Coffee review

The method of making mocha coffee how to make mocha? How to make mocha mocha

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The accompaniment tells you that no matter how mocha coffee is made, there is no shortage of chocolate sauce, milk and foam. In addition to these three, we can also mix mocha coffee with other excipients to form different mochas, such as adding cream, syrup and so on. Cocoa powder is added to the mocha production method we are going to talk about today. The method of making mocha coffee: 1.

The accompaniment tells you that no matter how mocha coffee is made, there is no shortage of chocolate sauce, milk and foam. In addition to these three, we can also mix mocha coffee with other excipients to form different mochas, such as adding cream, syrup and so on. Cocoa powder is added to the mocha production method we are going to talk about today.

The method of making mocha coffee:

1. Pour the right amount of chocolate sauce into the coffee cup, then put the cup down to brew under the coffee machine to make espresso (Espresso).

2. after the coffee is made, sprinkle an appropriate amount of cocoa powder into the coffee cup with a wine dispenser, and the cocoa powder will float on the surface of the coffee liquid.

3. Foaming milk, the foaming requirement of milk is the same as that of latte, that is to say, the thickness of milk foam should not exceed 1 cm.

4. Pour the foamed milk into the coffee cup by making latte. Of course, you can also pull flowers here, such as leaves.

5. The production of mocha coffee is complete.

This mocha coffee production method, mixed with cocoa powder, will make the coffee more fragrant, and because the mocha coffee is mixed with cocoa powder, the color of the coffee will be darker than the original, and the milk will be whiter. The white of the milk contrasts with the black of the coffee, and the coffee is more beautiful.

At this point, Chen Lei will share the fourth method of making mocha coffee with his friends. In the future, there will be a new method of making mocha coffee. Chen Lei will continue to share it with his friends.