Coffee review

Civet boutique coffee introduction civet coffee unique quality civet coffee acidity civet

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak), native to Indonesia. It is one of the most expensive coffee in the world, with a price of several hundred dollars per pound. It is extracted from the feces of the civet and processed. The civet eats the ripe coffee fruit and is excreted through the digestive system. After it is fermented through the stomach, the coffee produced has a special taste and has become a hot spot in the international market.

Civet coffee (cat poop coffee), produced in Indonesia. It is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with a price of several hundred dollars per pound. It is extracted from the feces of the civet cat and processed. The civet eats the ripe coffee fruit. After being excreted by the digestive system, due to the fermentation of the stomach, the coffee produced has a special taste and becomes a hot commodity in the international market.

Cat poop coffee, Indonesia. In the early 18th century, the Dutch established coffee plantations in the Indonesian colonies of Sumatra and Java, and prohibited the locals from picking and eating their own coffee fruits. Indonesian locals accidentally discovered that civets love to eat these coffee fruits and will expel the beans intact when they defecate.

Cat poop coffee is produced from the feces of Indonesian coconut cats (a civet cat), so it is called "cat poop coffee". This kind of animal mainly feeds on coffee beans. After fermentation in coconut cat stomach, protein is destroyed, short peptides and more free amino acids are produced, the bitter taste of coffee will be reduced, and the feces discharged will be the main raw material. Since coffee beans cannot be digested, they will be excreted. After washing and baking, they become cat feces coffee. Coffee critic Chris Rubin said,"The bouquet is so rich and intense, and the coffee is incredibly rich, almost syrupy. The thickness and chocolaty texture of it, and lingering on the tongue for a long time, pure aftertaste."

In the coffee industry, cat poop coffee is widely regarded as a novelty product. The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) says "the consensus in the industry is that it tastes bad." SCAA quoted a coffee expert as saying: "Obviously, the selling point of cat poop coffee lies in its story rather than its quality. Cat poop coffee scored two points lower than the lowest score of the other three coffees on SCAA criteria. Presumably the cat poop coffee processing reduces the acidity and flavor of the premium coffee and makes it more bland. Of course, many people seem to see this bland taste as a plus for this coffee."