Coffee review

Introduction of boutique coffee bean manor-- introduction of Nicaraguan boutique coffee from Nicaragua coffee producing area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The excellent Nicaraguan coffee is among the highest in the world, it is mild and delicious, moderate granule, very fragrant. In many countries, coffee production has been seriously affected for political reasons. Nicaraguan coffee industry is no exception. The 1979 revolution forced coffee planters to flee to Miami. It was followed by a period of uncertainty, and the government considered whether to re-divide it.

The excellent Nicaraguan coffee is among the highest in the world, it is mild and delicious, moderate granule, very fragrant. In many countries, coffee production has been seriously affected for political reasons. Nicaraguan coffee industry is no exception. The 1979 revolution forced coffee planters to flee to Miami. A period of uncertainty followed, when the government considered whether to redistribute land, including many plantations, which led to a shortage of coffee and a decline in production, from more than 1 million bags in the early 1970s to less than 600000 bags in 1990.

Now the government has opened up the coffee industry and private owners have taken control of the market. The best Nicaraguan coffee is grown in the north and middle of the country, and the best coffee is produced in Jinotega and Nuevo Segovia in Matagalpa.

The finest Nicaraguan coffee is classified as Middle Estrich Tamant Altura (Central Estrictamendte Altura) coffee, which has moderate acidity, delicious aroma and is very lovable. Coffee beans of poor quality are widely used to mix coffee.