Coffee review

How to use ice drip pot how to use ice drop pot to make ice drop coffee ice drop coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Curling kettle features: it takes a long time to extract coffee, shop to drink this coffee should be booked in advance, hot drink can be slightly heated. Ice brewed coffee, also known as ice drop coffee, is the biggest difference from the above four, that is, instead of using hot water, ice water produced by slowly melting ice is dripped slowly through a filter containing coffee dust. Therefore, it takes a long time and cost to make a cup of iced coffee.

ice drip pot

Features: It takes a long time to extract coffee, the store drinks this coffee in advance to order, hot drinks can be heated slightly. Iced coffee, also known as iced coffee, differs from the four above in that it does not use hot water, but ice water produced by the slow melting of ice cubes, slowly dripping through a filter containing coffee grounds. So making a cup of iced coffee takes a long time and costs a lot, but it tastes great.

1. Add coffee powder to the dripper, press gently and cover with filter paper.

2. Add proper amount of water to the seat and adjust the dripping speed evenly.

3. Cover and wait 3-4 minutes before drinking coffee to your liking.