredom). Wait about 30 seconds for the coffee powder to fully absorb and expand, when the coffee has begun to leak.

3. Press the sieve down (not too tight or too loose), pour in 5 or 6 minutes of hot water, and close the lid. Ideally, coffee would be dripped within 5 or 6 minutes at a rate of 65 drops of ∕ per minute. This process is critical, too fast or too slow, indicating that the gouache ratio, sieve feeding, or the temperature of the water is problematic, which can lead to too light, bitter, or early cooling.

4. Fill the tall transparent glass with ice cubes, then fill the lid of the drip pot with the drip pot (coffee won't drip everywhere), stir the coffee in the short glass with condensed milk, pour it into a large glass, and wait another 30 seconds for the coffee, condensed milk and ice to blend thoroughly.

Another method is cold soaking, which is said to release 90% of the aroma and caffeine, 2 to 3 times the concentration of regular coffee, but only about 15% of the original oil, acidity and bitterness. We have not tried it, but we will only provide you with the following advice:

Find a covered glass or container, put into a volume of 1 beat 3 or 1 hand 4 coffee powder, pour into cold water at room temperature, the ratio of water to coffee at 4:1, stir well, prevent and cure at room temperature for 3-4 hours (also can be put overnight), then use a filter to pour the coffee into another cup, back and forth 2-3 times, and there is no residue, put in the refrigerator, drink, add ice, condensed milk dilution.