Coffee review

Latte, latte, coffee, latte, latte, latte.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chocolate syrup made by latte: 165g of fine sugar, 110g of sugar-free cocoa powder, 125g of water, 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence (5ML), 1 pinch of salt (less than 1amp 8 tablespoons) (reference quantity: about 310ML) 1. Pour the fine sugar into the milk pan / pan, add salt and sifted cocoa powder 2. Slowly pour in clean water and keep stirring with an egg beater (just stir, don't be like

The process of making chocolate syrup for lattes:

165g of fine sugar, 110g of sugar-free cocoa powder, 125g of water, 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence (5ML), 1 pinch of salt (less than 1x8 tablespoons) (reference: about 310ML)

1. Pour the fine sugar into the milk pan / pan, add salt and sifted cocoa powder

two。 Slowly pour in water and keep stirring with an egg beater while pouring (just stir, don't beat like eggs)

3. Sit the pot on the stove, heat it over medium heat and keep stirring until it boils. In the process of heating, the sugar melts and the mixture thinns. Heat for about 3 minutes. After boiling, turn to low heat and stir slowly.

4. After cooking, add vanilla essence, pour into a clean container, uncovered to cool. After cooling, seal and store in the refrigerator. It can be preserved for 2 weeks.

5. First, 60ML espresso is made with an Italian coffee machine.

6. Add chocolate syrup and caramel syrup to the coffee cup, pour in the brewed espresso, and stir once.

7. The milk foamed with a steam pipe. Pour the foam on the espresso

8. Put the whipped cream into a framed flower bag and squeeze it on the coffee with a star-shaped beak as a decoration. Then squeeze chocolate syrup and sprinkle with cocoa powder as garnish.

From a gourmet hero.