Coffee review

Indonesia Mantenin Fine Coffee cooked Bean Sumatra imported Mantenin Pure Black Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Black coffee is black coffee, nothing, also known as pure coffee, taste sour, most people do not like it. White coffee is coffee with milk (pure) or sugar, or both. Only adding fresh pure milk will remove the astringency of black coffee and increase the mellow flavor. But it won't be very sweet. If you want sweet coffee, you still need sugar. Black coffee is not added.

Black coffee is black coffee, nothing, also known as pure coffee, taste sour, most people do not like it.

White coffee is coffee with milk (pure) or sugar, or both.

Only adding fresh pure milk will remove the astringency of black coffee and increase the mellow flavor. But it won't be very sweet. If you want sweet coffee, you still need sugar.

Black coffee is a kind of coffee without any modification, it combines the characteristics of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, primitive and rugged, profound and intriguing.

Black coffee emphasizes the aroma of coffee itself, which is the life of coffee quality and can best represent the coffee production process and roasting technology. The climate, variety, harvest and storage conditions of the place of production, and the baking technology of the consuming country are all conditions that determine the aroma of coffee beans. Bitter is the basic taste of black coffee, there is a difference between strength and texture, raw beans contain only a very small amount of bitter ingredients, followed by baked sugar, part of starch, fiber caramelization and carbonization, to produce the most symbolic bitterness of coffee. Black coffee also has a sour taste, and proper heat can produce a moderate sour taste, which can make the coffee taste better and make people feel more deep. The sweetness of black coffee is closely related to the bitter taste, so the refreshing black coffee must have a sweet taste.

Coffee beans are the raw materials of black coffee, there are hundreds of kinds, and the price varies according to the variety, origin and grade. At present, we are more familiar with Blue Mountain, Italy, Mantenin, Brazil, charcoal roast and other kinds, most of which are roasted cooked beans. Due to different producing areas, the characteristics of coffee beans are also different, some of the color is dark, the degree of baking is higher, the taste is thicker; some are lighter in color and slightly lighter in taste. The expert candidate for coffee is to grab a handful of coffee beans to see whether the color of each bean is the same and whether the particles are similar in size and shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy products disguised as mixed beans. In addition, if the baked beans out of oil, it has gone bad, not only reduced aroma, but also astringent and sour taste.

The most famous coffee producers in Asia are the islands of Malaysia: Sumatra, Java and Kaliman. Sumatra Manning coffee from the Indonesian island of Sumatra is the most famous.

Mantenin coffee is produced in Lake dopa in Sumatra Province and Lake Tawa in Aceh. This is the famous "Shuangman of the two lakes". What the Shuangman of the two lakes have in common is that they are both thick and mellow. the difference is that the mantenin of Lake dopa is more stuffy, low and even has the smell of immortal grass, while Mantenin of Lake Tawa is more acidic, sometimes with a smell of cedar or wood.

During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II, a Japanese soldier drank mellow coffee in a cafe, so he asked the shopkeeper the name of the coffee, and the boss mistook him for asking where you were from, so he replied: Mandaining. After the war, the Japanese soldiers recalled the "manning" they had drunk in Indonesia. As a result, 15 tons of Indonesian coffee was transported to Japan, which was very popular. That's how Manning's name came out.